
Glutton of Arcadia

Alex new his life was easy before, but now he is lost in the deepest dungeon in this new world. How will he survive and climb his way back to his friends.

LJjones · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Skills

The fifth birthday was a very important day in every child's life, for me it was my second. In this world, they only celebrated every five years. Which was fine by me this was my second anyway. It was only my two parents that I saw, I don't seem to have any family close that could have come to see me as well. My mother bakes me a cake and I was given a bow for my birthday to use when I'm old enough to hunt. It was so much cooler than the video games I got back home. I never thought that I would be this happy to get a bow or something of the like. the Best part of the birthday had been the bombshell my father dropped on me.

In no small detail, he explained how my new world worked. In an easy, to digest form, a child would understand. So here's the tea, The world I now live in is called Arcadia. Created by the goddess and populated by her creations like the humans, halflings, and beastkin. they created nations and civilisation between themselves with no help from the goddess. Like the novels, I have read before though an outsider came his power matched the goddess. He made his own creatures. The monster, their numbers unimaginable. This is when the goddess created the system. it affects her creations and the monsters the same. but gave every creature of Arcadia the ability the gain power and abilities to fight back against the monster and drop items from an effect called looting.

He told me when I'm ten that we will start to level up and go out on hunting expeditions.

Sitting down on one of the couches, I focused on that message. a screen opened in front of me.

<Aoen (Previously Alex>

<Level 1 EXP 0.00%>

<HP 3> <MP 3> <SP 3>

<Str 1> <Dex 1> <Sta 1> <Con 1> <Int 10>

<Magi Attk 3> <Magi Def 6> <Phy Attk 3> <Phys Def 6>

<Skills> <Skill points : 300>

<Gluttony LVL 1> <Iron Stomach LVL 1> <Earth Magic LVL 1>


<No Titles>

I'm only 5 and I already have three skill, and one of them is a magic skill at that. Hmmm, but what are the other two. Focusing on them they expanded.


Whenever you consume the living flesh of a dead creature, gain 10% per skill level of the creature's stats. Must consume within one hour of the creature's death.

<Iron stomach>

You can now consume any material without any side effects or harm. including monster flesh.

Oh wow, these are serious skills. they seem a bit much for a five-year-old. I presume I have had them since I was born. Eating monster flesh tho, I don't know about that. Anyway, I'm excited about the other one.

<Earth magic>

Expending mana you can create, manipulate and control earth Essenes to create spells.

<level 1 earth spells>

<Harden> <Stone spear>

I already have two spells as well. this life doesn't seem so bad now. I have to start gaining Experience now tho, I'm only level1 and no experience. But that wouldn't be for years. In the meantime, my mother taught me language and arithmetic. The language took me a few years but maths was always one of my strong subjects at school back in my old world. She was very impressed by how quickly I learnt. was hard to tell her I had already leant it. The years passed uneventfully. some things I did was follow my father in his daily workouts trying to make my own body stronger, my stats were very low. I thought maybe every child had stats this low. After the first day of working out doing pushups and jogging, I got a message.

<through diligent exercise you have gained 2 str and 3 Sta>

So it would seem that working out and doing something tied to a stat will increase it. I trained every day. The more I worked out the slower I would increase my stats after a certain threshold. That was my life now tho training and studying. I did this for a few years before the fateful expedition.


Finally!!!! I'm finally ten and my father is agreeing to take me out to hunt, it wasn't monsters but beggars can't be choosers. both my mother and father over the past two years had slowly saved and bought me a set of light leather armour and a quiver of arrows.

<Item gained, Light leather Armour>

<Phy Defense +22> <Magi Defense +5>

My father took me out to the Elane forest about three hours from my home. "Ok lad, Today we are going to hunt some Elane Deer. they normally graze at an area about an hour into the forest." my father explained. So we set out walking as we walked I looked over my system information

<Aoen (Previously Alex)>

<Level 1 EXP 65.50%>

<HP 42> <MP 108> <SP 42>

<Str 21> <Dex 11> <Sta 14> <Con 14> <Int 36>

<Magi Attk 108> <Magi Def 69> <Phy Attk 63> <Phys Def 53>

<Skills> <Skill points : 200>

<Gluttony LVL 1> <Iron Stomach LVL 1> <Earth Magic LVL 2> <Analyse LVL 2>

<Fire magic LVL 4>


<No Titles>

Over the past few years, I have slowly increased my ability by training. I also picked up two new skills First <Fire magic> pretty self-explanatory. It gives me a few spells, < Firebolt LVL 1>, <Fire shield LVL 1> <Heat Metal LVL 1> <Create Bonfire LVL 1>. I levelled Firebolt the most, it's currently LVL 7 and my most powerful spell. The second skill is <Analyse> it lets me see the information of a creature or object depending on the skill level. I used my skill points to gain these as I thought they would be very useful. We came upon the grove that my father talked about. I reader my bow and waited for my father's instructions. Looking out over the grove I saw two types of deer. Activation my Skill on them I learned a bit more

<Elane Deer>

<Level 7 EXP 87.98%>

<HP 108> <MP 24> <SP 135>

<Str 31> <Dex 21> <Sta 45> <Con 36> <Int 8>

<Magi Attk 24> <Magi Def 71> <Phy Attk 93> <Phys Def 99>

<Skills> <Skill points : 140>

<Charge LVL 6> <Nature Magic LVL 1> <Agility LVL 5>

<Elane Elder Deer>

<Level 9 EXP 21.98%>

<HP 307> <MP 75> <SP 276>

<Str 63> <Dex 46> <Sta 92> <Con 89> <Int 25>

<Magi Attk 75> <Magi Def 121> <Phy Attk 189> <Phys Def 323>

<Skills> <Skill points : 380>

<Charge LVL 10> <Nature Magic LVL 7> <Agility LVL 10> <Gore LVL 8> <Longevity LVL 3>

<Life Force LVL 4> <Nimble LVL 2>

My Father spoke up as I was looking over the stats of these deer. " We need to wait for the Elder to leave and pick off a smaller deer. We will wait here for that time," he whispered to me. slowly the sun moved across the sky as we waited for the elder to leave. our patience was rewarded, the Elder eventually moved off towards the east Deeper into the forest. It took a few of the smaller one's with it leaving only two in the grove. " Now we take those two creatures?" I asked turning to my father. He nodded. Drawing on my bowstring, I took aim at the deer's large chest. "now breath out as you fire" my father interjected. with a slow breath, I fired. The arrow flew through the air striking the deer just above its shoulder. Blood spewed from the wound. its scream of pain echoed through the forest. my hand moved on its own notching another arrow, losing it quickly. This time hitting just above the heart. the creature fell in mere seconds.

<Experince Threshold eached>

<Level up>

< you have gained a level, Str +2, Dex +2, Sta +2, Con +2, Int +2.>

<Skills Gained, <Acuracy> <Power shot> >

A system message appeared as I killed the deer. Just as I had hoped a level up. I turned to look at my father, he had killed the other small deer. He winked at me, his smile radiant, he looked proud. We proved out into the grove and collected the small carcasses. My father slung them over his shoulders. his strength showering as his muscles bulged. "Let's leave now before something comes for these things," my father said as he started to walk.