
Keep Calm

For years I have worked in this company. I earned my own good office. Have trained a good number of staffs who are now leaders of this or their own companies. Fufufu still remembers me by sending flowers food and free trips once in a while.

The night shift janitor saw the Administrative Director's light still bright so he decided to check on her and found a matured woman sitting on her desk busy giggling like a sixteen year old while reading a note from

the bouquet of roses on her desk.

"Ms Chin ma'am I see your children gave you gifts again?" Mr Nash asked the lady.

"Oh Mr Nash how are you doing tonight?", Chin Surin saw the 65 year old man who has been part of the office before she came to work here checking if she is alright. She opened the bottom drawer of her table and pulled out a brown teddy bear, boxes of chocolates and a voucher for a trip for 4, stood up to open the door and invited the old man to sit," look here Mr Nash? Im not sure if you will be interested? Its a Thursday now

so you still have time to book. It is not far from your place too?"

She looked earnestly at the old man who was once again touched by her kindness. She does not give him money. Instead she tries to resolve his concerns differently. Once he wanted to borrow or make a loan to pay for his wife's medical operation. She said she is unable to give him cash physically but called the hospital to arranged to pay for the operation from her desktop. The fact is she has money but does not carry it. And besides as she always tell him everything she needs for the office is always accessible for her and if not- gifted to her. So since she has been given so shall it be shared to everyone.

"Mr Nash you are one of the best people who is always there for me so I will not have second thoughts sharing my blessings with you," She patted the old man and returned to her desk. she smiled and faced him,"besides, it's been a long time since you went on a vacation with your only grand daughter!"

"Thank you Ms Chin, I wish you find yourself a good husband," Mr Nash stood up and excitedly left the office," will you be staying long?

"looks like it...." Chin pointed at the papers in front of her,"just lock up as usual I will definitely take an early off tomorrow

Sigh. All these work. Darn !