
Goblin Slayer: Self Insert

I somehow got reincarnated in Goblin Slayer World. At least I got born in the Royal family even if my father is sometimes a dick. Still, it's not all bad. Look out monsters here I come. I will definitely try to better this world by hook or crook. Self Indulgent. Self Insert (SI). Will contain harem later in the story. Lemons are also heavily featured.

Hit1903 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Getting Back

Chapter 7

Getting Back

'I will need to buy a horse for traveling fast' I mused as I reached the guild. Seriously the time wasted in traveling was quite much. A Horse would certainly be a boon. With it, I can do 2-3 quests like this every day. By my estimation, it will cut back the traveling time by at least 80%.

But, the problem is Horses are quite expensive. Moreover, their upkeep is also not cheap. It was the reason why most of the adventures don't have horses.

It took me 1 and a half an hour to reach the Guild. Knowing I wouldn't be able to take another quest, I jogged to the water town to burn some energy. It was also a good way to remain in shape and increase stamina. I took a few breaks in between.

What? You thought I could run for 1 and a half hours, straight? That's adorable.

I can't.

I am still a 14-year-old boy.

Well, this body is still 14 years old.

I have to take a few breaks in between.

I could have used one of my personal spells to make me faster but it only lasts for 2 minutes, as most of the fights are usually over in that amount of time.

For that time, my speed and strength is 2 times my normal speed and strength. The cost is 4% worth of my magical reserves. If I use more magic than I could become even faster, and stronger for a longer time. The highest I have gone is 6 times and it used 24% worth of my magical reserves. More than that, my body starts to get hurt.

I also feel a little sore after using the spell depending on the intensity of the spell. If I regulate my speed to be less than 4 times my own, then I don't feel sore. I suspect that the spell let the person use his full strength and speed. I am talking about the freaky strength which lets the mothers pull out their babies from the wreckage. Once the limit is surpassed, the spell starts to damage the body.

But still, compared to everyone else I am far more powerful. I suspected that I was born with a mutation. Even during my childhood, I was quite powerful. My weight is quite more than it should be and I drown very easily.

I suspected that I was somewhat like Captain America, only a weaker version. I had a large stamina. I could run faster than even some adults. I healed very fast. These were a few things that were the product of this mutation.

This was also the reason that some form of consciousness remained of the previous occupant of the body seeing as how his skull didn't crack open when he fell down from the stars directly on his head at the age of 4.

This mutation played a large role in my life. I was only able to master so many weapons because of that. My healing factor allowed me to go longer frequently and thus I could train for a longer time.

Anyways, in the break that I took from jogging, I cooked the meat jerky. I produced fire for cooking manually which took a little time. I didn't use any spell as I wanted to save it for the warding that I would need to do for my room.

By the time I reached here, the evening has come and gone. The stars were twinkling into the night while 2 moons shone brightly in the sky.

The image of 2 moons in the sky really hit home that this is a fictional world. Even after a decade of arriving here, I expect a single moon in the sky instead of 2 when I look up.

'And what the hell is with that green moon? How the hell can a moon be green' I wondered.

Anyway, when I entered the Guild, it was filled with all the adventurers who came back after doing the quest. They were telling or regaling their story to each other. I tuned them out as I didn't want to hear their lie-filled story. What they tell and what actually happened are totally different things. I zeroed on the receptionist. Thankfully she was still there. It took some time for my turn to come while I waited in the line.

The receptionist at first didn't recognize me due to my helmet although she was clearly surprised when she saw my tag. Like I said she probably thought I was going to die. She gave me the reward money after checking the quest sheet which I had to get signed by the quest giver.

Yeah, many new adventurers were also surprised when they learned that information. The guild also checks on the quest giver to confirm too.

Again this idea was of yours truly. And if for some reason quest giver died or was unavailable then Guild only gives the adventurer money after checking on the village and confirming that the quest is complete. This continues until the adventurer built a little trust in the guild. It was a great way to avoid con adventurers.

And in case, for some reason, the adventurer is unable to get it signed, an inspector could confirm the truth. This helps in getting the truth as no one can lie to an inspector due to their blessings. The client is fined extra if they are lying, for trying to con the Adventurer Guild.

As it was already dark, I took off to my place to crash. Today was quite a big day and I wasn't in any shape to take any new quest. Nor was there any time to do it. Come to think of it I haven't actually rested properly in the last 4 days since I was exiled.

I took off my helmet when I reached the farm.

With a thud, I dropped my armor and my helmet in the trunk after entering the room where I found it just like I left. I wasn't in any position to use any more spells. I was physically exhausted. Still, I preserved and swished the wand to clean my room. It used up a spell to fully clean the room as it was very dirty instead of half a spell it normally uses. All the dust was placed in the corner. Then I picked it up and dropped it from the window.

I then, set up basic protection wards.

It stops anyone to magically spy on me. It also stops anyone with harmful intentions from coming in by zapping them. If the person tries again, then the zapping level increases from low pain to high pain and then death level. It also paralyzes them for 20 hours so I can see who wants to harm me.

The warding spell took 6 spells worth of my magical reserve totaling my spell usage to 22. And that wouldn't last for more than 12 hours. I will need to properly enchant the walls to increase the length of the warding spell. Then again I didn't want my efforts to go waste if for some reason I had to ditch this place.

'I will need to look for a permanent base. Maybe some type of warehouse' I mused tiredly as I walked back to the bed.

By the time I was done with the warding, I was ready to drop at any moment. My eyelids were dropping from exhaustion. I decided to leave the thought of residence for tomorrow.

I was asleep before I even hit the bed.


I opened a pat-re-on account recently. If anyone would like to donate, they could go there and donate. The donation would never be a factor in updating any of my stories. The ID is the same: Hit1903.