
[King of Warriors and the Celestial Thief]

Finally, the time had come for Federick's most awaited day. As his Grandfather shared words with other prestigious people, he watched as people began to leave the large square.

When the large crowd had made slight gains to be able to leave, those close to him stood up. The time had come to move to the expectant Coliseum.

Federick was not only excited to observe an otherworldly colosseum, different from the Roman one but also expectant of the arrogant nicknames of the two warriors.

He had observed the common magical power, belonging to this world. The fireworks were impressive, impossible to perform in an ancient era; the soldiers had an oppressive aura around them.

After a few moments, his Mother, Grandfather, and he, had reached a cleared high ground, in the same building. It had clear, sophisticated, and difficult landing signs painted on it.

"Hey... Will a private helicopter land?" Federick thought with sarcasm and amusement.

But against his expectations, a flying carriage approached his direction; It was not being carried by any creature or coerced by gravity. Masterfully it landed on the signs.

A beautiful carriage appeared before Federick's sight. Painted for the most part with a pure white color, but forming crafted decorations upon it, a navy blue color hovered; Completing itself into a full figure, when counting its golden rims.

"My lord." Saluted the driver of the flying carriage, with a slight wave of his hat. It was a greeting belonging to the code of manners, expressing respect.

[My lord, this is a magical world...] Although the system's sentences contained no emotion, there was a slight affinity for sarcasm.

The three individuals quickly boarded the sophisticated and luxurious carriage; Its interior, also leading with a prodigious aesthetic, was the product of a master craftsman.

Although they flew over the skies, they traveled a short distance to the Colosseum. Where people were seen arriving and lining up from all directions. But they overcame these obstacles immediately.

They quickly settled into an exclusive box, intended only for the royal family and invited VIPs.

An hour passed and dusk was getting closer and closer, when finally all the people settled in their places, to enjoy the show. The Athenian Coliseum originally had a capacity for one hundred and sixty thousand people, but this number was exceeded by the excited people.

Finally, the narrator, Fugin, a muscular dwarf, and star of the coliseum, was introduced. This one was superimposed over the battleground because he had a flying element that allowed him to do so.

"Welcome, honorable people! Today... today we have the honor to allow the Royal Family to stay! A round of applause, please." The elegance of the bespectacled dwarf was to be admired. He maintained an axis of elegance, emotion, and clear eloquence.

Many people applauded with joy; Their excitement was about to boil, as a fight between two of the most prodigious identities of the "Central Martial Association" was approaching.

"My job is to introduce those involved. And who do we have today, the King of Warriors and the Heavenly Thief!". Accompanying his words, a body language he conveyed with prodigious skills.

"Two individuals originating from two different continents. Each maintaining distinctive axes belonging to their respective continent, as well as identities."

"The King of Warriors, who comes from and earned his nickname in the Northern Continent; Characterized by a fierce, fierce and unsophisticated fight, with the sole motivation of ending the lives of his opponents."

"The celestial Thief who comes from the High Continent, keeping the point of his characteristic enigmatic abilities and great power; Being a dark pit, who prepares a mass grave for whoever falls into his hands."

Suddenly, at the moment as Fugin finished his speech, two six-meter doors, in opposite positions, slowly opened with a creaking noise. A noise that fueled a barbaric fire in the spectators.

From each respective door, two individuals emerged, walking in a straight direction, continuously.

Both were men. One was tall, with chiseled but not bulging muscles, with light blond hair. Undressed in an upper garment, exposing his pecs, shoulders, abdomen, and arms. He was wearing a loincloth decorated with precious materials and a tattoo that extended from his chest to his shoulders.

The other maintained a linen shirt, supple pants, and no shoes. With disheveled hair and beard, with a confident smile.

They had introduced themselves respectively the King of Warriors and the Celestial Thief.

The machine that reproduces the events of our history has run out of energy, so there was no fight today... Help to quickly replenish its energy with power stones!

Thank you!

Finger_of_Shivacreators' thoughts