
Ghostedly In Love

They say that dating is fun. It is, once you get the hang of it. You smile and You laugh and then you start to fall in love. But what if you're not really dating and that person Ghosted you? in a literal and shocking way.. Hi I'm Sab, and this is my story.

sandikoii · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Could it get any worse?

I sat down on my desk, crying. 'Oh why does it have to be so embarrassing! Ugh! But he doesn't have to be so mean about it'. I wiped my tears and prayed that I don't get fired. I still needed this job. I just have to put up with his attitude. But first I needed to email him, to let him know that it was an accident and that I didn't mean to scatter the documents. I was about to fire an email when a voice interrupted.

'Sab?' It was Martha. Oh snap! the HR Manager is here and now I'm getting fired. 'Martha, I'm so sorry. I was clumsy. I was just about to knock. I didn't know the door was slightly open. Please let me keep this job. I'll do it right next time, I swear.' I was crying.

'Sab, don't worry about it. Anthony sent me over to tell you that you still have the job if you want it and that he just over reacted because he has a lot on his mind right now.'

I looked at her wiping my tears and said thank you. She looked at me with a motherly smile and said 'Sab, believe me, he's not that bad. And I think you might just be the perfect secretary that can keep up with him. I just know it.' and Martha walked away after that.

I was feeling a bit lighter now that I still have the job but I'm still mad because I know everyone heard his shout and it was really embarrassing and unnecessary for him to do that. If I really don't need this job, I know I would have quitted right away.

I was waiting in the lobby after work when Abby called me.

'Hey! Sab! Abby said, smiling while walking towards me. 'How's your first day go?'

I told everything that had happened, from the falling to the shouting. Of course, I left the part about the PAPER.

'Oh Sab! I'm sorry it happened to you but let me ask, is the COO hot?'

'Abby!! I said, exasperated. Believe me, but I never saw his face. I saw his back. I bumped into him before my grand fall and turned and walked away after without looking at him. Why do you ask?'

'Well..'Abby said sheepishly. ' I heard that he's really good looking but too bad he's got a longtime girlfriend they say.'

Hmmm.. no wonder about the printed paper on how to propose. Hah! I guess he was just embarrassed and turned his anger on me.

'Sab! hello, Sab!

I snapped from my train of thought for a sec upon hearing Abby's voice. 'Let's go home' she said while walking to her pre owned car.

'Uhmm, I think I'll go to the park right now. You know, just to destress and go eat at my fave restaurant after.'

'Okay! Bring me some pizza please? I'm also stressed so I'd be needing a box.' Abby said, as she went inside her car and drove off.

Lucky for me, The park is just a walking distance. I'm thankful that our place of work is in the heart of the city and our home is just 10kl. away from it. The sun was about to set when I arrived in my favourite restaurant. I entered the booth at the back part and ordered my usual Spaghetti Bolognese. As I was waiting for my order I heard the chair in the other booth beside me moved. Huh, I guess there's another lonely human who wants to take a break from a whole day of interaction. Normally, at the restaurant I eat, the back booths are usually empty because there's no window. So it's kind of unusual for me if heard or see someone at the back booth. My order finally arrived and I started eating right away but then I heard a man starting to talk.

"Kelsey, I've got something to say. I know this is not the most romantic place to be but.."

hmmm.. The voice sounds familiar though.

"Sebastian, I've got something to say..

ohh.. so it's not him

"I want to break up with you. I'm tired of faking it..

I choked on my food. Oh no! Am I witnessing a bad breakup now?

"What do you mean faking? Tell me Kelsey! tell me!

"I'm tired of faking that I love you. I want out of this relationship."

"I thought you loved me?" please tell me it's a joke?..

And the guy started to cry. The nerve of this girl.

"Remember what your Mom told you 5 months ago? that she saw me with someone else but couldn't identify who it was? and you never believed her because you knew she disliked me from the moment she met me and that you'd stick with me. The allegations are true. I was just with you for 2yrs because of your money Sebastian. I'm done."

"All this time, I thought you were in love with me. You were my world Kelsey. I was blind all this time. Are you going to leave me for him? Just tell me something, Who's the guy?"

"Why would I tell you? Goodbye Sebastian!"

"Wait! Kelsey Please! let's work it out"

And I heard them dashing through the door. Oh man. Pity. Could this day get any worse though? First, I was shouted by my boss and now I've heard that awful breakup. I better leave now and just go home. I think I've had too much of sadness today. I'll probably just get Abby's pizza. I just finished my food and paid for my bill. I was just walking, going to the Pizza Parlor when I heard a car screeching and then a loud thud. I stopped on my track immediately and looked on my side and saw people forming a crowd on the street. Suddenly people where shouting, calling for an ambulance. I went to see what the commotion was about and as I was near, I saw a necklace. a gold one with a pendant, shaped like a rose with a small diamond on the center. I picked it up and as I was about to stand straight. I saw what the commotion was about. I only saw the legs but I figured it was a hit and run and then I saw it, blood. Blood flowing along the legs of the person who got hit by a car. I get queezy when I see blood. I started to get dizzy and was about to throw up when the crowd started to get crazy. Everyone was moving forward trying to catch a glimpse. I really couldn't hold it any longer and I was feeling sick and claustrophobic now. I throwed up and the person who unluckily got hit from my sickness pushed me back so hard that I had fallen and hit my head on the ground. I was trying to stand up but failed. So i just stayed on the ground. I saw the paramedics carrying a stretcher but I really couldn't see any better with my dizziness and so I just let my eyes close and drifted to unconsciousness.

Hello again! Please add this to your library and stay tuned. Sab's life is about to change from here. I will upload chapters as much as I can. Please cheer for me! I'll appreciate your comments and reviews. And you could also save this to your library ♥️

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