
GOD: I give you S-class stealing, and you use it to steal from me?

It is a fantasy MMO novel. The protagonist accidentally receives the S-class stealing ability given by God, but decides to steal from God. Guided by the rebirth and return, he befriends a group of like-minded partners and embarks on a journey to find God. After a fierce battle, they discover the secret of God and successfully destroy God's core, dissipating God's power and revealing the truth that God is not omnipotent.

Daoisto7TQwQ · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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61 Chs

Chapter 15: 1.4 Million Bet! Sorting Out the Wolves

Toxicity Spread.



Every second, the Coyote's blood dropped steadily!

Even though it had a high blood level of nearly 500 points.

It wouldn't last more than a minute!

The wild wolf felt the pain and charged at him.

Relying on his high agility, Chen Ming easily twisted his head to avoid it.

He stepped with a deft pace.

Weaving in and out of the wolves.

Killing the next wild wolf.

A wild wolf stabbed him with a knife.

After stabbing, he ran.

He was already quite skilled in this way of brushing monsters.

Soon, he dragged a whole bunch of wild wolves after him.


Inside the live broadcast room.

When they saw Chen Ming being chased by a pack of wild wolves, they scattered and ran wildly.

Everyone was confused.

What was Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup doing?

Being chased by a pack of wild wolves and howling?

This and the handsome back at the beginning of this ...

The contrast was also too great!

Seeing Chen Ming being forced to panic by the wild wolves.

He could only hold his head and run away.

The live broadcast room exploded.

"This is the big brother who's going to single-handedly challenge the Beast Tide?"

"Nima, handsome, but not for three seconds!"

"I'm convinced that Big Brother's compulsion fell too quickly."

"Although your back was pretty when you rushed towards the Beast Tide, the way you were chased by the wild wolves was really pathetic."

"Even the big brother of White Jade Soup, who has stolen the screen twice in this world, is still a younger brother in front of the Beast Tide!"

"Everyone is equal before the Beast Tide!"

"The White Jade Soup Big Brother can't beat the Elite Coyote!"

Everyone was flirting madly.


Inside the Novice Village.

Ling Xue covered her face and couldn't bear to watch any longer.

In her mind, she was furiously spitting at Chen Ming!

Where was the good one who was beating up the beasts?

This was also too much beating!

Even if it was a little more handsome, killing a dozen or two dozen wolves before dying ...

wouldn't that be much better than now?

"Damn it!"

"My Ling Xue's reputation is completely destroyed in the hands of this pearl emerald white jade soup!"

"Being betrayed by him, I'll be laughed at by my sister for who knows how long!"

She stomped her feet in anger.

Suddenly, Ling Yue's mouth opened.

She looked suspiciously at the figure jumping up and down in the distant wolf pack.

"Ling Xue, this Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup ... seems to be a bit strong!"

Ling Xue thought that her sister was being conspiratorial and didn't even dare to raise her head.

But Ling Yue continued.

"Look, he has been surrounded by wild wolves for more than ten seconds, and he is still alive!"

"Another Blood Bull Knight would have collapsed in two or three seconds!"

Ling Xue froze.


How could White Jade Soup go in for so long ...

and still didn't die?

She looked up.

The densely packed wolves Zheng

could vaguely see Bai Yu Tang's figure.

Although it was not very clear to see.

But it was certain.

He had actually survived!

"How did he ... do that?" Ling Xue's beautiful eyes rounded. "Could it be that his armor, qi, and blood are even higher than our knights?"

"But isn't he a thief?"

Ling Yue gave her sister a helpless look, "What are you thinking? A thief's qi and blood defenses definitely aren't higher than a knight's."

Ling Xue was confused, "Then how did Big Brother White Jade Soup do it?"

Ling Yue thought for a moment, "I guess ... it should be that he works very well!"

"The profession of a thief is originally a dance on the tip of a knife."

"Not an expert, easily dare not touch this profession."

"Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup dared to choose this profession, and now can still play so, I think ..."

"He works, quite top notch!"

Ling Xue froze.

Then she vigorously chicken-pecked her head.

"Right, right, right!"

"I knew it, Big Brother Bai Yu Tang is very strong!"

"The extra, extra strong kind!!!"

Blow at Big Brother White Jade Soup a little harder.

She wouldn't have to lose face.

Ling Yue gave her excited sister a suspicious look, "Why are you so excited?"

"Could it be that you really like that guy?"

"Ah yes yes yes ... ah, no no no no!" Ling Xue almost didn't react and hurriedly waved her hand, her pretty face flushed, "I'm just echoing your sister's words!"

Ling Yue looked up and down at Ling Xue once before withdrawing her gaze.

"Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup, if we can continue to attract monsters ..."

"We actually have a chance to turn the game around."

"He draws the monsters, we issue."

"Even if the damage is a little lower, we can still kill those Elite Coyotes."

They heard Ling Yue say this.

Many players reacted.

"Right! Isn't it okay if Big Brother White Jade Soup pulls the monsters and we make up the power?"

"As long as Big Brother White Jade Soup is able to attract hatred, it's only a matter of time before we exterminate this group of wild wolves!"

"Damn, Big Brother White Jade Soup is awesome!"

"Brothers, we are saved!!!"

Originally, everyone had given up on the Lin Resistance.

But at that moment.

Their morale skyrocketed again!

With Big Brother White Jade Soup around, there was still hope for them!

Ling Yue opened the chat box and invited Chen Ming into the Novice Village channel.

"@Pearl Jade White Jade Soup."

"Big Brother White Jade Soup, please pull the monsters to the Novice Village side."

"Let's adjust the output."

"Help you clear the monsters!"

After a few words.

The players of the entire novice village were ready to receive the Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup Great Collapse.


What they did not know was.

After Chen Ming saw this message.

He almost didn't break out in curses.

I poisoned the old half of the monster, pulling over to you guys to collect the end of the knife, feeding you head points experience?

I've had enough!

Chen Ming ignored it.

In fact, it turned its head and ran in the opposite direction of the novice village!

Pulling the beast tide farther and farther away.


Inside the novice village.

The players already had their weapons in their hands, ready for a big fight.

But when they saw the Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup Big Brother, they suddenly turned their heads.

Run into the distance.

The pack of wild wolves behind them also took off.

They were completely ...


"What is this situation?!"

"How did Big Brother White Jade Soup run away backwards?"

"President Ling Yue, what should we do now?"

Everyone was confused.

Ling Yue was also frozen.

She couldn't figure out why Pearl Jade White Jade Soup's Big Brother suddenly turned his head and ran away.

She thought it was because Chen Ming hadn't seen him.

Then she asked once again.

"@Pearl Jadeite White Jade Soup, Big Brother, please pull the monsters to our side so that we can match your power!"

This time, Ling Yue swiped four or five messages in a row.

It was impossible not to see them, right?

Chen Ming was a bit annoyed by this rapist's swiping.

Finally, he replied.

Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup: "I've been killing monsters for so long that I stop to give you a tailblade and give you some experience and siege points?"

"You really think I'm stupid!"

"@Clear Wind Range Moon, stop it, just lie down and wait for me!"

Ling Yue was confused.

What do you mean by killing monsters for so long?

What do you mean, let us share the experience and eat the siege points?

We really want to help you, okay!

But what made Ling Yue angry the most was the last sentence ...

Let her obediently lie down and wait for him?

What does that mean?

Mouth mooching?

Seeing this sentence.

The entire novice village players fell silent.

Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup Big Brother this sentence ...

A little sense ah!


Ling Yue was an ordinary strong woman.

In every game she played, she was a top expert.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have founded a top ten guild like Snow Moon.

On weekdays, it's always her who leads a group of disciples to fight in the north and south.

She's a goddess-level character who makes others fall to their knees and shout 666.

But today she was greeted by Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup like this!

"A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!"

"A dog bites Lü Dongbin and doesn't know what's good for it!"

"I want to see what you can do to kill those elite wild wolves!"

"After I blow up your cow skin, I'll see how you end up!"

Ling Yue huffed.

Ling Xue shrugged her shoulders on the side and didn't dare to comfort her sister.

Heart Busy Bad Bad Bad ...

What my sister hated the most was being despised by others in the game.

Even more, she hated it when others took advantage of her by being oily.

The more Ling Yue thought about it, the angrier she became.

Vicious said.

"If he can kill those elite wild wolves."

"I, Ling Yue, will give him another 5 gold coins!"

"Plus what was promised earlier."

"A total of 10 gold coins!"

"That's 1.4 million Rmb!"

"Isn't he very capable of frittering it away?"

"I want to see if he has the ability to take that 1.4 million!"

"If he can't kill ..."


"Just wait to be humiliated in front of all the players!"

With that, she opened the live room settings.

Changed the room name.

Then she adjusted the in-game camera and pointed it at Chen Ming in the distance.

Then she took out fifty thousand dollars and swiped out a large gift for Snow Moon's lobby.

After this gift was swiped ...

All the players who mingled in the major live broadcast rooms and forums of the game Honor saw Snow Moon's room name ....

"One to pick on the elite wild wolf pack!"