
Give Him Back

Reborn in Gotham, Ryan is an overprotective older brother who would burn the world for revenge if he is hurt.

Tenzi_Rohana · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs


One thing Ellie could agree was easy was pick pocketing in the streets of Gotham. You would think its citizens would be well hardened by the amount of thievery that happens here, but that would be a misconception. Especially when the pickpocket has various buffs on them, like herself.

'Too easy,' she thought to herself as she liberated a fat wallet from an unsuspecting man. Like magicians, pick pockets rely on misdirection. When the target is not focusing on you and you have the required dexterity and accuracy, no pocket is out of reach. And just like any other teenage girl in Gotham, she disappeared in the sea that's Gotham's public. She heard the man's horrief screamnof help but didn't even change her pace. Keep walking with confidence and nobody will even think of suspecting you.

"Hey, I saw you steal that!" Of course there are some exceptions. People who have been hardened by Gotham's innumerous lessons and have graduated with flying colors. No matter how you hide what you are, they are discernable enough to spot a thief with a glance. Ellie looked at the speaker and saw a middle aged man coming towards her, fuming. This managed to attract everyone's attention, including the victim and two patrolling cops.

So, she dashed off, making sure she wasn't giving it her all otherwise she would just disappear from their eyes. Gotham citizens have learnt from an unfortunate guy not to stop a fleeing criminal, all it had to take was a good samaritan to be stabbed to death. Any way, they parted ways, letting her flee but also letting the two cops and men run after her more easily. But, she was not worried.

She ducked into an alley, a smig smirk on her face. A minute later, the two cops got into the same alley only to see it empty. This puzzled them because there were no fire escapes she would have climbed to escape! The victim and her snitch arrived next and they were just as puzzled and more angrier.

"Mother fucker!" the victim roared in anger and frustrations. "What's with this city and crime! A fucking teenager just did a Batman level disappearing act just now!"

"Sir, you don't have to worry, we will follow through with this," one of the cops tried to pacify him but the victim was too angry.

"That's a fucking lie and we both know it. Don't try and patronize me, you can go get a donut and lie to each other how fulfilling today is," the victim hissed at the cops before kicking a can in frustration. "I have to cancel all of my cards and go to fucking DMV to renew my license, like I haven't got any more shit in my life. If it were up to me, I'ld say shoot all these street urchins and be done with them!" The victim then stormed off, huffing and puffing.

"Is it wrong I was routing for the kid?" one of the cop jokingly asked his partner who just snickered. "Seriously though, where did she go?"

"Must be one of those mutants, like the Flash. Her powers might be teleportation or superspeed," his partner answered. They were both walking out of the alley at the moment.

"Maybe invisibility! God, how I would love having invisibility..." Their conversation drawled out as they walked further and further. Only the man who spotted Ellie was left. He was looking all around, vigilantly.

"I know you're here, you little urchin. Why don't you come out and I'm gonna go easy on you," he shouted.

Unknown to him, Ellie was watching the whole spectacle from above him. Her invisibility came off, exposing her squatting on a horizontal wall like it was vertical. This was one of the buffs she had got when coming into this universe. The powers of Spiderman Miles Morales. Miles was a cut above Peter Parker, the OG Spiderman in that besides the original powers that Spiderman has, he has bioelectric manipulation and invisibility. So, she could lift a weight of almost thirty five tonnes, go as fast as two hundred miles an hour on foot, enhanced senses, supernatural dexterity and the best of it all, spider senses or Peter tingles...yuck!

However, that wasn't enough to give her an edge. She had received the entirety of prime Bomb, One Punchman, martial arts prowess. So, unlike Miles who hadn't had formal training, she could handle herself in a fight just fine. This had brought her control to a whole higher height. The last buff was Sabretooth's powers. Which were honestly diff if not for the claws, regeneration and superior senses compared to someone like Bomb.

"Someone fancies himself a hero, huh?" she laughed as she turned invisible and silently jumped to the other wall while the man turned to where her voice came from.

"Little shit heads like you is what is wrong in Gotham!" the man shouted back. "Why don't you come out instead of hiding in the shadows?" Suddenly, he became rigid in dear as he felt five sharp claws on his neck.

"What do you mean, sir? I've been right here the whole time," she whispered into his ear, making him shiver in fright.

"Pl...Please, don't hurt me," he begeed as he put up his arms in surrender. Ellie scoffed at his sudden change in demeanor but could understand. This was Gotham, anyone can be the psychopath that puts you on a t-shirt. It could be an old woman, a young boy or a performing street mime. So, you have to be flexible and be shameless, least you die a gruesome death.

"Your wallet may go a long way in placating me," she said. The man did not hesitate, too out his wallet and gave it to her.

"Huh!" Ellie exclaimed. Using her superior reflexes, took the wallet before throwing herself for a back wheelcart, dodging a birdarangs heading for her head. She landed gracefully and looked at her attacker who was glaring back at her.

"Aren't you missing school, short stuff?" she chuckled at the annoyed looking Robin.

"You will not get away from me this time, thief. I have come preapred for tou tricks," Robin angrily shouted back as he armed himself with four more birdarangs.

"Bless your tiny heart," Ellie laughed as she just disappeared from Robin's eyes, making him widen his eyes in shock before his eyes sink into the back of his skull and fell, revealing Ellie right behind him. She had given him a neck chop, sending him to lala land immediately. She then searched his utility belt for anything she considered important, but pouted in disappointment.

"Thought you'd carry cash with you like last time, so stingy!" she pouted. This was not the first time she had tangled with boy wonder, the third time actually, with the scores being four zero. "Need to teach you a lesson for next time."

These might be the moments that Batman's over preparedness had come to bite Robin in the ass. She found three permanent marker pens which she used to draw cat features on his face, added cartoonish muscles, abbs and wrote 'Carry more cash like last time' on the cape. With that, she was off, no need to wait for papa bear, Batman. If Robin does not come with cash next time, she would use super glue to make sure his mask does not come out permanently.


"She's good, Mr Bruce," Alfred said as he and Bruce Wayne looked at the footage off Robin confronting his little burglar.

"Well trained. She moves with purpose, dangerous. Like a person who is unbothered by everything else," Bruce answered with narrowed eyes.

Since the first time Dick had come home looking like a kicked puppy, he had been curious. So, he had put a hidden camera on his mask and he had come to know of the reason why. For three weeks, he had been after a burglar all on his own. This burglar, however, always got the jump on him, Jo matter if it was an ambush or not. Dick always got his ass handed to him only to come home and train like a maniac. The funny thing was that she always goes for the neck chop. Though each execution was more different than the last. No matter how much Dick tried, she would always get the upper hand. He wanted to train him more, but somehow knew Dick should get this over with all on his own.

"This might affect him in the upcoming meeting," Alfred spoke up. Bruce knew what he was taking about. Every Leaguer with a side kick were bringing them to DC for an introduction. It always amazed him how Alfred knew him so well.

"She is a good whetstone to sharpen him. By the end, it will do him good getting her all on his own. We might intergrate secret training, but it has to be him that gets her," Bruce told Alfred who just frowned a little in disagreement.

"Looks like Master Grayson is waking up. He must be grumpy after the nap, I'll draw him a bath," Alfred said before walking off.