
Graduation Exam (IV)

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: First Military Academy

-- Jun 11, 2529 - Confederate calendar - Day of the graduation exam --

The crowd's hearts palpitated as the camera displayed Cleo's corpse for all to see. The audience leaned back at the sight of Cleo's slightly charred yet still bloodied skin. They gawked while the camera panned in on Bryce, who smirked before laughing. "How poetic..." as he walked into the distance.

Yet to even his surprise, when the camera panned in on the elite recruits Rishul, Caesar, Lokee, and the rest of that group. Showed not a care in the world. Whereas Clark, Kimberly Ann, and the rest of the elites cracked a tiny smirk seeing Bryce's success.

"That boy's amazing!" Yelled a nobleman, the others nodded over their stream.

"Popovich! If that boy fails, I must purchase him. And no is not an option!" Chimed another, his words sparked a bidding war. Their camera panned in on Samir, who stood in the shadows watching Bryce, The bidding stopped when Samir's haunting 6 foot 7 body frame came into the picture. Popovich looked to the recruits seated in the stand. Samir's towering frame made them feel inept, even with all the enhancements they took.

#An: Hormones and supplements #

Their eyes fell to Bryce, their admiration turned to pity as Samir followed him out of the first house, through the second, then into the third. The recruits leaned back, stunned by what they were witnessing.

Samir took a seat while Bryce raised his pistol at the boy in front of him. "Rishul…" Whispered Bryce, gritting his teeth. He could feel the temperature rising, his heart thumping.

Louder and louder.

His hands shook. Rishul body slowly ignited, burning the walls and the floor around them. As his quickly perspired. The audience leaned in, visibly disappointed by his false bravado. "Enough," said Rishul.

He looked past Bryce to Samir, who leaned on Bryce's laughing. While the seated recruits and nobles alike leaned into their monitors. They gawked watching Rishul's flames recede, the floors revert, and the wall burns fade.

"That was a hallucination! And thanks to alpha wave technology, we can now simulate the effects of powers they use." Popovich added, within the noble's stream.

Bryce turned back to Samir. His breathing was ragged, and his fear evident. "How? L-l-long were you?"

"Since the fire breath," said Samir. Whispering into Bryce's ear. Although Samir's words further stunned the nobles, it was the next thing that broke them.

"Why? I thought you were all friends!?" Asked Bryce, shocked that Samir would watch Cleo die. "Who said we were friends?" Responded Rishul.

"Only the orders matter," said Samir. His eyes were cold, yet his voice was full of life. The camera zoomed in on their little chat. Bryce stared hard at Samir, whose eyes never left Rishul's.

"Why?" Repeated Bryce.

"Come oonnn! You just asked that!" Laughed Samir, the distortion between the laugh and his cold eyes was haunting yet hypnotic. As his right hand rose to grip his pistol, Rishul's did the same.

"Why!?" Repeated Bryce.

Samir rolled his eyes before telling him. "The best way to train? Is with a group."

When Bryce heard those words his mouth dropped. But Samir's next question brought everything back to reality. "Are you going to do it? Or do you need help?" Asked Samir. Floating in front of Bryce's mouth was his pistol.

His mouth pried open as his hand rose to grab the gun. The nobles dropped their wine watching Bryce's fingers bend and break, before snapping back in place to grip the gun. "Don't fight it," whispered Samir.

Bryce relented before firing the pistol into his mouth.

As his body hit the floor, the last things he'd see were Rishul's tremendous flames and Samir's haunting psionic energy.

His last thought…

"We don't matter..."

When the two began their fight the camera panned away, leaving enraged recruits and nobles alike.

"POPOVICH! What is the meaning of this!?" Yelled general Duke. His wine spilled across his bed, causing servants to rush in his aid. Duke slapped the first away, forcing the others to flee. The others frowned but supported him anyway.

Hiding his rage, Popovich smiled while laughing. "Relax good general. We're only trying to keep you engaged."

"FINE!" Sneered Duke. "Oh, and Popovich..."

"Yes sir."

"Make sure this...recruit Bryce. Passes," said Duke. Popovich frowned, although most did not realize it. The two men knew Bryce's rebellious behavior would spread seeds of doubt. Which could one day enable him to replace Popovich with a more… Duke-friendly Admiral.

#An: The term recruits belong to the Navy. And the nature of most ghosts missions makes them a Navy black-ops group. #

This small sense of helplessness irritated him and when he was irritated. Annabella would always feel it. 'But until then, I got to tolerate it.' "Ok sir, but until then. Let us return to the test."


Kai strolled into the building with his head low, psionic sense blazing, and pistol ready. To his left was a store filled with broken medical equipment and drugs.

His ears perked up at the faint sound of somebody shuffling through the store. The camera panned onto him as he came face to face with Victoria.

The two stood in silence, Kai eyed the beaker setup by her feet while making note of the many sealed vials around her. Victoria stepped forward but stopped when Kai pointed his pistol at the vials. "Move and I shot," said Kai.

He reached out, taking three vials with his telekinesis. She grit her teeth, watching Kai leave the store. Yet internally wished him the best of luck. Sometime later Kimberly Ann would walk into the store, ready to revenge Bryce.

'What's going on?' Thought many of the recruits. The scientists and Popovich alike frowned. Situations like this were one of the reasons the genius program shouldn't be enforced. Victoria had concocted 9 total vials of tear gas and Kimberly Ann was now her test subject.

But. Before the two could do battle the camera once more panned away, enraging the nobles. "OH! What this!?" said Constineo, surprised by what he'd seen. He and the rest lowered their drinks as they leaned closer towards the monitors.

An inflamed two-story house came into view. "Holy shit!" Yelled the nobles, fear crept into their hearts as Popovich began to speak."Those houses you see, are all flame retardant. Meaning, they shouldn't burn down...especially, within the first 20mins of being ignited."

Popovich paused to observe their every action. He hide his grin when he noticed he had most of the crowd within his palm. "Prokinetics aren't supposed to be this strong. However, Recruit Rishul is a massive exception. Who like--"

Popovich stopped. The house's second floor collapsed, Rishul's roaring flames spread to the neighboring houses. Everything came to stop while people waited for the smoke to subside. They leaned closer as Rishul's flames began to die. A figure immerged, walking through the flames, smoke, and rubble.

It was Samir. His long silk blond hair was charred, smoking at his shoulders. His tall, 6 foot 5 figure was littered with burn marks that'd weeks to undo. His upper shoulder had a gash that bled down to his arm. The audience watched as he limped towards the inflamed neighboring houses.

When his body faded off into the distance, Rishul's appeared. His dark-skinned 6-foot body was littered with cuts, his all-white hair was inflamed a dying fire making him resemble that of a wounded god. His figure slowly faded as more and more recruits entered the area.

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