
Chapter 6- First date (Part 1)

Trost District

So this is where the Battle of Trost happened. Right now Hiro enjoying his break by traveling to this place. He doesn't know when he will get a chance to travel this anime world so he is enjoying his break by visiting famous places in anime.

Who knows what will happen after he evolves into Hell load? Maybe he will travel to another world or a parallel world.

Great sage created coins for shopping so he doesn't have to worry about money.

'Should I buy something to eat?' Hiro took out some spare change from his money bag. While moving the coins around his bag and thinking about which food looked tastier, Hiro stopped his feet. His attention shifted towards one area. It was an ordinary skewer shop. Unknown pieces of meat were being cooked on a flaming fire, and the smoke and smell coming from the meat grabbed people's attention

However, it was not the food that grabbed Hiro's attention. It was the person who stood beside the skewer shop. It is a young lady. she went to buy an apple and then he saw her. She is about the same age as him who was giving a child an apple. He could only see her from behind. Her hood was down so he could see the straight black hair that reached her shoulders.

There was something about the interaction that irked him though, and that was that she had just given food to what may have looked like a homeless child, but that child was wearing a brand new pair of shoes, so she had been conned by a kid, all because she had tried to be nice.

"Freida" he knew she is the current founding titan holder and she will die within one year. But what is she doing here without bodyguards?

Her build was slim, her eyes were large and her face was round. Frieda wore a simple dress and skirt with a robe for walking around the city.

He can read souls so he read that boy's soul. Then he found that he is Jean Kirstein. one of the main characters and famous for his nickname 'Horse Face'. This cute chubby looking kid is a future horse face. Then he understood that Jean is bullied by troubled kids for his Fat appearance. And they told him to beg for food, it is a prank.

Hiro went to say something to her.

"If you feed a stray cat, It will keep coming back, expecting to be fed again." He said as the girl yelped, surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Ahhaua" she yelled cutely.

"You scared me." She said, holding her hand over her heart. "And I wasn't feeding a cat, I was feeding a poor boy who lives in the orphanage."

"You're very naive." He observed. "Don't tell me you believed lies that brat lives in an orphanage."

"You don't think he lives in the orphanage?" She retorted. "What would give you that impression, for the record, I am not naive."

I can read souls.

"Sure you're not." He started walking in the direction the boy ran off in. "Follow me and you might learn a thing or two."

"Hey, why are you following him?"

" I will show you behind the scenes. And to show you reality. I just wanted To do And nothing can stop me after all" he said while going.

"I know someone who acts a lot like you." She replied. "And I despise that man, always thinks he can do what he wants all the time with zero consequences," she said and started to follow him. She thought about her idiot father.

"Surely you don't despise me!" He feigned hurt. "I don't even know your name and I'm already hated by you. Oh, what did I do to deserve this?" He spoke sarcastically again, definitely trying to annoy her now.

"I don't despise you, but I'm seriously considering it. You're already acting like an insufferable child, and I've only known you for like three minutes!" She ranted.

"Because I am free so I will do want I wanted, and your hair looks awful today." He told her, getting her to gasp in horror.

"What's wrong with my hair?" She demanded, grabbing onto it and looking for any part that wasn't brushed properly. "I was sure I brushed it today, where... you're doing it again, aren't you?"

"Told you. If you insult a girl's hair they're bound to get annoyed to some extent. I learned that the hard way." He said to her. "On a serious note though, lose the naive attitude, it's something that people will take advantage of, especially if they can see it on you."

"I can't tell if you meant that insult, or you were trying to give me advice." She spoke carefully. "But I still don't understand where we're even going."

"That kid that scammed you out of an apple, his shoes were brand new. It's easy to tell when your family basically lives in poverty and can barely afford any clothes." He explained to her.

"And there is no orphanage here," he said to her.

"What? How did you know that.?"

"Well, I am a traveler and I came here in past so I know this place more than you" he lied to her. It's not like she will know about him, and it is easy to lie to a good girl.

When she heard this, she became speechless. This is The first time she visited this place. And who is this guy, he talks to her like he knows everything about her.

They turned a corner to see that the boy from before still had the apple in his hands, but he was with two others this time, and they were all making fun of a boy that was about the age of Mikasa who was a bit chubby looking.

"Come on Jean-pig." The biggest one taunted. "You're fat, don't you want this apple that you scammed that girl for? It was so easy, like taking candy from a- whoa!" He yelled as he was lifted into the air by Hiro by the collar of his jacket.

"You two." He pointed at the other two bullies. "Beat it before I break your bones. It can be very painful when it's easier than snapping a twig." He growled out, scaring them off rather easily.

The boy that was being bullied tried to leave as well but before he could Hiro stopped him. "Stay." He commanded. "You might learn a thing or two."

"Don't you think you should put him down now? You're going to choke him if you keep doing that." She protested.

"Now." He said as he took the apple out of the boy's grasp. "Is there a reason that you thought it would be wise to make this kid steal an apple from my girlfriend?"

"What!" She shrieked.

"I didn't know she was your girlfriend!" He cried out. "I'm sorry Sir, it won't happen again."

"You boy." He pointed at the other kid. "What's your name?"

"It's J-jean Sir!" He stuttered out, making Hiro click his tongue in annoyance.

"Don't call me Sir again, understand?" He asked to which the boy furiously nodded. "Now Jean, does it hurt when they call you fat when they insult you?"

"Yes, it does." He answered slowly while crying.

"I think you should put him down, you're going to suffocate him!" She protested once again.

"Ignore her, she's too naive for her good." He told the boy.

"Now Jean, Sometimes I feel like a failure. Like there was no hope for me. But even so, I will not give up. I will fight back. Because I am an elder Brother. And No one notices your tears and pain. But they will notice your mistake and show their fingers at you. Don't hate the world For that but Always Remember No Matter How Useless You Feel, You Are Someone's Reason To Smile. Do you think your mother will be happy, after what you did and if she knew that you lied that you are an orphan? What will she think"

Jean remembered his mother and started to cry.

" Only Strong heart person will win Jean because they don't give up, so I adapted, and you should too. That's the only way you'll survive in this shit world"

He then looked to the kid who he was still holding who was turning blue in the face at this point so he dropped him and then threatened him. " what the fuck staring at bitch get lost before I shove my foot so far up your ass that you'd be able to spit shine my boot!" He hissed at him, with the kid ran off with tears in his eyes and coughing loudly due to the lack of oxygen intake.

Taking the apple he kneeled face to face with Jean and placed the apple in his hand but didn't let go. "Jean, Forgot what you did. Don't be sorry be better. don't let the insults of others get to you, it doesn't matter what they think about you. It only matters what you think about yourself. Don't be afraid to be who you are, and don't hold back your words because you are afraid you'll hurt someone's feelings, because they won't hold back either. You understand that." Jean nodded while Hiro looked over to Freida who was smiling at him now. "Now you can go!"

Jean quickly took off in another direction while he stood up, dusting the snow off his knee where he had kneeled.

"I see." She spoke up. "You can be nice when you want to be, you're just afraid of showing it because you think it's a weakness." She stated, knowing that she was probably right about that.

"Who told you that I am not a nice guy? And what do mean by weakness? I decided to do what I wanted." He told rolling his eyes.

"Frieda." She said. "My name is Frieda." She held her hand out to him. "What's yours?" She asked him.

"Hiro." He shook her hand. "I would say it was nice to meet you." He said and took his hand back.

"Despite the way, you said it, and went about doing it, that was sweet what you did for that boy." She said getting closer to him.

"What? Are you interested in me or something?" He played it off. " And It was something he needed to hear, otherwise he'd spend the rest of his childhood being bullied or he will develop a twisted attitude."

Frieda smiled at him, it had been a long time since she had met a boy so sweet but yet so cold she wasn't even sure it was a good combination at all, but she couldn't explain it, it was like he interested her in some way.

"That's you being sweet." She said, eliciting an eye roll from him."After all, it would be wrong for me not to reward my sweet boyfriend. I will travel with you until sunset"

"it is worth coming to this place. Maybe I should kidnap you" He said, seeing her red cheeks "You don't seem very heavy so it would be fairly easy to carry your body to the nearest alley."

"Thanks for the compliment." She thanked him, taking his joke as a compliment on her body.

"Well, I am hungry. Let's go and eat something." Hiro said too and started to move towards the shop.

"Hey, I don't want.."

"You don't have to worry about money. After all, this is my first Date with a Beautiful girl" he said and He turned his head towards the skewered shop.

Freida's face became red after hearing a date word from him and she covered her face with a hood.

The owner of the skewered shop, who had stared at the robed person with suspicion, went back to cooking their meat. The owner seemed to have assumed that the robed person was waiting for Hiro to order.

"Do you want to eat meat?"

"…" Hmmm"

There was no reply, but Hiro walked towards the skewer shop. "Please give us two."

"Yes!" The shop owner handed Hiro two well-cooked meat skewers. After Hiro handed the owner some money, he turned towards Frieda.

"Here!" Hiro put out one skewer towards Frieda.

And he put the other one in his mouth. The juices of the meat burst out inside his mouth as he bit on it. The meat wasn't of high quality.

"You know, that if my family found out that I am eating street food. They will scold me. "

"They are uncultured fools. Forget about them and your background. Just do what you wanted today" Then she stare at him and Meat. Then she took that and ate. It's not bad to follow his advice.

" This is not bad" Actually she liked this food.

* * *

The two finished their meals. 

"Do you want to eat more?"

"I'm fine." As if she was quite satisfied, Freida's voice sounded more relaxed than before.

"Good. Then, should we move to a different location?"

"…Where are we going?" Freida was on her guard again. She warily crouched her body like a small animal, and Hiro couldn't help but smirk.

"We are going to buy you some clothes."


"Your clothes. Are you going to keep wearing that while we are on a date?"

"I like this dress and this is a simple dress" She didn't see any problem with her dress.

Without knowing she agreed on a date with him.

"I care, so just follow me." Hiro led her to a commercial district where all the clothes shops were.

A Lady shopkeeper greeted them, and Hiro went into the shop's center and looked behind to see Freida. She glimpsed at the different types of clothes.

"Is there something you want?"

She shook her head.

"Come on, choose something. Oh, and also…" Hiro pointed at the robe she was wearing. "You should also take off that gloomy robe. Who wears something like that on a date?"

"This is…"

"Yeah, I know that you are ridiculously beautiful, but are you going to keep walking around like that?"

"Stop it, don't say such words. "

Next to them, the shopkeeper smiled, thinking that they were simply a lovey-dovey couple. But as soon as Freida took off her robe, the shopkeeper's eyes widened in shock, and even Hiro couldn't help but admire her beauty again. Her robe had covered about half of her face, and now that she took it off and her face was in full display, the surroundings seemed to brighten up.

'This will probably be a fun date.'

"You should pick one and give that to me." Hiro took Freida's robe. 

"What? Are you not going to buy anything?"

The shopkeeper regained her senses and suggested to Hiro, "Shouldn't the boyfriend choose something in this case?"

Hiro admired the shopkeeper's professionalism and nodded. "That sounds good too."

He went to an area where many clothes were hanging. It seemed as if the shop was devoted to having high-quality products. Then, Hiro turned back to Freida again.

As if she was nervous or wary, her face was stiff, so Hiro said jokingly, "Since you refuse to choose your clothes, you have to try on all the clothes I give you."

Freida has never been in this type of situation. She never went shopping in her life. Most of her free time She visited the villages, the hospital, and her sister. She just prayed to God that this should complete quickly.