

i wanna know more about my family now. mom can i go to the police station tomorrow so i can ask where my real family used to live? sure Miya, but first lets have lunch. okay, and thank you mom. ( they all sit and eat ) Miya, did you realize your neck less has a lock? i know but i don't have a key that small and i never had anything that was my family's before. hey Miya, your forgetting there my family too so hand the neck less over. Jimmy you will drop it or lose it. fine, keep it all to your self. well i am done. i wish dad could come now or today, but i guess he comes when he planed to come. yes, but i just want to say your father is very funny and playful. wow, that means he will play with us everyday. and i want to show him my mud cakes so we can eat them and play on my IPad. uh, Jimmy save that for yourself. oh Miya you just never tried my mud cakes so you think there that bad. no Jimmy, mud is not good for anyone. fine. guys lets go to the police station! okay, okay no rush. ( they go to police station ) okay lets go inside, i cant wait. ( they go inside ) hi sir, remember us? oh hi kids, and i do remember you all, how can i help you? well my name is Miya J.P, and do you know where my family used to live? oh where is your family, are they home? th-ey left. oh i am so sorry, but let me check where they used to live. okay thank you. hmm, it seems they used to live here. oh okay, thank you for your help sir. no problem kids, and always watch out for other! we will! Miya, where is that place? don't worry i know where my family's house is. yes we all looked at the map but where is that place? that's what i am trying to say i know where that place is. okay lets go! ( they go to Miya's family's old home ) okay we made it. wow, the house looks really scary! yes, but i am sure we will be fine. lets go. ( they go inside ) okay look around for some interesting stuff. okay ( they look around for stuff ) hey whats this? its a wooden box, but it has a lock? well lets search for the key. okay. ( they search for the key ) anyone find the key? no, i don't think its in this house. well it has to be somewhere. well lets go home, its getting late. fine ( they go home ) mo-m DAD! uh Lizzy who are these kids? oh there our kids, i adopted them. w-what, um Lizzy can i talk to you somewhere. sure, but why? just come, we talked about this, why did you adopt some random kids. because i always wanted kids but you are the one who kept saying we don't need kids and did you know how much that hurt me!! that's because we don't need kids, we have better things to do. well since i already adopted kids you will have to manage with them and be a good dad. fine. hi, dad! uh h-i kids. do you wanna go out together some time? uh i guess sure. yay! kids why wait when we all can go out now! really?!! yes, honey get the car started! okay, okay! we will go up stairs and get ready. okay kids. ( they go up stairs ) ally i think i have an idea of where the key for the box might be! where? underground in the backyard! ohhhhh, that's a good place to look! yes, but we will have to go check after a bit because we are going out. ya, but its okay because if the key is there it wont go anywhere because who would even bother looking there. yup. kids are you ready! oh i forgot we where going out, COMING MOM!! ( they go down stairs ) we are ready! okay lets go! ( they get in the car and go ) soo, what are your names kids? well my name is Ally. and my name is Miya. and mister you look a little old for a dad but my name is Jimmy. oh um, nice to meet you kids. where are we going dad? oh, we are uh going to the zoo. wow, i never went to a zoo before. well we are here. wow, lets go, lets go! okay, okay. ( phone rings ) hello? oh, sir yes i will get to work right away. yes sure. sorry honey i have some work to do we can go out some other day. oh okay. kids we will come back here next time! okay mom. ( they go in the car and go home ) mom, we are going to the playground. okay kids be back soon. okay mom. ( they run to Miyas house ) okay lets go in the backyard. okay lets go. okay did you bring a stick? yes here you go. thanks. ( Miya digs a hole and finds something ) hey look i found a box! well open it! okay, okay. look a key! do you think its the key for the lock? maybe lets go try it! okay lets go! ( they go inside and open the box ) look the box opened!! what is that? its a letter, it says, hello my name is Jim J.P and i don't know who is going to read this letter but i just want to warn the future and say no one can survive. the rest of the paper is spilled with ink. but this was from my dad! but what does he mean when he says no one will survive? i don't know but we will have to find out. lets go home for now. ( they go home ) hi kids! hi mom. wheres dad? hes right there on the couch. oh okay. ( they all sit next to there dad ) hi dad. ( there dad pulls a small knife out and hurts Miya ) OWWWWW!!! MIYA! ( there dad runs out ) TIM WHAT DID YOU DO!! MIYA!!! OWWW....ally.....Martha.....Jimmy.....mo-. NOOOOO!!! QUICK ALLY TAKE CARE OF YOUR SISTER FOR A SECOND ILL GET THE CAR! WE ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITABLE NOW!! ( starts car ) are you ready! yes mom! okay okay lets go! ( they go to hospitable as fast as they can ) MOVE OUT OF THE WAY EVERYONE, MAM CAN YOU HELP MY DAUGHTER!! sure let me get her in the emergency room right now! ( they take Miya in the emergency room ) i hope she is okay! me too. ( time passes by ) i don't get why dad did that. i thought you said dad was nice mom. he is i just don't get why he did this. ( doctor comes out ) at last, doc is my daughter okay how is she is she going to make it, please tell me. mam calm down, your child is fine she just got to the hospitable in time. she just needs to stay in the hospitable till the morning in till then we are checking on her time to time. oh, thank god. is it okay if we see her doc? well little one you can see her for a bit then you have to wait here. okay thank you. ( they go inside to see Miya ) Miya are you awake? oh shes asleep maybe its best if we let her sleep. yes. wait now that i think about it, your dad doesn't look like before when i saw him on the couch. its like he wasn't your dad at all. WAIT ITS NOT YOUR DAD. YOUR DAD LOOKS VERY DIFFERENT!