

Jimmy in meeting Temi realised, beyond instant mutual attraction and an inexplicable connection between them, through dreams that both have been deeply in love at a different time and place. Jimmy obsessed with his dreams, began seeking the help of a spiritual guide or regression therapist and to explore the possibility of past lives.    Temi, initially skeptical, began also to experience similar dreams, reinforcing their shared connection across lifetimes. Through dream sequences, Jimmy and Temi uncovered past lives where both of them faced challenges that separated them, leading to a tragic end.    Their present-day relationship became a quest to resolve issues from the past and to find true happiness.

Thelma_2023 · Urbain
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The Dream and The Fantasy

In the grand foyer of the departmental building for the School of Fine and Performing Arts in Bright Stars University, the art exhibition unfolded beneath the soft glow of elegant chandeliers. The walls were adorned with a kaleidoscope of vibrant canvases, each telling a unique story through strokes of paint with each artistry student, dressed in their finest attire, standing besides their work.

The hall was full of the school staff, students, guests, esteemed dignitaries and renowned artists, discussing the intricacies of each masterpiece. The air was filled with the soft hum of conversation and the occasional gasp of awe as attendees immersed themselves in the creative brilliance on display. From abstract sculptures to detailed portraits, the exhibition showcases the diverse talents of the university's budding artists, creating an atmosphere of inspiration and appreciation for the beauty of art.

As Jimmy stepped into the art exhibition gallery with James following him behind, a wave of anticipation washed over him, mingled with a touch of nervous excitement. The soft lighting and the buzz of conversation added to the atmosphere, making him feel both exhilarated and slightly overwhelmed.

However, his nerves melted away the moment he spotted Temi across the room. A smile spread across his face as he took in her graceful presence, adorned in a stunning attire that seemed to radiate elegance and charm. His heart skipped a beat, and a sense of admiration washed over him, leaving him momentarily breathless. With a newfound confidence, Jimmy made his way towards Temi, eager to share in the beauty of the art and her company.

James kept an eager eye on Jimmy's every move and reactions. He noticed how Jimmy quickly scanned the hall in search of someone. He also took note of how he didn't pay a particular interest to any of the stunning works displayed on several stands. James was also quick to note the excitement on Jimmy's face when he spotted the object of his attraction and the only reason why they had come to the arts exhibition.

Several students and guests who knew Jimmy as a star from his several Taekwondo competitions and tournaments stopped to exchange pleasantries with him. He managed to hold still and interact reasonably while making his way gradually towards Temi. He managed to shake hands and endorse autographs calmly and politely.

Upon spotting Jimmy approaching her stand, Temi's face lit up with a radiant smile, and a spark of joy danced in her eyes. She straightened her posture, a mixture of excitement and anticipation coursing through her veins. As he drew closer, she courteously separated from the group who had surrounded her canvas and greeted him with warmth and enthusiasm, her demeanour mirroring his own sense of happiness and admiration.

"Hey!" He responded.

"It's good to have you here!" She declared!

"I didn't know you would come!" She added and smiled.

"I invited myself since I didn't get invitation from you!"

She blushed. "I'm sorry!" I didn't know you would be interested in the arts."

"I became interested in fine arts the moment I saw you in that garden, you and everything therein was an exquisite and perfect art of nature!"

Temi blushed uncontrollably and James cleared his throat in shock. He has never heard Jimmy sound so pathetically romantic.

Jimmy suddenly remembering that James was with him, he turned around and introduced, "Temi this is my childhood friend James! James, meet my angel of strength, Temi!"

"Hello Temi!" James greeted, still stunned.

"Hello James!"

James froze as his eyes moved to Temi's Canvas immediately the group who had surrounded it in admiration cleared away. He widened his eyes and opened his mouth in awe.

Jimmy noticed his reaction and followed his gaze. Jimmy became. frozen too as he saw Temi's painting, he glared at it in shock.

Temi's painting at first glance, appeared to depict a figure from a distant era, exuding an aura of mystery and antiquity. The focal point of the painting was a striking portrayal of Jimmy, rendered with meticulous detail and skill. His bare chest was adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of ancient tribal markings in white chalk, each line and curve weaving a story of heritage and tradition. The muscles of his physique were defined with precision, conveying strength and resilience. On his head was also a tribal red cap, a symbol of a full blown warrior.

Jimmy's face, though unmistakably his own, was transformed by the artist's brush into a visage of wisdom and introspection. His eyes, deep pools of wisdom, seem to hold secrets of ages past, gazing out from beneath furrowed brows with an intensity that captivates the viewer.

Beneath Jimmy's feet, the earth seemed to come alive, depicted in rich earthy tones and textured brushstrokes that evoke the rugged terrain of a forgotten landscape. Wisps of mist curl around his ankles, lending an otherworldly atmosphere to the scene.

The attire Jimmy wore in the painting is reminiscent of ancient garb, with flowing fabrics draped around his form in layers of earthy hues. Each fold and crease of the fabric is rendered with such lifelike detail that one can almost feel the weight of the garments against the skin.

As Jimmy gazed upon the painting, a sense of déjà vu washed over him, as he remembered this exact scene before in his dream. The familiarity of the ancient costume and the timeless expression on his own face stir something deep within him, igniting a sense of connection to a past long forgotten.

Jimmy was transfixed as he continued to glare at the image of himself in an inexplicable and unexplained era. Temi, filled with satisfaction at the effect of her work, smiled.

"You like it?" She asked, looking at Jimmy.

"That's a carbon copy of you Jimmy, Oh my God!" James exclaimed after pulling himself together.

"What's his name?" Jimmy asked, still glaring at the painting critically.

"Onyema!" Temi answered!

"What a name!" James exclaimed again in awe!

Jimmy's heart skipped a beat as he heard Temi named her painting "Onyema," a name he distinctly remembered hearing her call him in his dream. A rush of emotions flooded over him - astonishment, curiosity, and a profound sense of connection.

With wide eyes and a slight tremble in his voice, Jimmy turned to Temi, pulled her aside and out of James' hearing, his gaze locked on hers. He struggled to find the right words, his mind racing with thoughts and memories of the dream. Finally, he managed to speak, his voice filled with wonder and disbelief.

"Temi," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "how did you know... Onyema? That's... that's the name I heard you call me in my dream."

His words hang in the air, charged with anticipation as he waits for Temi's response, hoping for an explanation to this inexplicable connection between them and the mysterious realm of dreams.

Temi's eyes widen in surprise at Jimmy's revelation, her own heart racing with a mixture of astonishment and intrigue. She took a moment to gather her thoughts, a soft smile playing at the corners of her lips as she meets Jimmy's gaze with a sense of understanding and warmth.

"Jimmy," she said softly, her voice gentle yet filled with a quiet certainty, "there are mysteries in this world that we may never fully understand. Perhaps your dream is a glimpse into a realm beyond our comprehension, where the threads of fate and destiny intertwine."

She reached out to gently touch his hand, a silent gesture of reassurance and solidarity. "Onyema," she continued, her voice carrying a sense of reverence for the name, "This is how I picture you in my mind, as my warrior full of strength and Valor. I told you I have always rooted for you, since I came into this school and saw you fighting for the first time. You've become my champion. Your dream and my fantasy may appear like a connection that transcends time and space, binding us together in ways we may never fully grasp."

Temi's words resonated with a sense of acceptance and wonder, inviting Jimmy to explore the depths of this inexplicable bond and to embrace the mysteries that lay beyond.

Jimmy's image in Temi's fantasy may perhaps come from her forlorn memory of him in a previous lifetime. She's not sure though.

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