
Chapter 11

Velor gave a jade and gold tablet to Aeger and left, leaving Aeger musing. He was honestly considering joining a sect. He always heard in the heavens about stories of action and romance in these sects, and they sure sounded like a lot of fun. He dismissed his thoughts and kept looking at the scraps that the vendors were selling.

Finally, he came upon a middle-aged man who was selling broken, and rusty weapons. Aeger was honestly surprised. Weapons in the mortal world were split into normal, spiritual, and divine weapons, with each divided into low, medium, high, and peak stages. A normal weapon could become a spiritual weapon if it was of good material, had a lot of energy, and required the soul of a beast to give the weapon intelligence. Divine weapons were weapons made by Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths, in the heavens. Weapons discarded by him were thrown here, and the mortals called them divine weapons.

What Aeger chanced upon here was a low-grade spiritual sword that had the potential to evolve into a medium level spiritual weapon. These would go for at least ten thousand gold coins in an auction if anyone was stupid enough to sell. These weapons were so precious that small sects' sect protective treasures were only of this level. But, as the weapon was covered in rust, blood and was severely damaged.

He picked it up, weighed it. It was a bit heavy for his taste but it would make do. He asked the vendor how much. The vendor grinned and said, "One gold coin sir".

Aeger's eyebrows raised. "One gold coin? I'm pretty sure scrap like this would go for a copper or a silver."

"Sir, I'm pretty sure you know how much this is worth."

Aeger reevaluated this vendor. There was nothing special about him. He asked the air around him and it told him that the vendor was just a normal man. But then Aeger looked at the man's stomach and saw it, a scar from a stab. He was a crippled man, which explained why Aeger could not sense any energy from him.

"Well, who are you? Selling your past weapons, are you in that desperate a situation?"