
Give Me Love, Darling

Bella Stephanie Davidson initially refused to be paired with the child from her father's business relationship. However, when she found out that the man she was betrothed to was a man she had met at a party 3 years ago, Bella immediately agreed. Bella had fallen in love with the man the first time they met. Bella thought she would have a happy home with this husband she loved so much. But in fact fate said otherwise... In fact, her husband already had a lover long before they were matched. even when they were married, her husband was still in a relationship with his lover. Stefan Alexander. At first he thought this marriage could save his relationship with his lover. But in fact, he was the one who fell. It turns out that Bella is not an ordinary woman that he can just control. can Bella survive? Or is he the one who will be eliminated?

RhanieChans_11 · Urbain
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16 Chs

Chapter 3


Unlike the usual holidays, this time Bella woke up early. Her mind was still fixated on her and Stefan's matchmaking event last night. Everything felt like a dream to him. How could that man? How can the person who will become her future husband be the same man as the person she sometimes still thinks about.

Exactly three years ago, when Bela accompanied his father to a party of one of his business partners, William asked Bella to accompany him to the party because his mother was out of town. Bella, who didn't really like the party atmosphere at that time, which was attended by mostly parents and some young executives, chose to stand in the corner, right next to the cake and drink booth. Then his gaze turned to the figure of a handsome man who was cool to talk with one of the girls whose beauty was the most prominent at the party.

For some reason Bella couldn't take her eyes off him. The way he spoke while holding wine in his right hand was a sight that Bella didn't want to miss a bit. Maybe the man realized that there was a pair of eyes that had not been paying attention to him, the man turned his face to the right, so he looked directly at Bella.

Unexpectedly, Bella smiled politely at him. Bella smiled back and looked down, hiding her red face and suppressing her heart which was beating faster than usual. And from that moment on, Bella couldn't shake off the flashes of what happened at the party.

Every time she closed her eyes to sleep, sometimes the image of the man with the deathly polite smile appeared and made Bella feel like she was almost crazy because she didn't know who he was at all. No one knows, Bella prefers to keep it to herself. He never said this to anyone, neither his mother nor his friends. That man also made Bella never interested in other men. He rejected his older brother named Aldo on the grounds that he was too kind. The reason that made his best friend call him stupid is because it is undeniable that Aldo is one of the Most Wanted men on campus, his body is tall, his skin is white, his face is handsome and he is also famous because his father is a government official. But all that seemed uninteresting to Bella.

Bella was too busy daydreaming, until she didn't realize that all this time, her mother had been standing in front of her bedroom door, which for some time had been in the open position. Sellin watched him with a seductive smile.

"It's still early, don't be daydreaming," said Sellin as he walked over to Bella.

"Who's daydreaming? Bella was just thinking about what to eat today?"

"Tomorrow, Mom and Stevan's mother are going to the WO workshop which will handle your wedding.. What time are you in class tomorrow? Let mommy adjust the time."

"Tomorrow Bella only has one course, maybe around eleven in the afternoon it's over." "

Yes, tomorrow you will go to college with the driver. I'll pick you up at eleven o'clock at the campus. Bring a change of clothes! I don't want to see you wearing that shabby flannel shirt and those furry sneakers you like to wear!"

"Yes ma... Bella knows how. Bella can't possibly embarrass herself in front of her future mother-in-law."

"See, is it true what mom said? You definitely won't be able to resist Stvan's charms."

"Ugh, what are you doing, Mom? I'd better cook in the kitchen. Bella is really hungry, last night she only ate a little."

"Yes, yes, mama go downstairs first. You take a shower, then follow mama to the kitchen, okay?"

"Okay Mom," Bella said with a laugh.


"I'm getting married next month," Bella said, holding back a smile. Silence. Her friends, who had been busy eating pizza and donuts that Bella brought, stopped their activities.

Even Jordi and Dika, who had been fighting over the remaining Oreo topping donuts, were silent. They all suddenly looked at Bella's stomach. As if knowing what her friends were thinking, Bella immediately spoke up.

"I'm not pregnant, maybe I can get pregnant without being poked first." Bella said a little absurd.

"Don't be silly! I never even knew you had a boyfriend, and now you're saying you want to get married? Who do you want to marry? Lee min ho? Song jong ki? Or Kim Taehyung? Just name them all, so we can laugh out loud together." This is what the cursed mouth said, Jordi.

"If I wanted to lie, I couldn't have spent almost half a million to buy you food. I'm serious, I was set up with my parents." said Bella trying to convince.

"Is it still the time to play matchmaking? Is it because you've never been in a relationship that your parents are so worried that you're an old virgin?" Dika's mouth really asked to be gagged with sandals.

"I don't really know. Just so you know... at first I didn't really agree. I didn't even have a plan to run away from home if my parents insisted. But I don't think there's anything wrong with that, I met that guy first. I don't like tar, I will rebel. But it turns out guys," Bella said while sipping the drink in her hand.

"I'm sorry Bell, I'm just surprised. Here we are given J.CO drinks but why are you the only one drinking starbucks, you are a bit disloyal, my friend in my eyes." Dika had been paying attention to the glass in Bella's hand.

"I like it, fortunately, I didn't buy you the marimas flavored with rock sugar," Bella said angrily.

"So how's Bell? Have you met your soul mate?" asked Nagitha curiously.

"Already." Bella said with a cheerful tone, even her cheeks were red.

Her friends who saw Bella's expression also exchanged glances with each other, because this was really out of Bella's habit.

"Continue?" Kiaira was a little fed up with Bella's attitude, who looked like a boy who had just fallen in love.

And after that Bella told everything that she experienced last night, about the matchmaking event and did not forget about the man who would become her future husband, about her meeting three years ago and about herself being charmed by the man's smile at the beginning of the meeting, she told it without any part which was missed a bit.

"So really, next month you're getting married?" Kiara asked still in disbelief.

"Yes, really, what's the point of me lying to you?"

"That's your story, if you make a novel, it can become a best seller, it's really dramatic," said Jordi, biting the last donut in his hand.

"Yeah, I don't know either, I never thought that he would be the one to be matched with me. Oh my God... I feel like I got the jackpot, you know? Is this really a reply from God because all this time I've always put change in change from Indomaret in the charity box next to the entrance? Is this also because I always say "yes" when the cashier asks "can I donate 300 rupiah change?" Bella said at length, ignoring the serious expressions of her friends who were listening to her story.

"I don't want to know, I have to get a bridesmaid dress." Nagitha said enthusiastically.

"Me too Bell ... I've always wanted to wear a tuxedo plus a bow tie," Dika asked no less enthusiastically.

"Are you sure you want to wear a bow tie? Tar is mistaken for a plate lifter," Kiara quipped.

"You're noisy. Yes, calm down, everyone will get, I will prepare the most special clothes for you," Bella said to break the debate.

"So what do you want, Jor?"

"It's up to me, the important thing is that I can eat as much as I want there," said Jordi, not caring. "Oh yes, Bell, as a form of my gratitude, I will send the videos of my collection to you. Just for your first night reference. You can't look amateurish in your husband's eyes, so that your husband loves you, hahahaha." Jordi added teasing Bella.