
Girl undercover

T, a 17 year old mafia leader of the dragons which is the most powerful gang is on a mission to kill the leader of the second most powerful gang. The black devils. Ares is an 18 year old leader of that gang but has the same intention. To eliminate T. What happens when she goes undercover pretending she’s a normal teenage girl, trying to get close to her ultimate enemy. So many possibilities, death, sadness, tragedy and the main possibility love. Could romance appear or murder and pressure come in between the two rivals? (Disclaimer!!! Death is involved, suicide/murder as well, please be aware as for I don’t want anyone triggered or harmed!!!)

_sisterstories · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs

Part one: T and Ares

T's pov

"I hate this Derek"

"Deal with it chika" He says back handing me eggs and toast.

"I hate you"

"Its for a mission boss, you're the youngest and the most powerful so you don't have a choice"

"I know Derek but I don't want to go and deal with a bunch of immature teenagers who can't control their hormones and like to start drama for no reason"

" I know but for now you have to deal with it, just NO and I repeat NO fights, okay?"

"If they start it then I'm not holding back"

"fine chika, just be careful"

"I never lose" I say winking and taking my bag, swinging it over one shoulder and heading out my two story, modern looking house. I jump in my yellow Porsche gt3 and rev the engine so the whole neighbourhood hears my beautiful car roar. I drive off to the one place I never wanted to go. School.

I arrive at school and pull up next to a dark crimson red Ferrari F50. I jump out of my car and tighten my high ponytail which is now all messy from the wind, I pull my black leather jacket over my red crop top and dust of my blacked ripped boyfriend style jeans. I check my black and white converse and admire the car next to me.

"She's a beaut" Says a raspy and deep voice. I turn to the front of the car and there he is. Ares. My target.

"Yeah she is, Ferrari F50, good choice" I say fixing my mascara on his cars side window.

"Thanks" He says smirking. thinking he has me head over heels for him.

"I prefer the Lusso FF with either v12 or turbo v8" I say leaving and look at his jaw dropping expression and I laugh to myself.

"What's your name" He says running up to me as I walk into the school buildings.

"What's the fun in that" I say winking and turning into the office.

"T Kymira" I say to the cute little office lady.

"Oh hi miss Kymira, welcome to Kingston high" She says looking through the files. she hands me my timetable.

"Thank you" I say giving her an innocent smile and she grins at me.

I walk through the halls and to my first class, psychology with Mr Harris. I walk in and immediately everyone stares.

"Miss Kymira, nice to meet you" Mr Harris says and smiling politely. I nod at him and go to a seat in the back corner next to the window. I could feel everyone staring at me so I decide to just smirk because who doesn't like some attention every now and then?


I grab a tray of food which consists of a fruit salad, a hamburger and orange juice. I go sit at a table and scroll through instagram until I feel a presence.

"Can I help you?" I say, looking up from my phone and I see Ares along with two other boys sitting in front of me. I raise my eyebrow and wait for a response.


"Helloooo anyone in that brain of yours" He knocks back into reality and clears his throat.

"Sorry, I thought you would like some company" he says

"And why would you think that, what if I'm a lone wolf"

"You're not"

"How do you know that"

"Because you look like someone who would be honoured to have company like us" He says as his two friends smile.

"And you two are?" I question, waving my fork at the black hair boy with blue ocean eyes and the blonde hair boy with brownish grey eyes. His eyes are cool.

"I'm Gray" The blonde one said.

"I'm Ace" The brown haired boy said.

"Okay, Bye now" I say, going back on my phone, hoping they obey.

"We're not going until you tell me your name" Ares say smiling. I take a strawberry and plop it into my mouth and smirk.

"T" I say.

"T?" Gray says confusingly.

"Like the letter?" Ace says.

"Yep, now shoo. I don't want friends. I just want to finish my business and move on with life" I say while biting into my burger.

"What business?" Ace says giving me a curious look.

"School? What other business?" I say quickly covering up.

"Oh right, my bad" he says, blushing in embarrassment.


"Well that's the bell, see you guys around but hopefully not" I say

Shakespeare, you're joking right? you learn this when you're like 8, don't you? well I did.

"Hey, did you write down the previous notes, I seemed to be a bit distracted" I look up and see a strawberry blonde girl, with pale skin, green eyes and soft strawberry coloured lips.

"yeah, here" I say and hand her my notes.

"Thank you" she says and takes a photo of my notes. I look at her turn back to her book to start copying down the notes and maybe I should have at least one friend and why not be her. When I go to tap her shoulder to ask her name she turns around.

"You're the new girl, T, right?" she says and I smile.

"yeah, what's your name?"


"Well Layla, I have a feeling you and I will be great friends" I say and she smiles.

"If you want you can sit with my friends and I tomorrow at lunch" She says and I nod smiling


2:35pm. Home time. Finally.

I head out the building and to my car and by surprise I see a bunch of people crowding my car. I walk faster and through the people crowding it and I see some random girls taking photos.

Sitting. On. My. Car.

I stand in front of them and fold my arms, an anger emotion vivid on my face.

"Off" I say to the light brown hair girl with blue eyes.

"Or what?" The blonde hair and blue hair girls say. Minions much lol?

"Or i'll make you get off" I say and give them all glares but only two of them get off.

"I'm not getting off girl, unless we become friends" she says smirking.

"i'm not being friends with a hoe who can't respect other people's property"

She then slaps me across the face and I smirk. I quickly send a text to Derek and put it back in my pocket.

"What you're going to call daddy and tell him a girl slapped you and now you need a new car" she says laughing as everyone else just watches.

"No, I actually bought this car on my own" I say and smile as I watch her smile decrease into anger. She then goes to slap me again but I grab hold of her wrist before it lands on my face. I squeeze tighter and pull her off my car. Still grabbing her wrist and twisting it slightly into an uncomfortable position.

"Let go, freak" She says starting to cry.

"Don't ever, and I mean never, disrespect me or my property again, got it?" I say twisting her arm so her whole body turns.

"mhm got it" she whimpers and I let go. I unlock my car and jump in, I rev my engine and take off leaving burnout marks on the parking spot. I smile and turn the volume up and enjoy my ride home.

"Chika, what happened?" Derek says as soon as I walk through the door.

"Hi Derek, school was great, thanks for asking" I say as I head upstairs to my room.

I toss my bag onto the floor, grab some clean underwear, nike pro shorts and a big oversized marvel shirt and head to shower.

Some time later....

"You ready to go?" Derek says as I chuck on a black champion hoodie.

"Yeah" I say. He opens the garage and I head towards my bmw k1300r motorcycle and start it up as Derek gets on his Ducati 1199 penigale. He starts it up and we head to headquarters.

"Beat ya again" I say laughing, tossing my helmet on the couch in my office and Derek places his on the coffee table.

"Yeah yeah I let you win" He says knowing he didn't actually let me win.

"Lets head down stairs" I say, putting on my bandana over my mouth and just over my nose and we head out of the office to the main area.


Derek and I rush downstairs and find two people bashing up someone but we don't know who. I rush over and as the figures of the two blonde hair twins jack and sam are basing up dan. I rush over and pull them off of him.

"WHAT IS GOING ON" I yell and everyone stops and stares at me. Jack looks at me with his now bruised blue eyes and wipes blood from his mouth.

"Why don't you ask him?" He says pointing at Dan. Derek sits Dan up, spitting out blood.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He says

"You're lying" I say. I crouch down and glare at him. I put my hand on his neck and start squeezing lightly while my other hand pulls out the knife from the waistline of my jeans.

"I don't know what they're talking about" he says gritting his teeth. I bring the knife and put it towards his neck and glare.

"What do you know?" I say.

"I can't" He breaths out.

"Why?" Derek says.

"I'll tell you guys why, because Danny boy here has been undercover for the BD" sam says.

"BLACK DEVILS?? YOU'RE JOKING" Derek yells. I tighten the knife in my hand and pull it closer, clenching my jaw and giving him the biggest death stare, I look into his eyes and I see the fear glowing. Vividly.

"I was only undercover for them so I could find out information for you boss"

"Why didn't you tell me and let me assign the role to someone who was capable of doing the job, why wouldn't you let me know. What did you tell them Dan" Putting the knife onto his neck.

"I told them what our plan was"

"What do you mean" Derek says

"I told them that our goal was to kill Ares and it will happen soon but that's all I swear" I hear him start to sob and I hear whispering going around and I try to gather my thoughts.

"What are you going to do chika?" Derek whispers in my ear. I then put the knife back into my waistband, stand dan up by his shirt and drag him down to the basement. I throw him into the caged rink and jump in.

"Derek lock the cage" he does as I say and I take my jumper off.

"what are we doing" Dan says confusingly.

"Fighting. If you can beat me then i'll let you go but if I win" I smirk and he looks at me waiting for me to finish my sentence.

"lets just say you won't be alive anymore" I smirk.

He jumps up and pushes his hair back, I tighten my ponytail and he comes charging at me.


Rule number 12: Never charge at someone especially with full force.

He tries to tackle me down but I wrap my arm around his neck and it chokes him slightly. He stands back up and looks dizzy, I take advantage of that and punch his stomach, punch his face and flip him over so he's on his back. I punch and punch and punch. I then start to wrap my hands around his throat and go tighter and tighter and I hear him struggling to get out of my grasp and breath. I leave one hand on his neck which is still choking and I take the knife back out.

"Listen here Danny boy. I will let you decide how to die" I say with a smirk.

"By me slitting your throat or i can keep strangling you" I observe the knife and play with it and when I look back down at him he looks at the knife.

"The knife?" I say and he nods.

I take his hands into one of mine and place it above his head, I get my knife and place it on the left side of his neck. just the tip of it. I cut down and hear him scream.

I love those screams. Before I slit his throat I decide to take my bandana off.

"Ti-" He says with shocked eyes before I slit his throat and blood gushes out. I jump off of him and head towards to door where Derek lets me out and I put my red bandana over my face again.

"Really T?" he says.

"Didn't want to get my bandana dirty, after all it does hide my identity" I say and walk up to my office. I speak into the speaker and quickly assign the overnight roles before I head off, I grab my files and place it into the safe, locking the door before heading home with Derek.

"Home sweet home" I say and Derek laughs locking the front door.

"Go shower and head to bed T, you have blood over yourself"

"Yes sir" I laugh and head upstairs. I grab some clean underwear, grey sweatpants and an oversized navy blue tiger beer shirt and head to my bathroom, I turn on the shower and have a nice hot steamy shower. I get dressed and hop into bed and fall asleep really quickly.

Damn killing do be making me tired.


"Wake up, you're late" My eyes start to open and I see a tall brown haired man with brown eyes standing in front of me, my eyes dart open and I grab the figure by his arm and flip him down and jump on top, pulling a small blade from my night stand and bring it to his neck.

"HEY HEY HEY" Derek says and I realise it's him I'm about to kill. I jump off of him and put the blade down.

"I am so sorry Derek" I say and look at the time.

"I was just trying to-"


" I've been trying to wake you up for the past 15 minutes T"

"Shit Derek" I say brushing my teeth. I come out of my bathroom and quickly change into grey sweatpants, a black halter top and my leather jacket, I chuck one my triple black flyknits and rush downstairs.

"BYE DEREK" I yell before rushing to my car.

10 minutes later

I rush into the front doors and to the bathroom because like i'm already late so what's the big deal of being more late. I walk to the mirror and apply mascara, tie my hair up into a messy ponytail and put on some lip gloss and walk back out and head to class.

"Miss Kymira. nice of you to finally join us" Mr Calt says

"Hey, you're lucky i'm even here" I say standing in the door way.

"Well then please take a seat" he says and I just hold my finger and count down.

"3. 2. 1." I say and the bell goes off.

"Well this was a fun class, see you around sir" I say and exit.

I walk into legal and take a seat at the back corner like I do in all my classes and grab my book from my bag.

"Hey T" I hear the chair next to me be pulled out and hear Ares sit down.

"Did you need something?" I question.

"A date"

"Tuesday, 14th of September"

"That's todays date"

"Isn't that what you wanted?" I say smiling sarcastically.

"No I meant, you, me, dinner, Friday night" he says and I think.

I could kill him there.

It would be a good plan.

He doesn't suspect anything.

Maybe ill ev-

"Uhm T?"


"wait wha-"

"I'll go on a date with you, give me your phone"

"I- uh- I- here" he says typing in his password and handing me his phone.

I go to his contacts and put in my number, my normal phone number, not my "work" phone or whatever you want to call it.

"There you go" I say and hand it back and begin to write the notes on the board.

"You're cool" he says

"I don't know what you mean by that" I say still writing down the notes.

"Like you're mysterious and you don't crave my attention like the rest of the slutty like girls do" He says and I laugh.

"Thats because I don't need boys coming into my life if they're just going to break me"

"Then why say yes to the date" he says curiously.

"Because you won't break me and if you do I'll just break you even more" I say and smile.

"Welp see you around" I say packing up my stuff.

"The bell hasn't gone y-" and before he finishes his sentence the bell rings for lunch.

"Never mind" I hear him mumble under his breath before I walk out.

"Hey Layla" I say as I rush next to her so Ares doesn't try and catch up to me.

"Hey girly" she says and links my arm with hers.

"So you're introducing me to everyone today?"

"Yep" she squeaks.

We walk into the cafeteria and she takes me to her and her groups table, there's a total of five people that is including Layla and I. There is a girl with brown hair and stunning blue eyes, she has olive tanned skin just like mine. the other two are tall buff boys. One black hair with brown skin and green eyes, looks like he's half cast and the other boy, is asian with black hair and brown eyes.

"Guys this is T"

"Im Sierra" The girl says.

"T? As in the letter?" The asian boy says.

"Yes and what's your name?" I say

"Layton" He says and goes to shake my hand and I shake it with a firm grip.

"I'm JJ" The other boy says and I shake his hand.

"Good handshake grip" He says and I smile sitting in between him and Layla.

"So why'd you move here and where from?" Layton says.

"I moved from Seattle because of family reasons" I tell them

I'm not going to tell the full story because who knows who they'll tell.

"What family problems?"

"Layton stop" Sierra says

"Sorry about him but I just had to say something you're really pretty" Sierra says and I laugh

"Thanks, don't really get called that so its nice when it happens once in a while" I say

We all talk and carry on with lunch and I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me. I turn around and see Ares sitting at another table with those two boys and THOSE girls. What caught my eye was that he was staring right at me with a confused look and almost like he is trying to figure me out. I stare back and smile, he finally snaps back and flushes in embarrassment.

He takes out his phone and looks back and forth between me and his phone and then my phone dings.

A: Well that was embarrassing

I laugh and type back

T: Weirdo

I put my phone back into my pocket and look to see that everyone on that table is staring at me.

"What?" I say normally.

"Whats going on between you and Mr Stone?" Layton says.

"His last name is Stone?"

"Yep, you didn't know"


"Be careful with him. He's known to play girls" Layla says.

"I will, I don't get hurt especially by boys" I say and smirk.


Friday. Gosh. Doesn't everyone love Fridays? No? Just me?

At the factory we all have a tradition that at 11:15pm we grab two random people from gangs, around the world, put them in the cage and make them fight to the death. Pretty fun, right? I'm hoping my plan goes well tonight, Ares takes me out, I knock him out and kill him. Easier said than done though.

"T?' I hear Layla say as I walk to my car. its Friday afternoon and the 'date' is at 6:30 so I have 4 hours to kill.

"Hey" I say.

"What are you doing on Sunday?" She says, fidgeting with her fingers like i'm going to say no. Sundays is usually where I help around in the factory and sort out the deals but ill just do it Saturday so it'd all organise.

"Nothing, why?"

"Did you want to come to the beach with us?"

"Yes, I would be honoured" I say laughing and she laughs along.

"Alright, great. I'll text you the details but right now I have to go so I'll talk to you later" She says and I say bye to her and jump into my car.


"I THOUGHT THAT WE WERE MEANT TO BE. YOU TOOK MY HEART AND MADE IT BLEED. I GAVE YOU ALL MY ECSTASY" I yell and hear Derek yelling at me to shut up. I jump out of the shower and wrap a towel around me and head into my room. I sit in front of my body length mirror and blow dry my hair and put on some mascara and lip gloss on. I then head to my closet and find something to wear. I pick out denim jeans with slits all the way down and a slit at the back of the jeans which show a bit of my butt. I pair those dark blue jeans with a cropped black spaghetti string top, my white maxs and to top it all off, my leather jacket. I let my hair out and leave my wavy brown hair natural.

"T" I hear Derek yell

"Whats u-" I say rushing down the stairs and I stop midway and see Ares at the door.

He's wearing grey sweatpants, a black Henleys jumper, nike 97s and his brown hair is all ruffled up.

He's hot.

Too bad I have to kill him.

"Ares is here" Derek says looking scared.

"Hi" He says nervously.

"Hi" I say smiling. I walk next to Derek who is standing in front of the door with Ares standing across.

"Well guess we better go" I say smiling and he makes way for me. before I can walk out Derek pulls me back

"Be careful chika" I hear him whisper.

"I never lose" I whisper back and give him a wink before walking out.

Ares opens the door for me and I get in and he closes the door. I breath and can feel the garrote and ring dagger in my hidden pocket of my leather jacket. He jumps into the driver seat and we head off.

"So where are we going?" I say

"If I tell you, ill have to kill you"

"Why can't you just tell me"

"What's the fun in that"

"I won't have to kick your ass" I say and he looks at me shockingly.


"Cool" I say.

"Are you crazy woman?" He says

"What am I meant to say to that?" I say confusingly and he genuinely looks so shocked.

"I don't know, maybe umm a UHM WHAT" He says in a high pitched girly voice which makes me laugh.

"The cemetery is a normal place to me, I get to spit on their graves." I say

"Spit on who's graves?" He says.

"No ones" I say wanting to change the topic.

"We're going to the docks, we will get ice cream, walk around and if you want we can go on the Ferris wheel" He says and I smile.

"I've never been on one" He looks at me shockingly. again.

"No way, do not lie to me Miss Kymira"

"I'm not, I've always been too busy or never had anyone to take me" I explain.

"Not even your parents?" He questions and I feel anger start to rise but I hold it in.

"Never met em" I say, staring at the window.

"Oh sorry, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to"

"I can tell you if you really wanna know"

"It's okay" He says and I smile

I start to feel something in my stomach, a good feeling but I push it away knowing it's dangerous.

We arrive at the ice cream parlour 10is minutes later and we walk in.

"HELLO HELLO WELCOME WELOME" We are greeted by this man with a mustache and he looks like he is part of a gang, not going to lie. haha. just jokes. not really.

"Ernest, how are you, my guy" Ares says.

"How do you know him?" i whisper.

"Uhm he's my uncle" he lies. he's really bad at lying.

"What ice cream do you want?"

"I'll take a rainbow in a waffle cone please" I say and smile lightly.