
Gilgamesh in Re:Zero

What would happen if the one who got transported to the re zero world is Gilgamesh instead of Natsuki Subaru?

M_A_A · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

A King's Wrath and a Thief's Bargain

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the cobbled streets of Lugunica's capital. The city's once bustling market square was now quiet, with only a few late-night vendors packing up their wares. Gilgamesh, with Emilia and Puck at his side, continued their journey through the streets, their destination uncertain but their purpose clear.

As they walked, Emilia couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her. She had just met Gilgamesh—a man whose power was beyond anything she had ever encountered—and now she found herself entangled in his affairs. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of events, one thought dominated her mind: the stolen insignia.

"My insignia," Emilia murmured, almost to herself. "I need to get it back. Without it, I can't prove myself as a candidate for the throne..."

Gilgamesh glanced at her, his expression impassive. "This insignia is important to you?"

Emilia nodded, her voice trembling with worry. "Yes. It's a sign of the dragon's choosing. Without it, I can't enter the royal selection."

Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the idea. "So, you are a royal candidate. What happened to this kingdom's king that it now requires a selection?"

Emilia hesitated, her gaze lowering. "The royal family perished from a mysterious illness. That's why the royal selection is being held—to find a new ruler for the kingdom."

Gilgamesh scoffed lightly. "How amusing. And this insignia—how does it determine if you are worthy to be a candidate or not? A true king doesn't need such things to prove what is rightfully his."

Emilia blinked, caught off guard by his words. "The insignia is a symbol of the dragon's favor. It serves as proof that I've been chosen by the divine. According to the prophecy, five maidens will be selected, and when they touch the insignia, it emits a red light as a sign of their selection."

Puck floated beside her, his tiny form radiating concern. "We've been trying to track it down, but it's been difficult. We know what the thief looks like, but not where she is right now."

Gilgamesh's interest was piqued. "And you say you do not know where she is?"

"That's right," Emilia confirmed, her hands clenched into fists. "She just stole it and vanished."

As they continued walking, the atmosphere grew tense. Emilia closed her eyes briefly, focusing on the spirits in the area. After a moment, she opened her eyes, a look of determination replacing her previous anxiety.

"The spirits say the thief was seen heading toward the slums," she announced. "We should start our search there."

Gilgamesh's smirk only deepened. "How delightful. A chase, a confrontation—this should prove to be entertaining."

As they made their way deeper into the capital, people couldn't help but stare at Gilgamesh, their eyes filled with awe. His golden armor gleamed even in the fading light, and his regal presence captivated everyone around him, particularly the women. His charm and striking appearance were impossible to ignore, and whispers followed him wherever he went. Emilia, on the other hand, kept her head low, her robe pulled up to cover her silver hair and pointed ears. She was used to hiding her appearance in the capital.

Emilia, sensing the growing excitement in Gilgamesh's tone, hesitated. "Gilgamesh, please... I just want to retrieve my insignia. I don't want any unnecessary violence."

Gilgamesh's smirk remained. "Emilia, you misunderstand. Those who stand in the way of a king's will must be punished. However, I will retrieve your insignia—consider it a gesture of goodwill, if you must. But do not expect mercy for those who defy me."

Puck's ears twitched, and he whispered to Emilia, "I don't trust him, Lia. He's powerful, but... dangerous."

Emilia sighed softly. She knew Puck was right, but what choice did she have? Gilgamesh had saved her from those thugs, and now he was offering to help her recover the insignia. Even if his methods were extreme, she couldn't afford to lose this opportunity.

"Thank you, Gilgamesh," Emilia said, her voice soft but sincere. "I appreciate your help."

Gilgamesh waved off her gratitude, his eyes already scanning the darkening streets. "Lead me to this thief. The sooner we recover your treasure, the sooner I can return to my own affairs."

Emilia nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "The thief was last seen near the market square. We should head there first."

With a newfound sense of purpose, Emilia led the way, Puck floating beside her, and Gilgamesh trailing behind, his presence both reassuring and intimidating. The streets grew darker and narrower as they approached the slums, the atmosphere becoming increasingly tense.

Eventually, they arrived at the rundown building that served as the loot house. The building was dimly lit and shabby, a stark contrast to the grandeur of Lugunica's capital. Emilia and Gilgamesh approached the door, which was firmly locked. Gilgamesh raised his hand to knock, the sound echoing through the silent streets.

Inside, the small figure's heart raced as she heard the knock. Expecting it to be the person who hired her, she hurried to the door, her hand on the knob. She opened it cautiously, but her eyes widened in shock as she recognized Emilia standing before her.

"You!" the girl exclaimed, taking a step back. She had not anticipated facing the person she had stolen from so soon.

The large, grizzled man beside her, sensing the tension, stepped forward and placed a reassuring hand on the girl's shoulder. "Calm down, girl. Let's hear what they have to say."

Emilia took a deep breath, her voice gentle but firm. "I just want my insignia back. It's important to me."

The old man nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Girl, you got caught red-handed. Best to give it back."

The girl hesitated, glancing between the old man and Emilia, then to Gilgamesh, whose crimson eyes were fixed on her. "I promised to deliver it to the one who hired me. I can't just hand it over."

Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed, a spark of irritation flashing across his face. Before he could speak, Emilia touched his arm, her gaze imploring. "Please, let's try to solve this without violence."

Gilgamesh looked at her for a moment, then sighed, the irritation fading from his features. "Very well, I will listen to your request this time."

The old man cleared his throat, sensing an opportunity to diffuse the situation. "We ain't lookin' for trouble, miss. But the girl here needs to make a livin'. How about a fair trade? Ten big gold coins, and the insignia's yours."

Emilia looked at Gilgamesh, unsure of how to proceed. To her surprise, he let out a small laugh. "Gold? You ask for gold from the King of Heroes? Very well."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, a small chest appeared before them, overflowing with gold coins. The sheer abundance of wealth left the girl, the old man, Emilia, and even Puck speechless.

The girl blinked, her mouth slightly agape. "You… you're just giving this to us?"

The old man's eyes widened, a mix of awe and disbelief on his face. "I've never seen so much gold in one place…"

Emilia, regaining her composure, turned to Gilgamesh, her expression a mix of gratitude and concern. "You don't have to do that. It's too much."

Gilgamesh merely shrugged, his tone dismissive. "It's nothing. A mere trifle."

The girl, still stunned, nodded and handed the insignia to Emilia. "Here. Take it. I guess a promise to deliver doesn't mean much when faced with… this."

Emilia breathed a sigh of relief, clutching the insignia to her chest. "Thank you."

However, the relief was short-lived. As the transaction concluded, a chilling presence filled the room. A dark-haired woman, with an unsettling smile, slipped into the loot house, her eyes immediately locking onto Emilia.

Without warning, the woman lunged, her blade aimed straight for Emilia. But before the attack could land, a golden barrier materialized, deflecting the strike with ease.

Gilgamesh stood before Emilia, his expression one of smug satisfaction. "You think to harm what belongs to me? You shall find that task impossible."

The woman's eyes widened, but her surprise quickly turned to a twisted smile. "Well, well. This just got interesting."

The air grew thick with tension as Gilgamesh and the mysterious woman prepared to face off. Emilia and Puck watched, their hearts pounding with anticipation and fear.

The battle for the insignia—and much more—was about to begin.