
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantaisie
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126 Chs

Chapter 99: Helpless

Leaving the welfare institution, Field brought Qiqi to the Hades Academy.

It was nearing evening, and many students in the academy had finished eating and were strolling around. Some were organizing activities related to magic on the playground, and seeing the frequent bursts of magical light on the field, Field's eyes were filled with envy.

Seeing this, Qiqi extended her hand, forming a ball of wind.

"Field, look at this, meow~"

Field looked over, somewhat surprised, "Is this Gold-rank Wind Magic? Did you learn it?"

"Yes, meow!" Qiqi's face was full of smiles.

Previously, Field had given her a magic book obtained from the Ses Commerce Guild's mage to study the magic inside. There were Gold-rank and Platinum-rank magic in it. Field had expected Qiqi to at least learn Gold-rank magic, but she managed to learn it even before reaching that rank.

It seemed that Qiqi's talent in Wind Magic was quite high. 

Then, with a tap of her hand, a green light enveloped Field's body, making him feel much lighter. He felt like he could float at any moment.

With a gentle push, he jumped more than ten meters high. If he exerted himself, he might even be able to reach a hundred meters! 

And as he descended, there was a gliding sensation, slowly and leisurely.

"This magic is amazing!" Field exclaimed excitedly.

"This is Wind Glide, meow! I'm currently learning Wind Wings. Once I reach Gold rank, I'm sure I'll be able to learn it, meow!"

"When that happens, I'll be able to fly with Field, meow!"

At Qiqi's words, Field couldn't help but feel extremely happy and affectionate. He rubbed Qiqi's hair affectionately.

"I love you so much!"

"Hehe~" Qiqi nuzzled Field's large hand affectionately.

Subsequently, the two of them passed through the playground and arrived at the Student Union building to find Hilda.

But Hilda was not there. However, she had instructed the members of the Student Union to inform Field to gather at the entrance of East Main Street in the Grilah Grand Plaza at eight o'clock.

Field didn't think much about it and headed towards the gathering point with Qiqi.

It was now around half past seven, and walking there for a stroll would pass the time.

Meanwhile, on the other side, at the east gate of Grilah City.

A beautiful figure stood at the city gate. Her exquisite appearance and the gorgeous long dress she wore attracted the attention of passersby. Even the soldiers guarding the city couldn't help but glance at her.

There were many people who wanted to approach and strike up a conversation with this beautiful girl. However, when they saw the elite knights of Grilah City and the security guards of Hades Academy following behind her, they didn't dare to entertain any crooked thoughts.

The elite knights of Grilah City were not easily mobilized, and the presence of the Hades Academy's security guards added to the imposing lineup, making the surrounding bystanders hesitant to approach within ten meters.

The beautiful girl was none other than our lovely Hilda.

However, she was somewhat helpless at the moment. She turned to look at a middle-aged woman dressed in knight's attire beside her and said, "Aunt Ryla, I'm just waiting for a friend. There's no need to be so overbearing."

But the middle-aged female knight named Ryla shook her head, saying, "It's the Lord's orders. Whenever you attend important events, your safety needs to be prioritized!"

"Please don't refuse."

Hilda sighed and looked at another group of security guards from Hades Academy behind her.

"What are you here for?" she asked.

"The president has personally ordered that whenever you appear, whether it's for Hades or for Grilah City, it's of utmost importance. We feel that our security forces are somewhat lacking in this aspect, so please don't refuse," the leader of the guards, a handsome man, smiled.

"I don't need your protection, and what you're doing... will frighten the residents around," Hilda said unhappily.

"Madam President, whether for Hades or Grilah City, you are extremely important. We feel that our security forces are somewhat lacking in this regard. Please don't refuse," the leader of the guards said.


Everyone was like this!

She just wanted to quietly wait for her friend, so that when she arrived, they could stroll around the streets and have some fun before the party started.

Now, it was all ruined by these guys.

But they were all well-meaning, so Hilda could only sigh and stop speaking.

After waiting for a few minutes, a beautiful carriage arrived.

Hilda's eyes lit up, and she waved her hand.

The carriage stopped, and a girl in a gorgeous evening gown stepped out of it.

This girl was also very beautiful, although not as stunning as Hilda, but her appearance could still score around eighty-five points on Field's rating system.

More importantly, the girl was very good at dressing up, with exquisite makeup, and her long dress matched her style perfectly, so she could add another five points, reaching around ninety points.

Ninety points or more were considered rare beauties.

The most critical thing was that the girl was very good at dressing up, and Hilda was happy for her friend who was realizing her dream.

But then, she suddenly fixed her gaze and looked at the clothes Hilda was wearing, her expression becoming even more delighted.

Excitedly, Hilda hugged the girl's arm and asked, "Where did you get this dress?"

"A good friend gave it to me," Hilda said, turning around in her dress and eagerly asking, "How do I look? Is it beautiful?"

"Of course, it's beautiful. How could my work not be?" the girl, Brittany, laughed and pointed to herself, "Remember, I told you before that I want to open a clothing store and make my creations available to the entire continent!"

"Now my dream has begun... the initial stage!" 

"I already have four clothing stores, all named after me!"

"The two pieces you're wearing are sitting in my store in Sea Haven. They're both from the same collection."

"I didn't expect that they would be sold out as soon as they arrived and hadn't even been on display for a day. Both pieces were bought by the same customer, and from what the store manager said, he was a big guy."

"Hilda, come clean, do you have a boyfriend?"

Hilda was astonished, and then she looked at Brittany with curiosity, hugging her arm affectionately and asking, "Is this dress made by you?"

"Yes indeed! Look at the pleats on the skirt, they form the elegant characters. Hilda, honest confession, do you have a boyfriend?"

Hilda looked at Brittany, her mouth slightly agape, surprised at the coincidence. But then she smiled openly and said, "No, really, he's just a friend. This dress is also a gift from him."

"Alright, you little rascal, if he's giving you dresses, he's definitely your boyfriend!" Brittany pinched Hilda's cheek and pulled it outwards playfully, saying menacingly.

Only close friends could interact so intimately.

Hilda couldn't help but laugh, saying, "No, really, he's a mercenary and a blacksmith. He bought the dress to make female light armor."

Brittany looked skeptical, "Really? Then what about the other dress?"

"I don't know about that," Hilda said, then thought for a moment, "Maybe he kept it to dismantle and prepare for making armor... for the Bloodlands."

"The Bloodlands?" Brittany was puzzled.

Hilda then briefly explained the situation in the Bloodlands.

"So, he should be rushing to make equipment for the Bloodlands. After all, good equipment is like a second life. Can you understand, Sister Brittany?"

Seeing Hilda's hopeful expression, Brittany couldn't help but deflate, laughing and saying, "Alright, if that's the case, then I forgive him."

"After all, he's your lifesaver, I won't get angry with him. Besides, he's already paid for it."

"Hehe, thank you, Sister Brittany!" Hilda was overjoyed.

Seeing her like this, Brittany raised an eyebrow slightly.

A male friend... Hilda had never had a male friend before, after all, those smelly men who approached Hilda all had the same goal. Although Hilda was kind-hearted, she was also smart enough to keep a certain distance from those people and couldn't be considered friends.

Now she had a real male friend, which made Brittany unable to help but think more. But Brittany didn't say much because she could tell that Hilda just had a favorable impression of that Field, but they hadn't reached that level yet.

But this was a sign. Anyway, Brittany remembered the name Field.

Soon, the two girls arrived at the entrance of East Main Street in Grilah Grand Plaza.

"Let's wait for him here. He should be here soon," Hilda said.

"Okay," Brittany nodded, then squinted her beautiful eyes, scanning the crowd around them, looking for the Field mentioned by Hilda.

Soon, she locked onto a target walking towards them.

When she saw him, Brittany couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

Because on the broad shoulders of the big guy stood a cute little cat girl.

The newcomer was none other than Field and Qiqi.

Field and Qiqi had just arrived, and they saw Hilda as soon as they arrived, as well as the gorgeous girl beside her.

The girl was a little older than Hilda, probably around twenty years old, and her demeanor showed that she came from a wealthy family.

But Field wasn't intimidated. He walked over with his hands in his pockets and greeted them with a smile.

"Hello, ladies."

Brittany didn't respond, but Hilda stepped forward and introduced, "Field, this is my good friend, Sister Brittany."

"Sister Brittany, this is Field, and this is his mercenary companion, Qiqi."

"Nice to meet you, meow~" Qiqi waved.

Brittany also smiled faintly, "Nice to meet you."

Then she looked at Field, feeling a little sighing in her heart.

Indeed, he was a big guy.

Two meters six in height, sturdy and well-proportioned, with a simple and honest smile, he looked a bit out of the ordinary.

While Brittany was sizing up Field, Field was also sizing up Brittany.

He felt that the name Brittany sounded familiar, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed... exactly the same as that clothing store.

What a coincidence?

How could someone use their own name as the name of a clothing store? That would be so narcissistic.

Even he wouldn't name his squad the Field Mercenary Team.

"The party is about to start, let's go in first."

"Field, this is your admission ticket."

"And Qiqi's too. I specially prepared one for you, too."

"Wow, thank you, Sister Hilda, meow~" Qiqi happily took it, the adorable little cat always being loved by everyone.

Field smiled. Indeed, Hilda was very thoughtful and didn't forget Qiqi.

Otherwise, he would have to let Qiqi wait outside alone now, and he couldn't bear to let Qiqi wait outside alone.