
Ghost Town Anxiety

"Maka, what's this all about?" "D-Don't worry about it! I can do this, Le!" "This is stupid." "Whatever. You're just mad that you were too afraid of the ghost." "What'd you say?! I don't think I heard you clearly, through your s-st-stuttering" "It's an anxiety issue! Don't pick at feelings! Anyways, a friend of mine has decided to share our adventure tales, and hopefully people from the internet will like the story and will try to help and support the author! So she can get off her lazy butt and do some actual work with the motivation." "Speaking of which, wasn't the whole reason the author chose to create this story was actually 'cause of a school project?" "What'd I tell you. Lazy. But at least she did the work, and was smart enough to use it to her advamtage." "Well, the readers are in for a treat when they hear about you- mphmmmhphmmm..." "No spoilers!" "Mm K... Or about that time we snuck into a- MMmmphmmph-" "SHHhh- But maybe I shouldn't have cut you off with that last sentence. It's gonna sound like a romance storyyy~~" "Heh- That's what you get. Don't mess with the Le." "..." "Wha-" "Anyways! How you enjoy the story!" "Wait, that was all recorded?" "Took ya long enough~~" Wait, Maka- MAKA!"

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Spooky!: Creaky Creepy Cackling Case?

Moving through the darkness along the plain sidewalk, Maka stared up at the trees, and scanned the streets planted with houses on either side of them. Eventually, the small, snow-white girl and the moody teenager wounded up on a sidewalk, no longer lined with trees dotted with brown and orange leaves, but instead naked with their wretched tree branch-hands looming over the two of them like fingers ready to grab and tear at their souls.

Maka whimpered silently. She glanced at Le who had his hands behind his head, still walking ever so calmly and cool.

"I wish I had that kind of calmness." Maka thought with a faint sigh escaping from her pink-tinted lips.

Staring back up at the sky, she focused her attention on the stars which, she remembered, she could barely see from her bedroom window, but had always intrigued her.

"Eh, so here's the plan." Le started.

"Plan? Why would we need a plan? It's just us asking the guards to find the pocket watch where you stored it and then handing it to us, right??" Maka asked nervously.

Le paused, realizing it could be that simple. "No. I'd get in trouble, and you wouldn't get your share of it either. That would be unfair."

Maka wanted to complain about Le's logic, but she stayed silent, since she was used to being forced to shut up instead of complaining.

"I say we sneak in, and find it." Le said, still not making eye contact with Maka.

"Okay, that won't be too bad, I guess-"

"Through the back door." Le stopped and glared at Maka.

"Why the back door?? D- Didn't you say you hid it in the lobby?" Maka shivered again, knowing he was making it worse for her on purpose.

"Yeah, but-" He tried to come up with a clever excuse. "Hey, we're coming up on the street where the mansion is." Le said, changing the subject instead.

Soon, the two of them made their way up the property, sneaking around the leaf hedges until they made their way to an old, rusty door at the back.

"Come on." Le said, yanking the door open after snatching the flashlight from Maka's hand.

Maka hesitated, gazing up at the tall three-story mansion that looked like some old Victorian household, just much bigger. "H- Hey, don't forget about me!" Maka yelled, running after Le who had already made his way into the mansion.

"Slow poke, hurry up!" Le said as his foot ran into a stairway leading upwards. "Huh?!" Le exclaimed, frantically looking to the side of him.

"Hm, looks like going through the back door might have been a mistake." Maka muttered, staring up into the pitch black above the staircase. "We need to go up before we can come back down and get to the front now, so we should hurry." Rushing to get the pocket watch back, she placed her shaky foot on the first step. "Uhm." Bravely, Maka sifted her weight onto the foot.


Le and Maka shivered at the noise the wood made.

"Eugh." Le said with a dreadful expression. "How ghostly great."