
Ghost of the Uchiha

Betrayed by Black-Zetsu, who he thought was his own creation, Madara died without realizing his multi-generational plan. On his deathbed, the person who gave him solace was none other than the one he had pushed away all his life. Realizing his wrongs, he finally died with peace of mind. Fate is unpredictable, and he was somehow reincarnated in the body of a young, talentless Uchiha. Watch as he works his way to the top, trying to right all his wrongs in the process. (Reborn just before the second Shinobi world war.) ----- Release rate: 21 chapters a week [3 chapters a day] ----- Patreon~! Get chapters in advance! https://www.patreon.com/toxinfraser Join the Discord~! Monthly giveaways, announcements, and more! https://discord.gg/7WJUZUc ----- -Cover Title by my good friend Rise10! This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Naruto. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content related to the series and its author, Masashi Kishimoto.

T0X1N · Anime et bandes dessinées
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148 Chs


"What are you two talking about?" With his usual smile, Minato interrupted his teammate's conversation. Walking up to them, he placed his hands on the taffrail next to Jun, admiring the ocean.

"So, there's a war coming, huh?" Although he hadn't heard the full story, Minato had a cunning mind. Quickly connecting the dots, he could feel the slight cloud that shrouded the older ninja's minds. It was an indescribable feeling.

Nodding, Jun kept his arms crossed as he closed his eyes.

"War is inevitable. Human greed will always lead to it, one way or another."

"But wasn't your dream to achieve peace?" Raising an eyebrow, Nozomi looked up at Jun. Hearing her question, she made a small smile.

"That doesn't mean that I can't stop it. I am who I am, after all." Confidently nodding to himself, Jun felt satisfied with his words.

Next to him, Nozomi and Minato let out a chuckle, and it quickly escalated into raucous laughter. Seeing this, Jun frowned.

'Was it something I said...?' To him, his statement was but the truth itself. What he failed to understand was that his teammates didn't know any better, thinking he had just contradicted his own statement.

"Hahaha... Anyways, how do you think that the Uzumaki will affect the village as a whole?" Looking over to the countless red-haired clansmen huddled up on the ships, Minato looked curious. "Something like this has never happened in the village as fas as I'm aware, I wonder what the consequences will be?"

"Good question. One thing that's for sure is that they'll boost our strength." Nodding, Nozomi sounded out her opinion. Hearing it, Jun sighed.

"if only it were that easy... Although moving the Uzumaki clan was a good move, it might bring forth problems in the war."

"What do you mean?" Nozomi was confused by his words. By right, if they gained an ally like the Uzumaki, their strength would increase, right?

"You're not wrong, but it's not all black and white. There is a problem with allegiances."

"I see...! It makes sense... Since they're not originally from our village, they won't be as motivated as us to fight." Holding his chin, Minato connected the dots.

"Mm. Then again, the Uzumaki and Konoha have an extensive history. Although the problem should be minor, There nonetheless will be a slight difference in vigor when it comes to our soldiers and theirs." With his arms still crossed, Jun shook his head. "It'll take a great speech from the third Hokage and Mito Uzumaki to get them fully on our side."

"That makes sense. Princess Mito will probably be the bridge between their clan and the village." Interrupting their conversation, Juaraiya walked in with his hands in his pockets. "Then again, I have faith in the old man's decision. If he thought it was a good move to have them join, I'm all for it."

"Knowing that senile grandpa, it shouldn't have been his idea. My money's on the Nara's head." Licking his lips, Orochimaru also joined the fray. "With his personality, he probably didn't even pitch in an idea."

"Orochimaru! Why are you always so harsh with Sarutobi-sensei!" Walking up to him, Tsunade had her hands on her hips as she looked at him with an annoyed expression. "He's much stronger than you!"

"Kukuku... He might be, but I'm smarter." Smiling, Orochimaru faced her with no fear, angering Tsunade. Putting himself in between them, Jiraiya raised his hands in peace. "Come on, guys; there's a war coming. Do you think this is the time to argue about useless stuff?"


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, Daniil, Bradley, Garim, and MrOtter!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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