
Garcia's Attack


1 Month later, Redwater River, Blacksail Fleet.

Garcia Wimbledon, after pondering several times, she still couldn't guess who killed Timothy; she started to feel uneasy. Even if she is strong, Garcia is still afraid of the unknown, just like everybody else.

After drinking a cup of beer and calming herself, Garcia asked Ryan, "... Ryan, don't you feel something off?"

'... Something off?' Ryan asked himself confused.

"After i asked for my spy report that was infiltrated in King's City, she reported that Timothy was in his room when he was killed. In his room in the royal castle." Garcia said seeing Ryan silent.

"Someone powerful enough to enter the royal palace, kill the king and leave without noone noticing... I don't think a witch could be this powerful. Otherwise, the world today would be controlled by witches... So, I think the church assassinated Timothy. Don't you think so, Ryan?" Garcia said to Ryan.

"... Indeed, just like you said; If a witch could assassinate a king without problem, there wouldn't be a single king alive today. So i think the only possible option is the church..." Ryan responded after pondering.

'... The problem is the reason. Why did they kill Timothy to begin with?...' Garcia pondered.

"I think it's better for us to finish off Roland Wimbledon and take the throne as soon as possible." Ryan said to Garcia.

'... If he surrender, i won't kill him... After all, even if he is alive, he won't make problems.' Garcia thought smiling.

"Captain! We are arriving to Border To-" A crew member yelled to Garcia but was interrupted by an explosion.

"What is going on!" Garcia yelled frowning while leaving her room.

But the scene in front of her made her eyes tremble of horror.

There were no visible enemy but the boats were exploding as if God was smashing ants.

Looking to the front, Death. Looking to the sides, Death. Looking behind, Death.

There was nothing around and the nearest town, Border Town, was still 40 li away (5 km).

The battle only lasted 5 minutes and the only boat still floating was Garcia's.

Seeing all the destruction around her, Garcia almost lost her mind, '... What the... FUCK!'


After the Longsong Cannon test, Roland immediately made Anna, Mila and the clones of Cecily construct new cannons. In 1 month they made 9 Longsong Cannons, making the lineup of 10 Longsong Cannons on the wall of the city.

While Roland already knew that Garcia would attack him, he was still surprised with the easy win.

"... Almost a thousand deaths... Garcia has really gone all out huh..." Roland said to himself while reading the report of casualties that Scroll made.

'The Longsong Cannon is really a powerful weapon... the Blacksail Fleet that Garcia made for more then 5 years didn't even lasted for 10 minutes under bombardment.' Roland thought pondering.

'... Now that Garcia is imprisoned while Timothy and Gerald are dead. It means the throne would be mine or Tilly's huh...' he thought.

'... Let's talk with my 'dear' sister...' Roland thought while going to the dungeon below the castle.


After months, the dungeon somewhat changed; Before when Anna was imprisoned, the dungeon was very dark and the stench was very repugnant but now while the dungeon is still dark, it's very bright comparing it to before, with torches every 5 m. The repugnant stench disappeared thanks to Cecily's Clones.

Her training was to create clones everyday and let them do 'useless' jobs, like clear the dungeon or hold Anna and Mila works. While the clones had very different personalities, they still completed the jobs perfectly.

While walking to Garcia's cell, Roland appreciated the witches works.

Standing in front of her cell, Roland said to her, "Garcia, you lost."

Raising her head, Garcia glanced at Roland and said, "Lost? to you? I lost to some strange explosions. You just took the chance and imprisoned me here."

"What makes you think that the 'Strange Explosions' weren't related to me?" Roland asked amused.

"... Because it wouldn't make sense. If you had such powerful allies, why didn't you attacked already? So it only means that it wasn't you that attacked us." Garcia responded seeing no violence on his behavior.

'Well, let's stay like this. It's not like i want to show off or something like that anyway.' Roland thought and said, "... With you imprisoned here and the our elder brothers dead, it means the throne is mine or Tilly's."

"... Who are you." Garcia asked seriously glaring Roland.

"..." Roland was speechless and thought, '... Oh right, the original Roland was a coward with a sense of inferiority towards everyone, especially to his family...'

"... Are you from the Church?" Garcia asked again seriously.

'Church?' Roland thought surprised.

"Pffff the Church! HaHaHa." A blonde woman suddenly appeared from nowhere laughing.

"... Witches huh..." Garcia said glaring the blonde woman.

"... Garcia, there are too many things that you don't know." Roland said while leaving.


Near Longsong Stronghold.

A covered wagon was heading towards Border Town. The driver, a young woman with long black hair tied into a pony tail and golden eyes with a big sword on her side, asked the passengers, "... So, are you four really acquainted with Calista?"

"Indeed, Calista healed my friend legs and told us to go to Border Town." A woman with a bodybuilder body said while pointing towards a young woman.

'... Border Town again...' The driver thought and said,"... Okay."

Hello there, thanks for reading.

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