
Glass (BWWM)

Angel_Ace · Sports, voyage et activités
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30 Chs

Chapter 13: Worse

Angel's POV:

Ever since the day Lucky and I made up, I've been happier. I guess my depression is gone. Well.... Uh uh. What's that? Angel you still have depression love. But it's slowly fading. You just gotta admit your feelings for Lucky. But it's hard...what if he doesn't like me back? You never know unless take the risk. I sighed and walked to my next class. I walked in the biology classroom to see Marcus. He looked upset. I walked up to him. "Hey Marcus. What's up?" I asked, as I sat next to him. He sighed. "This girl I was dating a two years back told me she has a child by me." He said. I gasped. "Damn. Is it yours?" I asked. "I don't know. I thought back to when I fucked from how far along she is. And I did fuck her around that time. I also caught her with some guy later on that week so I don't know. Could be his." He said.

"Wow. Have you told Keisha?" I asked. He shook his head. "No. And I'm scared to. I don't want to lose her. She's the best thing to happen to me." He said, as he stared at his home screen. It was of him and Keisha. She was smiling while Marcus held her in his arms. "Who is this girl?" I asked. "Some broad. I-I don't wanna see her but I do wanna know if that's my child." He said. "Well where does she live?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know. They moved away last year." He said. "So why now all of a sudden she tells you this?" I asked. "I don't know. But I do wanna if that's my daughter or not. I'm not gonna be a deadbeat father." He said. I nodded. Class started and I could Marcus was very upset about this. He couldn't even focus on his work.

The bell rung and we went to lunch. He said he wasn't feeling well and that he wanted to go home. I knew he was lying and didn't want to face Keisha. "Marcus you can't avoid telling her this. She'll be pissed." I said. "She's gonna be pissed either way." I said. We walked to the lunch room and found our crew sitting at our table. Marcus froze. "Angel I can't do this." He said. "It's okay. I'll be right there with you love." I said. He blew a breath and we walked in. "Hey baby." Keisha said, as she kissed him. "Hey Angel." Lucky said. I smiled at him. My heart pounded in my chest at him. It grew sooner between us. "Marcus." Kacey said. He looked at her. Kacey gave him a look. "Go on and tell her. Do what. Angel said and get it over with." She said.

"Tell who what?" Meghan asked. "Go on and tell her Marcus." I said. "Tell who what?" Aaliyah asked. "Keisha I have to tell you something." Marcus said, nervously. "Don't tell me your gonna propose?" Keisha said. "What? No!!" He said. "Oh good. Cause I'm too young." She said. "I'm going to tell you..." Marcus trailed. He stuttered a lot about this. "Marcus quit stalling man." Meghan said. "Yeah. Go on and tell her." Kacey said. "Tell me what?" Keisha asked. It was hella awkward. "Bro just say it." Lucky said. "Yeah. Just rip it off quick, like a band aid." I said. Then Marcus said his words fast. "I have a baby by another woman." He said, quickly. We all stared at him. "Rip it slower." I said.

Then he spoke very slowly. "Rip it faster honey." I said. Then he said it. "I may have a child by another woman." He said. Everyone gasped. "Yoo!!!" Trey said. "Bro!!" Meghan said. Keisha stared at him before growling loudly. Everyone in the cafeteria looked at us. "YOU WHAT?! Are you fucking kidding me Marcus?!" She screamed. Glass began to fly everywhere. We all ducked and dodged them. Keisha slapped him. "Keisha there's a possibility it's not my daughter." Marcus said. "A FUCKING DAUGHTER?!" Keisha screamed. She punched him. Trey and I held her back. We dragged her out the cafeteria to the parking lot. "Keisha calm down." I said. "Calm down? My mate has a fucking child by another bitch and you want me to calm down?" She cried.

"Relax. He told me that the girl fucked another nigga besides him too. So it might not be Marcus's at all." I said. She screamed. "Yo calm ya ass down!!!" Trey shouted. Keisha got loose and ran to her car. She got in and sped off. "Well damn." Trey said. I sighed. "Let's just go eat lunch." I said. Me and Trey walked back inside the school. "Where's Keisha?" Aaliyah asked. "Gone." Trey said. I looked at Marcus. The side of his face was red. Keisha slapped him hard. "Look Marcus, just....give her time to cool off." I said. He didn't say anything. He just left. Lucky followed him. I sighed. "Damn. I never seen Keisha act like that." Kacey said. "I have." I said. They looked at me.

"Keisha found out our parents stashed drugs in her bag when she was in sixth grade. She went crazy." I said. "That security guard now knows not to hold down someone whose shorter than him." Trey said, laughing. "That's not funny Trey." I said. "What? One of his testicles still works." He said. I sighed angrily. Lunch ended and we went to PE. Lucky came back but he didn't stay long. Marcus went home and so did Lucky. It was just us. School ended and I never felt so empty. I drove home but Keisha wasn't there. The Magic Council said she was there briefly. She came in all pissed off then left. I told them about Marcus. They understood why she was so mad but Keisha can't stay mad at Marcus forever. She loves him too much.

I waited for her to walk through the door but she never did. Then I got a call from Lucky? "Hello?" I asked. "Angel you gotta come down here!!" He said. "What? No. I'm waiting for Keisha to come home." I said. "She's not coming home." He said. "What? Why not?" I asked, curiously. "Cause her and Marcus got into it and now she's getting arrested." He said. "Shit. Where are y'all?" I asked. "At the movies." He said. I sighed and ran out the house. I transformed into a wolf and ran off towards the city. Oh Keisha. Why can't you control your temper? I transformed and ran around calling out to Lucky. I found him trying to hold back Marcus from someone. I ran over to see some dude.

Marcus was going at his face. Damn. Marcus got hands. I looked closer and saw it was Keisha's ex boyfriend. I tried to pry Marcus off of him but he was too strong. I looked around. There's too many people here for you to use your powers. Hm. I backed up to the doors of the movies. I looked around for Keisha. I saw her sitting in a police car. I ran up to her. "Keisha what the fuck dude? What happened?" I asked. She glared at me. "That nigga over there." She said. I sighed irritably. "You have got to get over this." I said. I turned around to see Kacey, Meghan, and Aaliyah trying to get Marcus off of Keisha's ex boyfriend. He wasn't letting go. Then the Magic Council appeared. Bryan raised his hand and everything around us froze.

"Marcus, look at all this chaos you've caused." He said. Marcus growled. "She started this!!!" He cried. We all looked at Keisha. She stuck her middle finger up at him. "Y'all need to stop." Alma said, as she unlocked Keisha's handcuffs. Keisha got out of the car and began to walk off. Alma grabbed her arm harshly. "Where you going?" She asked. "Home." Keisha said. "No your not. You and Marcus gonna talk this out!!!" She said. "I have nothing to say to him." Keisha said. We heard Marcus whimper. We looked at him. He shook and transformed. He took off into the woods. "Keisha loves you to death. How could do something like this to him?" Lucky asked. "He has a fucking child by another bitch!!!" She screamed. "Again we don't know if that's his daughter or not." Lucky said, angrily.

Keisha snarled and transformed. She ran off down the road and out of sight. I sighed. "Angel can you talk to her?" Meghan asked. I shook my head. "I couldn't get through to her earlier and after this, I don't think I can." I said. Kacey stared at me before giving me a look. Being part psychic, I knew what it meant. I smiled and transformed into a dragon. I flew after Keisha. She's gotta talk to Marcus sometime. I flew around town , following Keisha out to the forest. She was fast but I was faster. I flew above her so she couldn't see me. She came to a cave in the woods. She transformed and ran inside. I flew low and landed. I transformed and snuck inside. It was dark. I lit my hand on fire and walked through the cave. I wanted to call out to Keisha but I wanted to surprise. Then again, the last time I surprised her from behind, she nearly tore my head off.

We saw that move the Descent and ever since we swore not to sneak up behind one another in case that ever happens. I walked around til I came to a well lit portion of the cave. I saw pictures of Marcus and Keisha everywhere. They holding hands, smiling, laughing, kissing, and sitting at the beach. I stared at one. It was of Marcus sleeping with Keisha smiling at the camera. I heard sobbing. I walked towards it and saw Keisha with her knees up to her chest. She was crying. "Keisha?" I called. She looked up at me. "Angel leave." She said. "No. Your upset. I wanna help you." I said. "I don't need help. I need space." She said. I sat down next to her. "Keisha, look. I get that your hurt right now. But like Lucky said, that might not be his kid." I said. "How do you know?" She asked.

I sighed. "Just trust me. Being part Seer, I can see it if you want." I said. She looked at me. "Can you?" She asked, curiously. I nodded. I tried to focus on the vision. I imagined Marcus here. Then as if a miracle, he was. "I'm saying Lucky, what if she-" he paused as he looked around. "The hell?" He said. "You brought him here?!" Keisha cried. It caused Marcus to turn around. "That was an accident." I said. "Angel? Keisha?" Marcus cried. "Hey. Sorry bout that. Didn't meant I teleport you here Marcus." I said, sheepishly. "Send his ass back where he came from." Keisha yelled. "Let me talk to you Keisha!!" Marcus shouted. "No!!!" Keisha screamed, as she covered her ears.

I growled loudly which got both of their attention. "ALRIGHT ENOUGH!!! Keisha, this man is tryna talk to you and work out this situation and all you doing is making it worse. He told you that that child might not be his daughter. I had enough of this shit. Your going to sit down, talk to Marcus, and work this shit out. We're going to go to this woman's house and get answers right now. Cause I am not about sit around the house and hear you whine about missing Marcus when yo ass ain't giving him the time of day." I said. She stared at me. "Marcus, do you have any idea where this bitch lives?" I asked. He stared at me until I snapped my fingers. "Y-Yes." He said. "Okay. We're going to go to her house and clear this shit up." I said. I grabbed them both and teleported us to the girl's house. I read Marcus's mind and found the address.

We walked up to the house. Well, I pulled Marcus and Keisha up to the door. My grip was strong. I made Marcus ring the bell. A minute later, the door opened to reveal a Mexican girl. She stared at me. "Can I help you?" She asked. "Hi, do you remember him?" I asked, motioning to Marcus. She gasped. "Marcus?" She said. He smiled sheepishly. I felt Keisha tense up. "Hi." Marcus said. "Look here-" I cut Keisha off. "Look sweetie, we're just gonna cut to the chase. You told Marcus here he could possibly have a daughter with you. Now he's gonna take DNA test and if it's his, he's gonna be in her life. Now if not, we're gonna bounce." I said. The girl stared me. "Look Cara, let's just do what she says." Marcus said. She nodded and let us in. She took us upstairs to a room. She opened the door and we saw a girl sitting at a small table with dolls around her. She looked up at us.

"Mama, whose this?" She asked. "Um,-" Cara was cut off by Keisha. "Just some company." She said. I glared at her. "Look sweetie. We're gonna take a trip to the doctor." Cara said. The girl began to cry. "No no. I'm scared of the doctor." She said. "Man we don't have time for this." Keisha said, irritably. "You wanna know that's his daughter or not right?" I said. She smacked her teeth and rolled her eyes. We all left for the hospital. It was a silent ride there. The little stared at us the whole time. She played with her dolls. Cara occasionally glanced at us. I read her mind. She was scared for her daughter's safety being around us. She wanted answers from Marcus. Unfortunately for her, we didn't have the time for that. I looked at Marcus. He stared out the window. I read his mind. He just wanted this to be over so he can talk to Keisha. I looked at her.

She was staring at the girl and Cara. I read her mind. She trying to see the resemblance between the girl and Marcus. I sighed. God I hope she's not Marcus's daughter. We pulled up to the hospital and got out. Cara held her daughter close to her. We walked inside and Marcus went up to the front desk. The woman looked at him and gawked. "Oh. H-Hi. Can I help you sir?" She asked, as she slyly undid her buttons. "Uh, yeah. Can we get a doctor out here? It's an emergency." Marcus said. "Uh sure. Would that be all?" She asked. "Oh yeah. Can we get a room?" He asked. He looked down at his phone. He typed something fast then put it away. "Sure thing. Right this way." The lady said. She led us to a room down the hall.

She opens it and we went inside. "Can I get you anything else?" She asked, flirtatiously. Keisha kissed Marcus then looked at the woman. "Yeah. When will the doctor be in? I wanna see if I do have a bundle of joy in me." She said. The lady stared at her. Her face dropped. I could tell she was upset Marcus was taken. She left without a word. We looked at Keisha. "Your pregnant?" Marcus asked. "Nigga no." Keisha said, as she walked away. "Okay look. I wanna know why you're here." Cara said. "Okay." Keisha said, nonchalantly. "Keisha." I warned. "We're here because you told Marcus he could be the father of your child." She said, as she crossed her arms. "Mommy, is that my Daddy?" The little girl asked. "Baby-" Cara was cut off by the door opening. The doctor walked in. "Hello. What seems to be the problem?" He asked.

"Hi. We need a DNA test." I said. He stared at me then looked at everybody else. "For who?" He asked. "Um, him and that little girl." I said. "Coming right up." He said. He left and came back with needles. They caused the little girl to freak out. Cara fussed at her in Spanish. The nurses took blood from both the girl and Marcus. I looked at Keisha. She stayed in the corner of the room. She stared out the window. Tear streamed down her face but she didn't dare make a sound. "Keisha, can I" Marcus was cut off by her. "Look, I know it's not right for me to act this way but I can't help it. I love you Marcus. But if she is your daughter, you can see her. I don't care. I just....." Keisha broke down crying. Marcus consoled her. I felt tapping on my shoulder. I turned around to see Cara. She pulled me to the side.

"Is that why you're here? To see if my daughter is Marcus's? Because she's insecure about this?" She asked. I felt a little offended that she came for my sister. "She's just doesn't want lose HER man to some bitch is all." I said, icily. I said my words with a straight face. The door opened and the doctor walked in. "Okay. Are you ready?" He asked. We nodded. "Well unfortunately son, that's not your daughter." He said. We all sighed. Except Cara. She looked upset but didn't say anything. "Thank you." I so as I grabbed Keisha's hand and pulled her out the room. We walked out the hospital and down to the parking lot. "So Marcus, Keisha, how you feel?" I asked. "Relieved." They both said. "Even though I already know, but why?" I asked. "Cause, if I'm gonna have kids with anyone, it's gonna be Keisha." Marcus said. He wrapped his arms around her.

Keisha blushed. "Bruh get away." She said, playfully. I looked behind me to see Cara staring at us. She shook her head and got in the car. "Angel?" Keisha called. "She's upset." I said. "Who?" Marcus asked. "Cara. She really wanted you to be the father. She really liked you Marcus." I said, as I watched as Cara drove away. "Well I don't. I just had a fling with her. I didn't want any strings attached." He said. "Why not?" I asked. "She's too controlling." He said. I nodded. "Come on. Let's go home." I said. I looked at Keisha. She was happy. Then I had a vision. It was a long vision. It was a Seer vision. I smiled. Keisha was gonna get fucked up after her and Marcus fuck later on today. That was what the look Kacey gave me. They were going to make up....and get down.