
Girl in The Window

I bump into a wall... or at least something hard. Great. I'm already making progress here. I catch a glimpse at the wall, and my face turns pale. A guy. A hot guy. I BUMPED INTO A HOT GUY ON MY FIRST FRICKEN DAY. "Going somewhere, sweetheart?" He whispers while holding me from catching me because I fell. ~ "You can sit in the 3rd row, next to the window," Ms Carson said as I walked over to my seat. I look at the guy sitting next to me and look at his face. But instead, I am met with a pair of pretty green orbs. I think the guy caught me staring because he suddenly starts to lean over. "Something wrong, princess?" He whispers while smirking and I blush. Why can't he smile properly?!? "No, I was just thinking of something.." I reply while covering my face and facing the front. "You look cute when you blush," ~ Alison Barlow. A nerdy 16-year old tomboy girl with ten annoying brothers. When she was 7, she had to go to a private school to better her manners. For a girl who has been in a private school for most of her life; how will she do at a public school with her four popular brothers? Zackary (Zack) McConnel. A friendly, caring guy who plays Soccer. Other than a broken family, his brother coming out of jail and his only other family being his Aunt, how bad can it be? His view of Alison is a friend, but can it become something more? Hunter Kings. He's a complete Bad Boy, who plays Basketball for the school, looks after his little sister because his dad is never home and his mum has to work; he just happens to live next door. Hunter views Alison as a nerd who likes to have fun and enjoy herself, but he still can't figure her out. Both boys enter her life at the same time, but when the time comes, who will she choose? ~ I POST AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK

Daoist0YrrSX · Sports, voyage et activités
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3 Chs

Chpt 1 New School

Hey there, I hope you enjoy reading this, let's get right into it!

~*Alison's POV*~


~*Four years ago*~

"Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday dear Alison...

Happy birthday to you!" My family sings to me in unison.

"WOOO!" "YEAH!" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" "NICE ONE!" "YOU'RE NOW 12!!!" & "LET'S GOO!" Can be heard from my eldest brothers Jacob, Ivan, Mark, Matt, Chase and Leon.

But giggling can be heard in the corner, from 4 little boys, Charlie, Caleb, Samuel and Alex playing with Lego.

"Here you go, sweetie!" My mother whispers while kissing me on the top of the head and handing me a pretty pink box with a bright yellow bow on top.

"You're finally 12!" My dad exclaims proudly. I look at the gorgeous wrapped box and imagine ripping it to shreds, "Oh no! The cake! I forgot to pick up the cake on the way over here!" My dad exclaims and heads to the door.

"No, daddy, stay! I want you to see me open my presents!" I plead, "Don't worry, I'll be 5 minutes..." He reassures me as he heads out the door.


I abruptly wake up in shock from my first nightmare in a week and slowly walk towards the bathroom to wash my face. As I walk up to the mirror, I take a peek at my reflection and jump back because of the hideous creature looking back at me.


Oh... It's me.

I look at my slurred appearance, and then glance at the clock on the wall

I could've sworn it said 8:30...


"8:30!!!" I scream in horror as I run to get ready as fast as I can, grab my phone and then storm downstairs.

I open my phone to see a few notifications, but I stop dead in my tracks when I spot the time. "7:20?" I murmured,

... Wait a second...

That can't be right...

"CHASE, MATTHEW AND MARCUS BARLOW!!! I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL RIP OFF THOSE PRETTY FACES OF YOURS!!!" I scream as I storm into the kitchen to where they're all sitting.

They look me up and down while trying not to burst into laughter at my messy and rushed appearance of a messy high ponytail, clothes on backwards and a little bit of make-up smeared along my face.

Marcus then opened his stupid mouth of his and said, "If anyone saw you at first glance, they would think you slept with a-" "Don't you even finish that sentence!" I growled as I stepped closer towards the four of them.

They are going to DIE.

"Or what?" Matthew continued, I stayed quiet as I planned my attack, "What, are you too scared or something?" Chase whispered mockingly. "Oh, now you've done it..." Marcus whispered as I began lingering towards them.

"RUUUN!!!" Chase yelled as I proceeded and attempted to throw myself at them on the couch and then plopping and face planting into the couch cushions.

Oh, you are going to get it for ruining my morning!


"What is going on here?!" Jacob yells, causing everyone to stop and topple on top of each other.

"I knew we shouldn't have left them alone to go jogging!" Ivan states. "Shut up, Ivan!" Jacob retorts. They sigh, looking downward and shaking their heads in disappointment while getting ready to give us a huge punishment.

"Ivan, would you like to do the honours?" Jacob says kindly while putting his hand out. "Of course..." He whispers mischievously while taking off his glasses and placing them into Jacob's open palm. "NOW, I WANT EVERYONE IN THEIR ROOMS AND GETTING READY BY THE COUNT OF THREE!" Ivan bellows and I look around and see wide-eyed pale faces filled with terror.

Ivan isn't that scary normally, but when he gets mad, it's like he is a completely different person! And trust me, you do NOT want to meet that person...

"One...." Ivan starts as the 5 of us try to unravel ourselves from the human knot we created meanwhile, Leon, Charlie, Caleb, Samuel and Alex are calmly jogging to their rooms to get ready for school.

"Two...." Jacob joins in as we rush towards our rooms, but Chase rushes past and pushes me back, causing me to collapse onto the ground.

"THREE!!!" Jacob and Ivan yell in unison and start storming up the stairs to see who isn't in their room yet.

Stupid Chase... You just had to push me out of the way. Now, I'll never make it to my room in time!

I look down the corridor, look at the door to my room

Or not...

I run to my room as fast as I can, when I hear loud footsteps coming up the stairs and dash into the nearest closet.

Oh no. Now I'm dead.

A few minutes go by while waiting in the closet when suddenly the closet creeks open to reveal two very mischievous men with broad smirks plastered on their faces. I attempt to escape before they catch me, but they're way faster than me, and their strong arms pull me back and onto the floor.

All of a sudden there is a tingling sensation and I start laughing uncontrollably.


"Are you ready for your first day of school today?" Matthew asks in the front mirror while driving.

"It's not my first day of school, Matt... I've been through 3 years of it already, it's just a different school." I state while scrolling through Instagram.

"Yeah, but private schools don't count." Marcus says butting in, "If you say so..." I scoff.

"Isn't it a little late in the year to be changing schools? I mean, it's May." Chase says, "I don't know, maybe because I got BULLIED?!" I reply bluntly and roll my eyes.

"We're here!" Matthew points out, as I glance up and see the entrance to my new school for the next 2-3 years.

Jeez... It's pretty big...

I grab my bag and hop out the car and look up at the building, awaiting the dangers that come out of this humongous school.

"This is where you four go to school!?" I exclaim surprised, and some people stare and some people... just don't care.

Matt and Mark just nod while Chase and Leo link arms with me on either side. "Yup!" Chase says proudly, "Now, c'mon! Let's goooooo!" Leo exclaims.

Matt, Mark and Leo are my nicknames for them because sometimes I can't be bothered to say the whole thing. Except for Chase, I just call him Chasey to piss him off. I know, the BEST sister.

~1084 Words

~How will she do at her new school?

~Will she make friends?

~Let's find out.

~But, enough about that. How was your day?


~How will she do at her new school?

~Will she make friends?

~Let's find out.

~But, enough about that. How was your day?

Have any ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Daoist0YrrSXcreators' thoughts