
Shapter Pour

The next day.

I preapare my things for school.

Papers here there and everywhere.

I was irritated because of the things that I need to compile right now. Thesis and research about Epidemology where we study and analise of the distribution (who, when, and where), patterns and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined population.

I was so pressured right now.

Rushing all the things that I need to print and past it on time gets me exhausted so I deeply breathe and minding all the thing that I went and will go through just for my dreams in life.

While waiting the papers that I'm printing I decided to open my cellphone.

There was a text message from an anonymous number.

I opened it.


"Hey, looks like your having a hard time".

"Who's this?"me.

"Thanks for being with me in the library and park. Totally appreciated it. By the way, sorry I didn't meant to bump you last time."

"Oh, don't worry about the last time

sooooooooooooo..... is this your number or you. just borrowed a phone? "

"My number".


I walked on the hallway and holding the papers that I printed, I decided to take a break.


Waiting for my turn, my phone vibrated. I cheked it and it was your number.

"210 degrees 25 shot no foam pumpkin spiced half cup cafe latte miss".

Your text brings me back to life because, setting me to relax myself, ~~~TO JUST CHIIILLLL~~~


On my way to garden put my earphones....

🎧Playing~Stressed Out~by:21 Pilots🎧

"Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days

When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out

Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days

When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out~"

enjoying my Pumpkin Spiced Latte "Although it will be a hard and tiring day, eventually your sacrifices will pay off soon SELF!"as I said on my mind and finish my stuffs.