
Girls Love Series #1: Confession Note

Laine, the music club president who had a trauma on her past and promised herself to never ever date a man again. Rei, a varsity player who needs to join an organization as what their professor told them.

stellaleya · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Strange Feeling

Rei's Point of View

"Your ex?" I repeated also out of shock.

She nodded.

"Y-You're gay too, huh!" I made her smile as if she had already smiled somehow.

She laughed a little.

I took my handkerchief from my pocket and handed it to her.

"Wipe away your tears first, after that tell me what happened to you." I offered her.

"Is it okay?" She nodded and immediately wiped away her tears.

It was then that she began to tell stories. "She didn't really just disappear like a bubble, she has her own reason.

I pouted and asked her, "Do you know what her reason is?"

She nodded, "Mhmm of course, she needs to do that for the silence of us and our parents."

"Hmm, what have your parents got to do with you?" I asked her one more time.

"Intrams when we first met when she played and sang my favorite song which is Make it with you by Ben and Ben. I really fell in love with her voice and that time we were both freshmans as well as Jax and Laine."

Finally somehow and she was smiling as she told the story.

"Wait, can I ask a question first before you continue?" I entered.

"Sure, what's that?" She agreed.

"Does Jax like Laine?" I asked in response.

She laughed very loudly, the whole court seemed to hear because of the strength of his laughter. She was holding her stomach as she turned to me and said,

"J-Jax? Does like Laine? Nothing ah!" She replied while still laughing.

"Why are you laughing? Is there anything funny there?" I giggled.

"There is! They just think of each other as friends. Besides, Laine doesn't entertain anyone but Dan." She said.

"Dan? Who is Dan?" I asked once again.

"She's Laine's ex-boyfriend." She replied.

Is that what Jax is referring to me? So it's true that Laine still loves her ex-boyfriend which is Dan?

"Go on with your story." I insisted.

"By the way, we became friends until we became sophs and she admitted to me that she liked me. We fell inlove with each other but our parents didn't want us for each other." She bowed.

I knew she was crying again because it was obvious from the rasping of her voice.

"I don't know why the love of people like us is blocked and despised by many. We don't trample on people, do we? We don't do anything bad either. But why is it not possible to love your fellow woman? Why is that kind of love being forbidden? " She added while still crying.

"We did anything just to met him each other, our parents even planned to transfer us to other university just to separate the two of us. I don't even get it, all the sacrifices I made just to keep her by my side but she still left me." Gradually she started to cry.

"She left me and didn't even fight for me, after she left I don't know what happened to me. We've been together and fighting for almost four years but she still chose to leave and don't fight for us." I approached her and patted her back, "Stop crying."

She put her head on my shoulder and still continued to cry.

Laine's Point of View

"Let Shane go first, of course she was surprised too." I reassure Bea.

"Am I hurting her too much even though I just arrived? Is this really how I love? Always offensive?"

She blamed herself and tears began to drip from her eyes as well.

"No. You two don't have a problem, it's the people who surrounds you." I added.

"All I thought was when I came back we'd be okay. I thought she'd still accept me but it's wrong and the opposite is happening now, Laine." I made her sit down, "Understand Shane too, what happened to you wasn't easy for her either. Especially when you left her. She almost lost herself because of you leaving her. There's no night that we don't run to them and put her to rest. No night her parents didn't call us and said she was crying again. You don't understand each other so you're confused."

"Shouldn't you have been more like each other then? Shouldn't you have stayed by her side more then? But you chose to leave her in the fight you two entered." I even added.

I couldn't help myself because every time I remember what happened and what Shane went through when Bea left I was also hurt.

"I really want to hug her and apologize to her. Can I just go back to Canada?" She glares at me.

I shook her head and got up from my seat. "You're stupid! Don't you know how to fight? Can't you coax him first?

Sh laughed and approached me. "I'm just kidding! You get angry right away, ah?" Se said with a laugh.

"It's so annoying! Instead of coaxing and fighting for her, you're leaving again!" I'm worried.

"I'm not leaving. So I came back here to prove to Mom and Dad that I can fight for her tothem." She smiled and I smiled too because of what she said.

"That's correct!" I was very happy for Shane but because of that I remembered Dan again and I was sad.

I hope he is too. I hope he also knows how to fight. I hope he can come back and coax me too but I know he won't do that because he preferred his career in the States.

"How are you, Laine? I heard Dan left ..." She shrugged.

"Mhmm." I answered sparingly and just laughed a little.

Rei's Point of View

We went back to the faculty room of the music club and Shane also leaved.

"The list of those who passed the auditions has already been posted ah? Won't you take a look?" Shane's baling at me.

"I was going to go there but I saw you crying, I thought you were robbed of candy." I teased her.

"You're really crazy!" She slapped my arm.

When we got there I immediately ran to their bulletin board, I searched for my name.

Rico, Ajeal Rei.

I smiled at Shane and hugged her but I saw behind her, Laine and Bea coming out?! That was out of the faculty room so I leave Shane.

"Your lover is approaching." I whispered to Shane.

Bea looked at me badly as they approached but I ignored it when Laine approached me.

"Did you see your name?" She smiled at me.

"Yes! I didn't think I could get in but thank you huh?" I'm grateful.

"Don't thank me! We just feel sorry for you." She laughed.

They laughed out loud, "Just a joke!"

"Ah! Ahehehe." I laughed in sarcasm

"Let's eat?" Bea is with us.

She is tall and beautiful too isn't she? But she's not that kind of the girls I usually like. Laine was really my type just like before.

"I just ate." I sparingly answer.

"I didn't asked you." She scolded me.

I held back and shook my hand. I saw that Laine saw that and just laughed at me.

"Chill, you're like kids." Laine teased us.

She squeezed my cheeks with both of her hands.

"You're cute!" I felt the heat and redness of my cheeks.

You're really a jerk.

The two lovebirds were already in the cafeteria and Laine accompanied me to hang out in our faculty room.

"I'm glad Shane and Bea got along!" She smiled at me. She is really nice. And she looks better when she smiles like she smiles now.

"Me too." She hesitated.

"What happened to them?" I added.

"Mhmm. Bea left in the first sem, didn't she? That's because of the problems she and Shane had with their parents. Ever since their parents found out that Bea was dating with Shane, they were shocked and planned to separate the two."She answered.

"Because of Bea's parents, all the people and things connected to Shane are bothered. Even the restaurant where I used to work was filled by them. So Bea left and followed her parents' wishes to study to Canada to keep quiet and her parents to stop as well." She sadly told me.

"The case is that Shane misunderstood what Bea did then. She thought Bea just left her and didn't even try to fight for her."

"But it's different, Bea explained to me earlier why she did that and now she's back to prove to their parents that they can fight for each other." She smiled as she told me the story.

"That's it, that's good." I added.

Gradually sadness replaced the smile on her face.

"But why are you sad now?" I asked her.

"Because I thought of Dan. I hope he's like that too. I hope he comes back for the two of us, I don't stop praying every night that when I wake up he'll be back." She turned to me and smiled.

"I love him so much, I don't know what I'm going to do now that he's no longer by my side." It was as if it had pierced and crushed my heart now. My tears kept dripping from my eyes but I kept holding them back.

She slapped my shoulder, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Of course!" I giggled.

"How's that? We're friends now?" She offers.

I don't want to answer but I have no choice.

"Mhmm." I sparingly answer.

I don't want to be just your friend.

I don't want us to just be friends.

I just met you but I'm so attached to you.

I'm always look for your voice.

I always wanted to see your beautiful face.

Why not just me?


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

stellaleyacreators' thoughts