
Girl's Frontline x Roblox (I got bored)

You read the title. Didn't you? -------- Also this was an abandoned work on wattpad. I think.. Not sure he hasn't uploaded in a while so I get tired waiting and made my own with just a "little" change

Plutoisplanet · Jeux vidéo
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Chapter 2: Decaying Winter

Note: This characters are humanoid the bio's were there for what they look like. So now image them as human.


Location: Unknown.



The story begins with chaos at a Warehouse, in nighttime...

As for the agents... most of them were dead while the rest were fighting off all invaders for their survival. Sledge Queens Men, Scavs, Scavengers, And Raiders. They were all teaming up to take out the remaining Elite Forces of the agency.

Casual: "there's too many of them, We won't last long!"

Random#1:"not to mention one falls and another replaces!"

One soldier literally was getting rushed, which the soldier didn't notice that there was a suicide bomber among the enemies.

..In result he got killed by a Suicide bomber that exploded in his face.

Random#1:"SHIT, MAN DOWN."

One infected leaped towards random#1 and tries to claw her to death, but Joseff intervened and swung his sledgehammer towards and infected sending it flying.

(IMAGE) :Imagine it as a sledgehammer and not a shield:

Random#1: "thanks, I owe you one."

Every corner is still being rushed by every enemy and coming endlessly everywhere.. the agents were still on the fight against countless and endless hordes of enemies..


Current time: 5:19:34

??? POV

We were on a Helicopter heading towards an Area up north to investigate mysterious activity in a Snow Forest, Apparently there's been what looked like a giant fire fight by a warehouse.

I was Squad Leader for this Mission, Call me AK-12 or 12 for short.

???: We're Approaching the LZ(Landing Zone).

One of the Pilots Said on the Radio, I nodded my head and looked at the 3 T-Dolls that was in my squad for this mission.

AK-12: You heard the Pilot, Alright Girls! Once we reach the location I want M16A1 and Thompson to Clear The Area, After that we'll head in the warehouse and check inside. Am I clear?

All ???: Yes Ma'am!

Third Person POV

The Helicopter landed and 2 Girls, One Carrying a M16A1 and Another carrying a Thompson jumped out and aimed their Guns around to see if there were any Hostile's

The Girl with the Thompson yelled out "Clear!" While the Other Girl with the M16A1 Said the same, But little did they know there was a stranger watching behind a tree. Hidden well and unseen.


Me and Thompson jumped out and found the Area Clear with no Hostiles, I shouted out "Clear!" On my side and looked back to see AK-12 Hop out with AUG.

Me and Thompson headed back to AK-12 and AUG.

AK-12: Alright, We're 2 Clicks south from the Warehouse. Let's get going Girls!

We then made our way to the Destination on foot, On our way we kept our Guards up and kept watching Behind us... But for some reason I felt like we were being watched.

Minutes Later, We finally reached the Area.

Using our binoculars, We could hear a lot of distant gun shots. Like a lot of them. We could see a force consisting of mostly men. They were fighting horde's upon horde's of people. One of the people in the horde rushed towards one them exploding and killing him.

AK-12: "That looks like a war going on down there!"

Me: "Hey Guys! Over Here!"

I shouted and the Squad Came over to where I was. Me and squad Approached the small Fire, I touched the ashes and small Piece's of wood left.

Me: "these Fire's were put out Recently, About the time we got here probably. And look here, There's an empty tablet case."

AK-12: " What does it say behind it."

Me: " It says.. Amoxicillin Tablets? What drug is this?"

AK-12: "Search Around the Area, They still could be aro-"

But then.. Our Squad Leader got cut off when we hear something on the Ground. It was then we realize it was our squad leader was getting mauled by something. We shot at it multiple times. It took an entire mag to take it down.

Me: "Squad leader you okay??"

AK-12: "Yeah.. Whatever that is... I hope we don't meet more of it."


Back to the warehouse



Multiple enemies were trying to rush in but before they do, They were already dead before they even get close. His minigun will never stop firing until he is out of ammo or he is vanquished.


Knight66: "I'll help you hold this line. You will run ammo eventually so I'll be here to back you up." He replies


Knight66: "Alright now let's do this together. Like always."


Another part of the warehouse

Casual: "GET BEHIND ME."

At that moment, bullet after bullet was hitting the shield. Then 50 BMG bullet travels through the cold night air, tearing the air apart with a shockwave, pushing the air aside to make way for the payload. At that moment a 50 BMG bullet pierced the shield.

Casual: "ACK. I'm hit, I'm hit! I need medi- shit! INCOMING!"

After he fell from the 50 BMG Bullet. enemies were now going for a decisive push.. Or so they thought, 6 consecutive explosives were heard.. Killing those who tried to advance.

Casual: "Holy shit.. Mario was that you??"

Mario: "Damn right." He replies

Casual: "Call Whimsical Immediately! Can't you see I'm bleeding here??!"

Mario: "kk.. Jeez."

Whimsical comes running over and pulls out a First Aid Kit.

Whimsical: "We ran out of Advance IFAK a while ago this is all I can give you."

Casual: "That's good enough. By the way, Where's Joseff and Knight66?"

Whimsical: "They are defending our frontline. We should be fine.. For a while."

Casual: "And Kickass?"

Whimsical: "Getting high on drugs and going on a killing spree."

Mario: "Let's end the conversation here. There's more of them coming right now."

Casual: "Let's end this today and get the fuck out of here."

Mario lends him a hand. Casual grabs it and is pulled up.

Casual: "Let us begin."




We've been here for 30 minutes.. watching this people defend the warehouse they seem to be a professional at their job.

I watched one of them with a shield fall I thought that was end of them. Until explosions killed the people who were going to rush in..



We have watched them defend for almost an hour and still manage to win.. I wouldn't want to get into a confrontation with them. Mostly the one swinging a hammer around blasting the of his enemies head's into nothing but mush.



They came out of the warehouse and they look like they were going to leave the place. We planned to search the warehouse.. Until it blew up leaving us no space to search what was inside.

AK-12 stands up from her prone.

AK-12: "Since the warehouse blew up. We will now follow them instead of searching the warehouse." AK-12 looks back into her binoculars. Only to see the one with green goggles looking at her.

AK-12: (Impossible were 4 kilometers aways!)

The one with green goggles looks the other direction seemingly being called.

AK-12: (They're more dangerous than I thought)

AK-12: "Alright everyone keep a distance of 2 kilometers away from them. It seems one of them spotted me."

Everyone nods and they start to follow the group of 6


The group of 6 were now walking south. How do they know it's south? Cuz It's been endless snow and cold for the last 21 days they have been there, And since they also have a compass.

Joseff: "Hey casual do you know where we are even going?"

Casual: "Nope. But I hope we come across a city."

4 hours later...

Casual: "EYY WERE OUT OF THE SNOW. And look a city... Nvm It looks abandoned but still worth checking out."

They arrive outside the city. But before going they ready there weapons incase of attacks. Going in the city already gives them the creeps but also the sense of loneliness.

Kickass: "I'll be honest here. Whatever happened here, caused a massed panic. All these are abandoned. Just what happened here."

Joseff: "I don't know. Whatever it was, Either killed the people and leaving no people alive. I also noticed.. There's no corpse like bones considering how abandoned it looks."

Everyone went silent.

Whimsical: "That's not a good sign." She replies

The group continue on their way and find absolutely no signs of life. No plants. No Insects. And Animals.

Mario: "I'll be honest. I want to leave this place. This is absolutely creeping me out."

Knight66: "I'll try to find a working car. I'm still an engineer after all.. Maybe not for cars but I'll see what I can do."

1 hour later...

The grouped has wandered around the city finding no one. While they were wandering the place. Knight66 was trying to get a car working. after a while he finally got it.

Knight66: "Hey look it works now."

Casual: "You drive the car and will push the cars out of the way until we get outside the city."

While all this was happening they were being followed.


Hope you enjoyed :D