
Goblin's Journey Of World Domination

Goblins They are the weakest race just next to a slime, novice adventurers practices against them. But when a Goblin Chief was born, disaster and terror struck in the nearby villages. The city lords would have to send high rank adventurers just to subdue the chief along with the goblin hordes. But, what if, one day, a king was born? It is the mark of revolution, a change that will terrorize gods and demons alike. Powers will shift and those who are at the top became the prey, and those who are in the bottom are now the monster that hunts. _____ Photo not mine but was created by John-Stone-Art, an amazing digital artist! This is your amatuer but not so-nice writer, Teika! I'm not open for suggestion or interested in your rants but I do care about my well-being so stfu if you will just condemn my little work, anyway this is a story you'll probably enjoy, if you like a non-human mc without remorse towards his past kind, humans. I'm just starting and building up the world and characters, so expect the slow updates. Have a fckin' awesome day, y'all.

teika_domain · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - Hatred and Evil Lurks Within (3)

I listened to the reports of my subjects attentively. Right now, the goblin population is at its lowest. It was very dire for the goblin race.

Why? Because, my race is so weak and most of them are driven by instinct and are just mindless monsters.

With our fast reproduction and fertility rate, we shouldn't have fallen to this state. But no chiefs have been born for the past 50 years.

This led to the current state of ours, that even a novice group of adventurers could subdue an entire cave full of goblins numbering around 100-200.

You could say that the goblin race is just a village now with just numbering around thousand, and my title as a king is just a joke if you compare it in human terms.

But, a king is a king after all.

My race is so pitiful, but with me here. The goblin king, I will lead them to path of domination.

I, who live an ordinary and unsatisfied life, will pursue my dream for once. No one will dictate me and I will do what ever I want.

I know for myself, I am not good. I might hide it in the past because I'm afraid of laws, this time, no in this world where might makes you right. Even if I am just a lowly goblin, some low grade monsters that every adventurer could take on.

This time will be different from the past. I will follow my heart so I can die without regrets.

This lowly goblin, will fulfill his heart.

After resolving myself and accepting my identity as the king of the goblin race, I said:

"I, Riezkir Bathory III, takes an oath that I will lead you to the path of prosperity, and destruction and death to our future enemies!"



Silence reigned in the large cave that now I treated as the king's office. Was it too cringe?

"..We will follow you, Your Majesty!"

"Long live, Your Majesty!"



They shouted in great passion and reverence when I declared my oath, it was understandable since we are in a great peril. And my oath certainly gave them a boost in their already stressed life. I'm thrilled.

With the oath, I am their hope and salvation. And with their faith on me, they became my arms and legs.

It is time to move, I ordered and dismissed them.

An ant may be insignificant.

But with thousands, no, millions of it.

They will certainly be an annoyance.

But that's it. An annoyance.

Looking at the hole where I can see the vast plain, I murmured:

The ant steps lightly

gathering crumbs and messy

spills from hungry mouths.

Should they travel the drought

or their efforts are for naught?


[Unknown POV]

The monsters that kept us giving a headache vanished out of nowhere. Our village isn't attacked anymore and no more injured people goes home. No one minded the cause as to why they vanished, what we care about is the village is safe.

It was peaceful and beautiful. No one is hurt, everyone is happy with the current situation.

Been a month the monsters vanished but this feels like a dream, and I am finally going to get married with my fiancee. It will be a very beautiful moment without a worry against the monsters.

Right now, I'm going to the forest outside the village to forage the fruits, the fruits here are sweet and different kinds of it. I am going to prepare it to a juice so my fiancee have something refreshing after he goes home.

Oh wow! The fruits here are bountiful, must be because it's been so long since I've foraged here? So many fruits and look at their colors!

They are fully riped, I sang a song that whatever it comes to my mind:

Oh Mr. fruits~

I'm sorry I need to take your Mrs. fruits~




I was about to go since I've finished foraging but....

I heard rustle from the bushes.

Are they animals? I thought since monsters vanished, usually, I have to hire some adventurers to accompany me in foraging but now that the village is peaceful, I don't have to.

I crouched down, and said in a soft voice; "Come here~, I won't hurt you little guy."

I held out my hand in an attempt to let it guard down but..

I saw a big shadow that covers my whole body, I looked up and was frightened immediately. It...it was a monster....

That was my last thoughts before I blacked out.


I abruptly opened my eyes.


Where am I? No, what....is this..?

I look everywhere else and what greeted my eyesight are women chained up by some crude chains with gags in their mouth, my eyes widened in shock.

I looked at mine and realize I am also in that kind of situation, same as them. With a gag and chains tied to my feet and wrist, preventing me from moving and screaming.

It was scary, where the hell is this? No, who kidnapped us? What do they want from us?

....don't tell me.

As I was starting to overthink the situation we are in, I heard the clanking of a lock. Followed by footsteps, my heart beats faster and fear grew in my, no, in our hearts, I can see fear in their eyes too as the footsteps grew closer and closer.

It felt like we are being tortured just from the footsteps and after what seems to be an hour, we finally saw what they are, and I finally remembered it.


They are the ones who kidnapped us.

The monster in the front stops and as if in sync, the clearly smaller monsters behind the monster also stops. They look organized, like they are an army following the commanders movement.

The monster's eyes are red, it glittered...with lust. I uncontrolably shivered when its predatory gaze landed on me and I was forced to look away.

It was disgusting. I hate it. But I'm also afraid of what was to come.

I closed my eyes and silently prayed for someone to save me.


As tears started to fall out of the corner of my eyes. I heard the monster's voice that made my eyes jump in fright and my heart filled with horror.

"That one. Bring her to me in my chambers and the rest, it doesn't matter who or what order it will be."

My eyes, staring at his fingers pointed at me, I looked past and at my side to see anyone beside me. Unfortunately, there is no one. And when the monster saw what I'm doing, he laughed.

It seemed to the monster that what I'm doing is amusing. So I hurriedly bowed my head and cried at its feet.

Begging it, to let me go.

And just like before, he laughed again, louder though. My desperate plea and attempt are nothing but some sort of entertainment to him.

....sob..sob...Someone, please save me..

In the midst of my cries, I was dragged into the pit of abyss.

With a little hope someone would jump and save me from this pit.

My love, would you save me?

Will you jump into this abyss and rescue me...?


[A/N: The next chapters will be very disturbing, this is the last and final warning.]