
GINKEN: Sea Storm

"Embark on an epic journey with Timothy, the protagonist of 'GINKEN: Sea Storm.' In a world engulfed by the infinite Vast Expanse, Timothy sails across the boundless ocean, fueled by the sole ambition to reach the colossal gate that serves as the portal to escape. Armed with extraordinary fire powers, he encounters a spectrum of allies and adversaries, each encounter shaping his destiny in this captivating tale of courage, magic, and the uncharted mysteries of the sea." - The narrative of this novel draws inspiration from the Japanese anime/manga series, One Piece. - The quality of the chapters noticeably improves from chapter 95 onward, extending to the latest chapters currently in development.

StrangeJelly · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
433 Chs

Bonus Information (2024)

Quick Info: Do not read this auxiliary chapter first; move on to the main novel to avoid out-of-context spoilers! Reading this chapter might reveal too much and spoil key moments or make the beginning of the story confusing.


[Information: Forbidden Techniques]

1. Migration - In battle, Migration is one of the most useful abilities, offering enhancements to users' speed, agility, momentum, and talent for dodging incoming attacks.

This ability is primarily employed for speed blitz tactics, allowing individuals to cover short distances rapidly while creating afterimages to confuse and mislead opponents, making it difficult for enemies to accurately target the user.

Migration is widely regarded as the hardest technique to learn. Mastery of Migration requires rigorous training and exceptional reflexes, as the user must seamlessly integrate enhanced speed and agility into their fighting style.

Despite its complexity, the advantages it provides—such as evading attacks, positioning strategically, and launching surprise counterattacks—make it an invaluable skill for those who achieve proficiency.

2. Inspection - The best tactic in combat is widely considered to be inspection. This powerful ability allows the user to predict impending strikes and grants them enhanced vision.

Users of this technique can often see their adversaries' movements in advance, giving them a significant advantage in battle.

Moreover, some users can use inspection to identify their opponents' weak points, exploiting these vulnerabilities for decisive attacks. This process involves analyzing the spiritual aura of the adversaries, which manifests in special colors visible only to those with the inspection ability.

3. Enchantment - In battle, enchantment is a widely used technique due to its flexibility in harnessing its full potential. This technique allows users to armor themselves with a spiritual metal as hard as steel, which can be enhanced through training. It provides both defensive and offensive capabilities, enabling users to connect blows with elemental bodies since they share the same spiritual essence.

4. Supremacy - One of the most elusive forbidden skills known to individuals is supremacy. Those who possess this skill have the unique ability to passively instill "fear, shock, and willpower" into the bodies of their enemies. Unlike other techniques, supremacy cannot be taught by anyone; it is considered an innate "gift" bestowed upon individuals from birth. This mysterious and powerful ability sets those who wield it apart, as it taps into a profound and instinctual capacity to influence and dominate others through sheer presence and aura.

5. Equanimity - Equanimity is the singular method exclusive to a particular race known as "links" and "spirits." Members of this race possess the extraordinary ability to communicate with individuals mentally and even enter their minds, whether for benevolent or malevolent purposes. Once inside an enemy's head, they have unrestricted freedom to act as they choose—whether that involves causing harm, committing murder, or other actions. This unique capability sets them apart, enabling them to wield significant influence and power in ways that others cannot comprehend or counteract easily.


[Information: Main Crew]

01. Temoshí [Synergetic Combustion]

- "Synergetic Combustion" empowers Temoshí to manipulate, generate, and mold fire into various forms at will. He also possesses the ability to connect his soul and merge his power with his predecessors.

This ability progresses through three distinct phases denoted by colors: orange, blue, and white. He possesses the capability to transform his entire body into flames, rendering him impervious to physical assaults. Temoshí can utilize these flames to enhance his physical speed and engage in ranged combat.

Additionally, Temoshí wields "Electro Touch," a combat style focused on augmenting attacks. This enables him to electrocute, stun, or paralyze adversaries simply by making physical contact. However, he lacks the ability to directly control electricity beyond channeling it through his own body.


02. Yumiko [Moon Energy]

- "Moon Energy" complements Yumiko's "Moon Dance" swordplay with intangible techniques, generating devastating attacks and versatile blade-shaped energy waves crafted from her inner aura.

Her swordsmanship emphasizes rapid, precise strikes imbued with considerable force. Additionally, she can unleash energy-based assaults fueled by solar energy, further enhancing her combat capabilities.


03. Kou [Pressure Point]

- "Pressure Point" is an energy-based ability infused with high-voltage electricity, enhancing Kou's attacks.

This power allows him to manipulate energy throughout his body, projecting it from his limbs for offensive maneuvers or amplifying his physical strength and agility.

The intensity of his usage is indicated by the color of his aura: a mint hue signifies a focus on strength with minimal force, while electric aura indicates a higher output emphasizing speed. When both colors blend, Kou harnesses his ability at maximum capacity, achieving peak effectiveness.


04. Ralphie [Tension Step]

- "Tension Step" is an exclusive combat technique focusing on leg-based maneuvers.

Ralphie's feet are significantly augmented to an unprecedented degree. This enhancement allows him to execute swift and devastating attacks capable of causing significant structural damage if employed without restraint.

Moving at speeds comparable to sound, he harnesses this velocity to amplify the force behind his kicks.

By channeling "solar energy" to envelop his feet, Ralphie further boosts both power and speed. Upon impact, his kicks deliver a scorching effect, adding to their lethal efficacy.


05. Kyora [Climate Palm]

- "Climate Palm" empowers Kyora to wield weather control through her palm, into staff, which she uses in direct combat engagements. By blending the gestures of weather phenomena, she can create elemental bubbles.

The reactions of the bubbles vary depending on which ones she opts to mix. Her power amplifies with a weather source aiding her in storming the battlefield.

These bubbles grant her the ability to innovate new techniques that can be channeled through her staff during battle.


06. Chiaki [Soul Link]

- "Soul Press" is a spiritual-based fighting style that synergizes with the "Soul Linking" ability. This technique empowers Chiaki to imbue various emotions into living beings, manipulate spiritual assaults, and command spirits. In combat, "Soul Press" is primarily used to briefly bind pressure and discomfort onto physical bodies, focusing less on strategic planning and more on direct spiritual impact.

On the other hand, "Soul Linking" enables Chiaki to forge bonds with souls, allowing her to replicate or enhance their techniques. This ability extends to healing wounds and enhancing overall combat prowess by tapping into the strengths of linked souls.

These abilities make Chiaki a versatile combatant, capable of both direct spiritual manipulation and supportive healing, depending on the situation and her strategic approach to duel.


07. Tarot [Illusional Display]

- The "Illusional Display" ability is centered around trickery and deception, granting Tarot the power to manipulate battles to his advantage by summoning diverse illusions made of various materials. This versatile skill allows him to turn invisible, create replicas of himself, and conceal himself among white haze bombs.

In combat, Tarot wields a polearm that doubles as a spyglass, enabling him to engage opponents both on the ground and in the air, utilizing his nimbus cloud for aerial combat maneuvers. This unique combination of illusions and strategic weaponry makes Tarot a tough adversary, capable of outwitting and outmaneuvering opponents in creative and unexpected ways.


08. Joker [Proportion Trick]

- "Proportion Trick" is a unique ability that Joker wields in battle. Utilizing dimensional cards and various jester tools, Joker can trap his enemies in a special mirrored dimension. This dimension, linked to a core within his cybernetic body, allows him to play tricks on his opponents and create various elements to suit his combat needs. Within this mirrored dimension, he conjures illusions that intimidate and undermine his enemies' sanity.


[Information: Bounty List]

Phoenix Pirates' Current Bounties

1. Temoshí - [500,000,000 bolts]

2. Kou - [165,000,000 bolts]

3. Ralphie - [200,000,000 bolts]

4. Tarot - [0 bolts]

5. Elliott - [0 bolts]

6. Joker - [215,000,000 bolts]

7. Yumiko - [255,000,000 bolts]

8. Kyora - [120,000,000 bolts]

9. Chiaki - [400,000,000 bolts]


S.F.A. Current Bounties

1. Nathaniel - [370,000,000 bolts]

2. Yipsiv - [750,000,000 bolts]

More information coming in the future...