
GINKEN: Sea Storm

"Embark on an epic journey with Timothy, the protagonist of 'GINKEN: Sea Storm.' In a world engulfed by the infinite Vast Expanse, Timothy sails across the boundless ocean, fueled by the sole ambition to reach the colossal gate that serves as the portal to escape. Armed with extraordinary fire powers, he encounters a spectrum of allies and adversaries, each encounter shaping his destiny in this captivating tale of courage, magic, and the uncharted mysteries of the sea." - The narrative of this novel draws inspiration from the Japanese anime/manga series, One Piece. - The quality of the chapters noticeably improves from chapter 95 onward, extending to the latest chapters currently in development.

StrangeJelly · Fantaisie
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433 Chs

The Goddess of Water

The snowflakes harshly hovered through Winterpeak Island. It was a white and rapid snowstorm with currents of wind bumbling through the snow-covered trees. The strong gust rushed like streams of water, waving about like tidal waves.

Guests gathered inside the auction room, sitting in their assigned seats. There were men and women dressed in tuxedos, and many came from diverse islands.

The auctioneer stood behind the curtains, conversing with a woman who had a swarthy complexion. "Maddison, the artifact should be sold before midnight. I expect you to be ready until then and proceed with the plan." The man authorized the woman to fix his suit and encased a tie around his neck. "Everything's in order, sir."

The woman footed backward, transferring a respectful bowing with a broad and courteous smile, "Mr. Garfield, the guests are already waiting before the stage. If you're ready, we shall begin the auction."

Garfield calmly affirmed and took a deep breath before stepping on the stage. The lights in the room went dim, and the visitors went silent.

In a couple of seconds, the lights turned back on, and people were greeted by their auctioneer, Garfield, standing behind the podium, crossing his arms behind him.

One of the staff aiding Garfield brought out the cart with a beautiful artifact on its top. It was a glassy globe reinforced by a silver shelf, a golden border, and a diamond-blue crystal connected together. It had cyan, luminous liquid coursing inside the dome, bubbling.

"Good afternoon and welcome, buyers from both the east and the west of the Vast Expanse. It is a great honor to hand you this fabled artifact that has been sought after for ages. The relic that the goddess of water, Phalris, threw into the sea, known as the Chalice of the Ocean. Once merely a legend, this item became a reality when our team discovered it secreted beneath the eastern waterways. It's created out of marine crystals, and the water inside the globe is a mythological substance that can restore a person's heart or wounds. It is the essence that Phalris entirely crafted with her own hands. It grants you the power to govern the water and call upon the goddess at any time."

In order to protect the artifact, Garfield made sure to pick it up with a cushion. He then displayed it to clients from all over, saying, "Such a rare artifact is indeed immaculate, and owing to its rarity, I would like to start the bidding at 7 billion bolts. Is anyone ready to proceed?" he said after setting the chalice down on the table.

In order to start the auction, a woman raised her number and declared her readiness to buy the item for 7 billion bolts. Garfield, the auctioneer, answered and continued, "Ah, madam, an Incredible answer! Do we have a higher bidder? Going once..."

"7.5 billion," said one of the men as he boosted their number. The auctioneer answered their call and stated, "7,5 billion bolts! Such remarkable willingness! 7.5 billion, going once..." The auction was then allowed to continue after another person raised their arm.


They watched them in silence as someone strolled through the chilly streets wearing heavy clothing and carrying a bag over their shoulder.


It continued for several minutes, and the prize raised up to 30 billion bolts, many people still advancing, until Garfield spoke, "30 billion! We might have a winner! Going once..." The buyers in the auction room debated among each other, "Going twice..." but out of nowhere, another man raised his number, "50 billion bolts." Everyone went silent and secretly gazed at the man in astonishment, "50 billion! What a jump! Going once..." Nobody raised their number, "Going twice..." And finally, it happened, "Sold to the green-haired gentleman at the end of the seats!"

However, out of nowhere, the door opened in a flash, and the freezing wind blew inside the auction room, attracting everyone's attention to the person who entered. They became speechless, but some argued and inquired about what was about to happen.

The bag was swinging backward, over the shoulder of the individual, whose hooded head surprised the rest.

He wore a white jacket, and his left shoulder seemed partially illuminated by a blue-glowing light. His white sneakers with black laces could be seen just above the top of his instep where his tight grey pants ended.

A blue thread that resembled a scarf wrapped around his hips and extended past his left thigh swayed in the chilly wind.

He wore a heart-shaped pendant around his neck, its right side burning golden and the other silver. His right arm seemed obscured by a black fingerless glove.

The person's hood uncovered his face and spiky white hair, and within the next second, his shadowed eyes flared, revealing an intense, piercing, blue-eyed glare that radiated through the auction room.

One of the women identified him presently, "The white-haired pirate Timothy. What's he doing at an auction? He's been missing for two straight years, and there weren't any traces of him cruising the ocean." Timothy walked down the stairs, and with each passing moment, he neared the stage. "Um, excuse me, sir. You're interrupting an auction. If you have something to say, please wait until the room's empty."

Timothy's eyes became more intense, glimmering with blue light. Several people in the auction room got knocked off their feet and passed out as a result of the earthquake-like vibration that the room experienced. The auction room also discerned blue and black light rays that tore through the space like energy, staggering and straining the buyers' bodies. They fell to the floor beneath their seats, feeling an odd indisposition.

"The room's empty of any ears. You can admit your fallacy." Timothy claimed, observing Garfield's tremoring eyes. "F-Fallacy? There's no such thing. I'm simply selling an artifact, you treacherous pirate. Leave the auction room and do not harm my buyers."

Timothy walked onto the stage, stopping a few inches away from the auctioneer, "There's no fallacy? Think again. You're marketing an item formed by the deities. These types of items weren't created for buying but to establish the Vast Expanse accurately and peacefully. You're violating the gods and peddling their belongings to a bunch of humans to earn cash. That's damaging the divine rules. I've broken the world's law, but disobeying the divine authorities is a step too far. Are you trying to initiate a war between humans and gods? If so, I'll be delighted to prevent that by seething your head to a crisp."

Timothy stretched out his left arm and thrust his palm directly into Garfield's shocked expression. He could see Timothy's fire sizzling around his hands. A small girl with blue hair was hiding under Timothy's legs and staring at him.

The man's eyes shook in fear the moment he realized the girl's identity, "I-Impossible... A-Are you? The goddess of water, Phalris?! I-I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I-I didn't know you were still alive."

Phalris moved in front of Timothy "Every deity survives as long as our artifacts do in corporeal form. You would be punished because you stole a precious artifact. But in the form I'm in right now, I can't punish you directly." When Garfield saw Timothy lower his raised arm, he shivered in his boots and listened to him, "Phalris, get your relic, and we'll meet with the others." Phalris understood the request and walked toward the podium, who then seized the artifact and made it dissipate in blue specks.

Timothy locked his solemn face onto Garfield, "If I see you again toying around with a deity's antiques, I'll deal with you myself. You got that?" The auctioneer had no reason to reject and fearfully bounced his head, guaranteeing he would listen to Timothy's threat.

The light on Timothy's jacket began to glow blue as Phalris disappeared after morphing into a blue beam.

To be continued...

01. [Character Profile]

- Identity: Timothy (20 years old currently)

02. [Appearance]

1. Hair Color: White

2. Eye Color: Blue

3. Height: 5'8 feet (175 centimeters)

03. [Details]

1. Forbidden Technique: Migration Inspection, Enchantment, Supremacy

2. Special Ability: Phoenix Soul

3. Fighting Style: Electro Touch

4. [BOUNTY]: $500,000,000 (Vast Expanse Bolts)

04. [Description]

- Timothy, commonly known as "Tim," is a 20-year-old teenager who travels around the Vast Expanse in an effort to help everyone he meets and to promote "peace" among the world government, pirates, and deities.

He desires to return home, but he doesn't currently have any other pressing objectives.

He is an expert fighter who excels in violent martial arts and uses his fire to engage opponents in combat. Being made of fire, his body is resistant to physical harm.

He is an expert in all three Forbidden Techniques and even has the ability to use the most elusive technique, "Supremacy."

He has a special fighting technique called "Electro Touch," which he picked up on Twilight Isle and which enables him to control electricity and zap opponents.

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