
Ghoul in Aot

What is freedom? Izack a boy reborn into a world were everyone dreams and searches for freedom. With his own idea of what true freedom is, he will do anything to achieve it. ------ Imagine the usual I don't anything stuff here.

BeginningOrEnd · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Potato Girl

"Oy you, bob cut, what's your name?!!" shouted a bald man with a goatee, he wore a long green jacket going to his knees with the recruits core symbol on it, which is a shield with two swords crossed in front of it.

"Armin Arlit sir!" screamed out Armin, he had grown a bit taller over the years apart from that nothing has really changed. He had his right arm crossed over his chest and his hand balled into a fist pushing where his heart was.

"What kind of…."

– Izack's Pov –

This is fucking stupid. This whole 'right of passage' thing is stupid, it is a grown fucking man shouting at a bunch of twelve year olds when you think about it. I get that they are trying to make soldiers out of us, hmm now that I think about it I'm looking at it with the common sense of someone who lived in the 21st century, the kids here have man eating monsters to worry about so they probably mature faster i guess.

Man I wish I could just punch this guy in the face. He has one of those faces, but sadly unless I want to be kicked out of the cadet course I can't.

It is the same group of people which is nice, apart from Ymir though, she is still a titan wandering around paradise.

Maybe I should just eat them and get their titans abilities, the only titans not present are the beast, cart and warhammer titans. Even if it saves me lots of time and effort, titans will still exist so I will have to deal with all this bullshit.


Oh fuck I'm standing next to sasha better known as, will be known as after this incident, potato girl. And it looks like Keith Shadis, the bald screaming guy, has noticed her.

"You're officially on my shit list, just who the hell are you!?" screamed out Kieth getting in Sasha's face.

*gulp* "My name is Sasha Blouse from Dauper Village Sir." screamed out Sasha with seriousness that didn't match the potato crumbs all round her mouth.

"Sasha Blouse huh and what is that you're holding in your hand?" asked Kieth.

"A steamed potato, it sat in the mess hall waiting to be eaten, sir." responded Sasha.

"The theft I understand, but here, why eat it here of all places?" asked Keith in a tone of disbelief.

"It looked quite delicious and it was getting cold so I gave it comfort in my stomach, sir." said Sasha. I can't do this, I'm dying, seeing it in a book or a t.v screen is one thing but seeing it in person is so much better, the look of disbelief on his face is hilarious.

"Why, I can't comprehend, why would you eat that potato?" continued Kieth.

"Ehh are you asking me why people eat potatoes? I'm surprised you don't know." asked Sasha in a confused tone.

"Here sir, have half." said Sasha whilst offering the smaller half of the potato.

"Have half, really." asked Keith.

"Hahahaha I can't hahaha" I can't its too fucking funny, I know I shouldn't but I can't help it.

"YOU what's your name boy!?" shouted Keith with rage apparent on his face.

"Izack, sir!" I responded.

"No second name boy!"

"No sir."

"Where are you from?"

"Shiganshina district, sir."

"So you were there boy, did you see a titan boy?"

"Yes, sir, I was nearly eaten by one if it wasn't for its arm being cut off." This is part of my cover story. I lived near the gate that was destroyed by the colossal with my mother, my father wasn't around and my mother said I would inherit his second name when the time he accepts us comes. Running away, me and my mother were grabbed by titans, my mother was eaten by a titan whilst I was saved by the titans arm being cut off by a soldier with odm gear.

"I see, so you nearly died and still want to pursue this path."

"I've faced death multiple times in my life, this one just happened to be in the form of a man-eating monster, a knife can easily kill us as well but do we fear a knife? Sir." This isn't a lie, I have faced death multiple times, now I won't even flinch at it.

"I see."

"Keep going potato girl we are nearly there." I shouted to Sasha who can be compared to a zombie, with the dead look in her eyes, the way she's walking and the fact she keeps saying "food".


"Annnddd done, well done potato girl." I said sitting down next to her.

"*pant* how are *pant* you not tired?" asked Sasha.

"I guess I'm just built differently." literally, with the addition of the jaws titan I'm a lot stronger than a regular ghoul at my level, the problem is my growth due to humans lacking in Rc cells but what can you do.


All of a sudden Sasha got up on all fours and jumped towards a person who was walking towards us. If my memory serves me right it is Krista Lenz whose real name is Historia Reiss. Looking over at the direction Sasha jumped I see her hugging a blonde girl whilst screaming about how she is a goddess.

Approaching them Krista seems to remember about my presence and starts to panic about the fact Sasha ate all the bread, "It is alright, I would do with some water though." Receiving the bottle I took a drink before continuing, "I'm Izack thanks for the water. What's your name by the way?"

"I'm Krista Lenz, nice to meet you." said Krista. Hmm do I fuck with her or nah, there shouldn't be any major consequences unless I go tell everyone so lets do it.

"Is that your real name or a fake?" to this her eyes winden for a moment before she gets her act back together.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." responded Krista.

"Don't worry I won't say to anyone you must have your reasons, but words of advice don't wear a mask for too long or else you start to become the mask." That's a thing that happens quite a lot actually, someone puts on a mask, starts to act differently and ends up becoming that mask.

"Well anyway I'll give you a hand carrying potato girl back to the hut."

"Thank you." responded Krista.