
Gilgamesh in a New World

After witnessing the tragedy that is the life of Gilgamesh in the world, A goddess outside of that world's controll frees his soul from their control for a chance at a new start!

Gage_Rose · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

A New Start

Out in the vast expanse of space a pair of golden eyes can be seen watching the tragic end of Gilgamesh once again, as what happens again and again over and over again.

The tragic part is that Gilgamesh being as powerful as he is has been given a curse of arragonce from the deities in control over the Type-moon universe. He also is cursed to be aware of every time he has been summoned for the holy grail war.

"I've seen enough" says a melodius voice that seems to echo with both beauty and power.

in the next instance a pure gold soul can be seen flying out of Type-moon towards the eyes direction before materializing in front of them into the form of Gilgamesh.

"welcome King of heroes" says the voice.

memories seem to flood into his mind as he holds his head. Only this time without the curse of arragonce that has plagued his existence since he was a child.

he looks up towards the eyes and says.

"who exactly are you?"

as the form of a beautiful woman much larger than any being Gilgamesh has seen before takes shape the woman responds.

"I am the goddess of Creation, the origin of all worlds. Mother of the multiverse. GENESIS!"

"can you please explain exactly what's going on?" I respond.

"sure" "you have been under the control of the ones in charge of your world since the dawn of your creation. cursed to try and fail again and again for no more than the entertainment of those watching. I have taken the liberty of freeing you from the shackles of such a fate in order to give you a fresh start in a new world. one where the gods have been dead for a very long time. A world made up of multiple powers. A world Wich is destined to end if something doesn't change. which is why I will place you into this world, in order to take the reins away from the ones currently holding them so that this world can be saved."

I think deeply about her offer. one thing is for sure I absolutely cannot go back to my original world now aware of what has been taking place in the shadows.

"okay I shall except your offer Goddess of Creation"

"I'm glad child, but I shall not send you in with nothing, so I shall give you my blessing in the form of a system that shall help you in your journey. you will come into the new world on an island hidden from the rest of the world to train and build your forces. you cannot make waves in the world for the first 10 years you are there other than building your new kingdom. I shall also allow you with one free request no matter what it is a shall do be it immortality or anything of equal or lesser power"

I honestly answer quicker than I thought possible. "Arturia" "can you free her along with me?" most may not know but the feelings of love I had for her were indeed real. it was only the curse placed on me which corrupted the feeling to the possessive nature it had become.

the goddess smiles down upon me and says

"I was hoping that would be it, For every great king needs an equally great Queen." she looks of into the distance and waves her hand gently. a golden flash appears near me and then she appears in all her splendor.

Arturia first looks at me and anger appears on her face immediately, I can't stand seeing that so look away in visible pain.

*cough*"Arturia Pendragon"

she looks over towards the goddess just now realizing that someone else is present

"oh who are you?! and where am I!?"

she basically goes over the whole speech she had just given me explaining what has happened in the world and how she's been little more than a puppet this entire time, along with how shiro emyiya was already working for the entity of type-moon the entire time to keep things "interesting" she also explains the curse that was put on me as well.

"there was also a curse placed on you as well by them. the one that prevents you from physically ageing Wich has now been removed so once in the new world you shall find no problems at all." she finishes the explanation with a gentle smile.

"once there you shall maintain your current abilities only they will be altered to fit the world you shall be placed into. along with an extra gift you shall see once there. Once again I thank you both for taking this world future into your own hands in order to save it king of heroes and the now named Queen of knights. Now go into this world and build the strongest kingdom the world has ever seen!!!"

before we can respond I'm blinded by a golden flash of light and then nothing but darkness.....after a few minutes I here a


[Fate Kingdom System is online. welcome King Gilgamesh]

system? oh right she did mention something about that. "what can you do exactly?"

[the system has multiple function:






these are the primary functions given to you king Gilgamesh, would you like and explanation for each function?]

"yes please do"

[Stats: shows you current strength and control over various skills and abilities compared to other powerful forces in the world.

Shop: is used to purchase items and materials that can be found anywhere in the world you will wake up in. using system based currency, local world currency or gold.

Summon: used to summon various servants from your previous world. they will be loyal only to you and Arturia, only their abilities will be balanced and adjusted for the new world standards of strength.

Map: used to display the island you will be placed on and any within a 50km radius to your starting position.

Quest: different missions shall be offered to you offering different rewards for completion. take note that no mission is compulsory you can choose not to do any of the missions. they are only there to earn in system currency and other rewards.]

*ding* [host be ready you are about to arrive]

[arriving in 5





all of a sudden I can here waves hitting against sand, and birds chirping in the distance. I wearily open my eyes and look around to get my bearings.

laying next to me is my beautiful Queen Arturia. I can't help a smile from gracing my face at the thought of finally being able to think rationally and know for sure that my love is real! I was so engrossed in watching her I didn't realize she had also awoken.

"is there something on my face?" she says

I don't even think before responding

"no, I just got lost in your beauty, and since is the first time in my life I've been allowed to think with a clear mind no longer clouded with anger, jealousy and arragonce I couldn't help but get lost in appreciation."

she blushes a deep shade of red

but whispers in a mosquito like voice


I let a smirk show on my face as I look around at the rest of our surroundings, nothing but tall forests further into the island aways from the beach. I stand up and extend my hand towards Arturia.

"shall we explore a bit?"

"yes let's" she responds and takes my hand, then we walk off into the forest to begin our journey together.

after hours of walking without encountering an dangers I can see an opening in the tree line ahead. after speeding up the pace we come through and what is placed in front of us is an all to familiar site, beautiful marble walls extending in both directions. at this point I know what to expect but cant help the excitement I'm feeling so I jump onto the walls and see the most magnificent castle I know from history. Camelot! the castle preciously used by king Arthur during her time pretending to be a king.

"looks like this is the gift you received from the goddess"

"what was yours?" she's asks curious now

I look into her eyes "you were" "she offered me many things but once my mind was cleared of all pollution I no longer craved for riches, women, power or even immortality. the only thing I wanted at the point was for you to join me on this adventure." I then give her a bright smile and say "and I regret not a thing about my decision"

once again she blushes but continues to stare into my eyes for several minutes.

"well thank you for reaching my from my cursed fate. and in return it would be pretty terrible of me to continue and hold you accountable for the actions of the past now knowing none of us had any control." she then shows a gentle smile and extend her small hand towards me "would you like a tour of our castle, my KING?"

I take her hand and can't help a gentle smile of my own from forming.