
The History of Humanity! Or Birth of The Confederacy! (i)

[Quackenbush image]

If you haven't realized it by now! For this part of the story, there will be jumps in time. When I have a chapter with (i) THAT MEANS IT PART OF A BIGGER STORYLINE!!

And when I say there will be jumps between chapters I mean it! This arc of the story isn't only about what Caesar and the kids endure. It's about everything that would eventually cause The Confederacy to collapse.

In short, it's a massive super arc with multiple minor arcs involved.


Location: Tarsonis City

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate ??? Academy

0815 -History Class- One week later-

'How can one man be so passionate about such bullshit history, I mean it's mind-boggling. Doesn't this guy realize it's all fake Quackenbush?' Thought Caesar. In front of him was an old well dressed 90-year-old man, talking with enough passion he'd put any politician to shame.

'What's surprising is that he believes his nonsense, however, I will admit he has a knack for blurring true and false statements. I mean a few of these poor souls believe him. But I see why they have a fool teaching this class. If they had a preceptor teaching history no one would believe him.' Thought Victoria, her train of thought was echoed across the few recruits talented enough to pick up on his thoughts.

"Listen up kids today, we'll be talking about the birth of The Confederacy! And it starts back in the year 1865! After the fall! Of the confederate states...of America!

You see, during that time the once-great nation was going through a civil war and it was one fought over human civil rights. The Confederacy, or The Confederate States as they were called at that time. Wanted to build a world where all men were equal.

But the United wanted to continuously enslave anybody that wasn't white!" Yelled Quackenbush, his fist rose to the air in anguish and the kids gasped. "Their meanies!" A few of them yelled.

Caesar shook his head in silence, he knew he was their favorite teacher. But he didn't get why they're so stupid. These kids only loved the man because he was the only person who didn't harm them.

"Ok, ok. Calm down kids. the story's not over.

You see The Confederate States of America fought and fought, but sadly they lost the war. And all hope was lost.

First, they came for black people. Then they came for the Chinese, Japanese...Asian kind, after which. They went after the browns and then anybody who spoke out. But then 11 men...11 families got together with a dream of remaking their once great nation.

These families were the Bennet's, Brubaker, Calabas, D'Arbanville, Duke, Falco, Holt, Kusinis, Terra, Tygore, and Mengsk! They spent the next 100 years working in the shadows, gathering power, fixing...That! Once! Broken mid-warp! Nation!!! For the good of the people.

And they succeeded. All was well, their nation was at peace, everything was great. They'd never get the reward or adoration they so greatly desired, however, they gathered enough power to change the world for the better...And so they did.

Life was great, humanity was flourishing, everything was perfect! Too perfect, sadly..." Mr.Quackenbush paused for dramatic effect.

"What happened to them next Mr.Quackenbush!?" yelled one of the kids, his pupils dilated and his voice was laced with panic. The boy had come to believe the teacher and his adoration was sickening.

"The world, our homeworld couldn't handle it...there were too many people...it was killing the planet. And so in desperation, under the 11's hidden influence the world's nations gathered to form one government. That government was the United Earth Government or UEG for short.

Now, despite the best efforts of the UEG and their military force the UNSC throughout the twenty-second century, several politically motivated nations broke off to declare war so that they may spread their power and influence. They used Communism, Fascism, religion...anything and everything they could to rally people to their cause."

"What happened next Mr.Quackenbush?" asked a small black girl. Like a lot of the kids, her eyes were wide and her voice was shaky.

Mr.Quackenbush opened his mouth to say, 'They fought the third world war! But fear not children for this time, the 11 and their UEG won! It was a long and brutal 10-year conflict, but they won. They finally achieved lasting world peace. Despite this, however, there was still no viable solution to the planet's overpopulation problem, so the already dire situation continued to worsen.

Yet when all hope seemed lost, a miracle happened! Their prayers were answered! God had answered their prayers in the form of...Isoroku Yamamoto.'

"Who's that?" Asked a brown-haired boy.

"Isoroku Yamamoto was a man born to a family of 10 in an era where food was scarce and people starved. He became the world's leading scientist, married the most attractive wife, had a loving family…"

Caesar: 'Wait for it.'

"Sacrificed his family, his happiness, his home, his love, his life. All for the benefit of the world. Lowly, homeless, and broke. Isoroku continued to work on what was later called the world's first warp space drive! And he completed it in the year 2285, but sadly he was too late.

The year before Tobias Shaw and Wallace Fujikawa built the world's first slipspace drive! The Shaw-Fujikawa drive allowed humanity to tear open holes, which enabled them to seek out planets outside of the earth's solar system.

And although Yamamoto's warp drive held promise the UEG went with the Shaw-Fujikawa drive. Much to the 11's dismay. I mean who could blame them, the Shaw-Fujikawa drive was already operational and the first arks were already being produced.

But they, the 11, thought otherwise. With Yamamoto along with some of the world's brightest, they built three super arks...three cruisers, intended to ferry a combined 3 million, cryogenically frozen humans into Outerspace. "

Victoria: 'Wow...'

Caesar: 'That's an understatement. The Confederacy kidnapped over 3 million people before fleeing earth. Most people believe the Umoja Protectorate is founded mostly by homeless people, although nobody knows if that's true. Because if the confederacy had unrestricted access to the internet you'd find out in seconds.'

Unknown genius recruits: '!!!!!!'

"Don't stop Mr.Quackenbush please." Pleaded the brown-haired boy. Mr.Quackenbush nodded then continued his story.

"The year was 2291, and the UEG had finally completed their first few ark ships. But so had The Confederacy! It was a long and stressful process but they did it in absolute secrecy. And on the day of the UEG's launch...they 11 fled with what would later become our grand nation!

But sadly, tragedy struck. You see kids, during their last moments on earth. The Confederacy recruited people from all walks of life and tragically a few of them...were bad!"

"Ah!" gasped the naive children. Their heads leaned closer towards Quackenbush who slowly continued his story. "Those greedy, evil, bad, bad people attacked the crew and took the ship mid-warp...warp...mid speedy jump!

Although Moderate the damage those bad, bad people did. That was enough to stop the ships! Mid...speedy jump!

But the 11...The Confederacy did not quit, they had found themselves in a foreign, unknown sector of space with no way of returning to or finding earth. And surrounded by evil people who sought to steal their dream of building.

While we landed on a slightly wealthy dust ball with minimal signs of life, they landed on the richest, greenest, planets. Had the most exotic animals, ate the best food, and held the smartest minds! Time and time again, they tried to subjugate us with their wealth, might, food, and water.

And Yet! We resisted, mutated! Expanded beyond the stars...AGAIN! Reforged our CONFEDERACY! AND FOUND PLANETS TO RIVAL THEIR OWN! But those people...those Umojians and Kal-Morians. Sought our hard-earned wealth, and kidnapped our people so that they may mutate their own!" Finished Mr.Quackenbush, his fake tears moved the kids to no end. But one boy yelled!

"You've been lying! My daddy told me The Confederacy kidnapped those people before fleeing earth. He told me the Umojian's Icy chambers broke, freeing them mid speedy jump, causing a rebellion! That damaged all the arks, forcing them out of warp and into this unknown sector of space!" Yelled a red curly-haired boy.

Caesar's thoughts: 'For the love of--it's called warp.'

Mr.Quackenbush smiled, leaning on the red-haired boy's desk. "Oh, and what else did he tell you? Mr?"

"Clark Kent! And my daddy also said that the confederacy forced those scientists to work for them! That you kidnapped Yamamato, took his family, and hid all evidence of his work! He also said that they caused the third world war! And that you guys have been attacking the peaceful Umojians and nice Kal-Morian's for their wealth!" Yelled Kent.

Mr.Quackenbush watched as the naive children's eyes sank in disappointment, he glanced up to the neighboring cameras which zoomed in on Clark. Quackenbush's smile softened as he asked " Who's father Clark where's he? I'd love to talk with him about his...false history."

"My Dad never lies! I'd know! And if you don't believe me you can meet Jonathan Kent within Styrling City! The greatest city on planet Korhal! He even has historical evidence and everything!" Clark stood in defiance, waiting for Quackenbush's response.

Quackenbush smiled; Caesar watched Kent's unstable emotion produce two tiny whirls of faint blue psionic energy. All the while his mind oozed with memories of times past enabling even Quackenbush himself to glimpse visions of his dad.

'Idiot.' Thought a bunch of the kids. If there was ever a chance for Kent's dad to escape the Confederacy's wrath, he had just killed it.

And as for Mr.Quackenbush, he was ecstatic! He'd be receiving another bonus.


An: if you still think this is a starcraft only story, reread the chapter :)


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