
gin silk

This work is not participating in WSA2022 . What happens when torture gets too much.When misunderstandings can break relationships to the core.When innocent souls gets involved in players wicked games.They break like a glass doll Hazel after living as a lesbian whole life gets married to Mr Knight who is the CEO of knight industries but deep down every big man has something to do in darkness The story of a women getting used and played by wicked devil who had ruin her and made her hide her identity

the_shias128 · Fantaisie
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108 Chs

Morning sickness

Sebastian eyes opened when he felt a hurried moment beside him . He saw Hazel running to bathroom with a hand on her mouth . He now understood . She want to vomit . He stood up and saw Hazel sitting beside toilet coughing . He slowly move towards her . He was about to help but he refused but then he thought for the sake of his child he can do this . He wrapped his hand around Hazel open hair binding them in place .

Hazel eyes became red . Her stomach felt sick and empty . The pain in between her legs was making things worse . Sebastian crouched down when he saw Hazel closing her eyes . Hazel slowly lean her head on his shoulder and Sebastian said " Is the baby ok?". Hazel stopped breathing when he asked only about baby not her.

Without further questions he lift her and place her on the bed . Hazel tried to stand up and Sebastian asked " What are you doing !? . Where are you going !?". Hazel looked at him and said " I gave to prepare your breakfast ". Sebastian said calmly " You can rest I hired maids to do work ". Hazel looked at him " But after the baby will born I will become a maid again ". Sebastian looked at her sharply and said " Don't think if I'm not saying anything to you I cant do it again ". Hazel zipped her mouth . Hazel got curious and asked " Aren't you going to office today !?". Sebastian replied " I will stay home now I have all things in my study. Roman is taking care of my company affairs till baby is born ". Hazel gaze met his and Sebastian read the look in her eyes . The eyes that were saying " You are just doing this because of baby ". Hazel shook her head and a knock was heard on door . She asked " Seb-sebastian can we g-go for ba-by shop-ping ? ". Sebastian looked at her and Hazel looked at her hands . Sebastian thought for a while and said " Ok".

Hazel looked at him and her stomach let out a voice .

Sebastian looked at her and said " What do you want to eat ". Hazel replied with " Chocolate cupca--". Sebastian cutted her off " No . Eat fruits it's unhealthy to eat these early in the morning".

Hazel looked angry . If he wanted to make her eat fruits why did he ask for her opinion.

Hazel said " Are we going to go to mall today !?".

Sebastian said " yes now at lunch time !".

Sebastian left the room to take water for Hazel and Hazel caressed her stomach and thought maybe you are the light of my life . Maybe Sebastian will not believe Skyla's lie anymore . He will love her .

Hazel smiled and completed her fruits . She was about to lay and but Sebastian said " Did you applied the cream on your vagina". Hazel cheeks become red and Sebastian took cream out of the drawer and said " Open your legs let me apply it ". Hazel said " Noo! ". Her face become more red and He smirked and said " Is there any thing which I didn't see". Hazel covered her face and Sebastian opened her legs . He was halfway there and said " Look like I go rough alot some things are swell". Hazel closed her eyes trying to stop her smile . The way Sebastian was describing her walls of vagina and clit as some things are swell . It was alot embarrassing for her . Hazel lay under duvet after drinking water . A smile made way to her lips and after almost 11 months she smiled like this .

Since Brodie is in other room Hazel called Sebastian " Sebastian can you feed Brodie ?". Sebastian just nodded . His hands had a paperwork and he was wearing glasses . The perfect definition of perfection was Hazel's husband. Sebastian's wife Hazel was the most beautiful goddess.