
Chapter 42 Battle of pride G*

As I looked around I noticed most of the people here were not strong. Most of the residents of this kingdom only took pride in themselves thinking they were the best. But if you looked at all the things around it was obviously much worse than other places. 

I thought it would be easy to let them be and not make a single change here but if it stays like this they will remain forever mediocre and will not become strong. They will only have a strong mind.

"Apael go east Ren go west. I will take the north. If possible try to leave the leaders in charge so we can get some answers." With that we all split off toward the directions we needed to secure.

                     Ren POV

I wanted to prove my worth and finally stretch my muscles after being inactive for so long. Inspecting my cane I started to smile. The skull on my cane was my very first kill. It was the skull of a giant that feasted on planets like they were grapes. Using magic my mother shrunk it down and made this cane. My legs were weak when I was young.

Mother made it and after I did not need it I kept it since I found it fun to use in combat. It made others believe I was the weakest link allowing me to slaughter them like lambs. As I approached I looked for the weakest human before bringing my cane down smashing his skull.

"Good evening cattle. I am Rendor. Who is in charge of this flock?" It was always euphoric killing the cattle beneath us. The feeling of taking the lives of the unworthy.

"Kill him. He killed the team leader!" One of the soldiers roared before charging towards me.

My face darkend as I started my slaughter bringing my cane down on their limbs to cripple them before ending their lives by stomping on their necks. I can not let Amadea know I accidentally killed the leader. Who could have guessed that the leader was so fragile and weak?

                Apael POV

Grumbling at having my soft girlfriend taken from me when I was so close to tasting her again I wanted to end this quickly. Jumping into battle I pulled out a sword sending my sinergy into the closest enemy stimulating his lust to the max, and sending him into cardiac arrest. "Hurry up and point out your leader so that I can get back to my girlfriend."

"Tell us what you did to the squad leader!" The troops readied their weapons trembling at the sudden death of their captain.

My eyes widened in shock at the blunder I made. Ama is going to be pissed unless my performance is better in the bedroom. I'm going to pull out all the stops. A wide grin formed on my lips as I started culling the rest of the soldiers.

Thinking of all the things I could do to Ama to make her forget about this I entered a trance like state swinging my blade. For every life I took it brought me closer to my romance time with Ama. My mind kept on going to what new things we could try. I never knew she could do that with her tongue. It made me even more excited to take her right at that moment.

Once the last of my enemies was killed I started to head back to regroup with Ama. Maybe we will be able to get back in time to have some fun.

                    Ama POV

As I reached my zone I easily identified but I wanted to confirm my thoughts before attacking recklessly. "Excuse me are you in charge of this crusade against the demons?" I gave my sweetest smile possible to not put him off.

"Tch of course I am in charge. Troops capture her and bring her in for questioning."

Once I got the confirmation I needed I ran and appeared in front of him. The other two should have gotten some one in charge as well so I can freely vent my anger on this one. I pulled out my dagger before jumping on top of him stabbing him multiple times to get rid of all my anger.

After I killed the wimpy human I transformed fully into my dragon form wanting to get real combat experience with it. Maybe try some new food.

Using my claws I was surprised by how they cut through them as if they were butter. The armor on them offered no protection against a casual swipe. When I fought with my mentor and the chaos monsters they never ripped apart easily. It was thrilling. 

Using a blade against foes was nice but using your body to cause massive amounts of damage felt so much better. It brought new ways to torture my enemies and make them despair. Licking my lips I took a bite out of one of their arms enjoying the sweet tender meat along with the juicy blood.

Before I knew it I was munching away on every human. I could see each one tasting slightly different making me even hungrier and wanting to eat more things. Sadly all the humans were gone in no time. Transforming back into my human form I awaited the arrival of Ren and Apael. They should have managed to capture a leader so we could interrogate them.

Ren was the first person to return and spoke softly." Amadea they did not have anyone in charge at my location. I am sorry that I was unable to bring anyone for questioning."

I let out a sigh and patted his head."I understand. We should await for Apael; hopefully she will have some good news." I let out a sigh hoping that she would bring me good news.

"Ama!! All the humans have been dealt with. No one of importance was there to bring back." She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

I should have left him alive but I really wanted to vent. Who would have expected that he was the only one in charge? "Weird that all three teams did not have anyone in charge. Let us head back to our lodging and look into other invasion in the different kingdoms."

"Mama you have gained 30 conquest points for repelling the human attack." Lexi voice made me excited. This is the first time I gained points and dealing with a small group of humans was easy. I just hummed in response since I did not want to let on to the others about her existence yet.

But the biggest question is what should I spend my points on?

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