
Ghoul vs Vampire

Mercy is a survivor. She lived past Ghouls, CCG investigators, and many other creatures. But she didn't know that there was other obstacles she had to survive. Watch how a simple hunt turned into a rescue and how kindness for one innocent human girl could be Mercy's downfall... or her salvation.

Tori_David_7398 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what." To Kill a Mockingbird

"I really need to quit smoking." Mercy thought while inhaling the sweet toxic fumes from her cigar. "Then again it does help the cravings to a degree." She concluded whilst exhaling blood red smoke from her lungs. It swirled around her like a vortex. Enriched with sweet blood toxicity. She smiled.

She looked out into the city that is the 4th Ward. Sirens flaring, cars vrooming to certain destinations, lights popping out like fireworks from people's homes to street lamps. She was standing on a ledge of an abandoned apartment building observing the chaos that is the human world. The concrete was still stable but vegetation was taking over. Not to mention mold and moss on the corners of the dusty stair cases. Only half of this building was completed but the top half was not.

No walls to cover oneself. Only beams and open air stand in the way of plummeting to your death. But that's the way Mercy liked it. The sheer thought of simply falling in a single moment and feeling the gravity pull you down and the crushing of bones and flesh once you land on solid ground... sends tingles of pleasure down her spine.

She sighed. "I should really head back..." she mumbled while stretching her back. She stood up and took one more good look at the city. She carefully walked to the corner of the beam where at the end of the beam was a corpse. Male, fairly young probably in his late 20's. Eyes glazed over with terror, his chest ripped open with fresh blood pouring down. His heart and lungs missing. Mercy licked her lips, the taste of his blood still lingered on her tongue. She was caked in blood from her victim. Blood stained her lips as well as her white shirt , dark jeans and black trench coat. Her black raven hair blowing in the wind revealing her face. Her skin, smooth and soft as silk. White as the pale moon that the blood on her full lips popped.

"My bad , I forgot about you." She said playfully while crouching down to his face level. He didn't respond. Not that he can, with his jaw broken and his tongue missing. " I deeply apologize... but I couldn't help it. You were so tender and sweet that I just had to eat you." She explained with a sadistic giggle. even though he wouldn't answer back. Her eye transformed from the sheer smell of her victim. Her once ocean blue eye now turned dark with her iris a cold steel red. Black veins pulsed around her eye. But what's strange is that her other eye was still normal.

In short she is a half breed. Half human and half ghoul if you didn't get the many hints. Mercy is one of the rare ones in here kind but does this faze her... no.

The smell of a decaying corpse always calms her down, but she knew she couldn't linger. She grabbed a small jar from her coat pocket and set it carefully on the beam. She looked back at the poor young man and grabbed one of his arms and with a quick snap! She broke the man's shoulder without even flinching and pulled the arm from his body. She bit into his flesh, creating a nice whole for the blood to drain and transfer the blood into the jar. What she didn't know is that she had an audience. Dark eyes followed her every movement. Mesmerizing.

Once the blood from the arm was done she tossed it into the air and let it drop to the ground. She placed the jar back into her pocket. She stood up and paid her respects to her meal. "Thank you for your sacrifice." She said with her hands together in prayer. A blank facial expression. Once she was finished with her respects. She hopped gracefully down from beam to beam like a cat till she landed on solid concrete.

"My, my.That was quite a show." Someone clapped with an amused laugh. Mercy turned sharply around at the sound of clapping. She looked around the floor of the room but saw no one. Till a figure emerged from the shadows . She came face to face with...

"Good evening... Eto."