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Takeshi: Starting with the Koi clone

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Chapter 64: Qingmei's Marriage

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Li Xiuxian stared at the booklet in his hand blankly, and couldn't help pinching his thigh. He didn't expect that Ba Dao Jue would be so easy to get. Ba Dao Jue is a technique that can be cultivated to the peak of the great master, and it is not at all. A mutilated demigod corpse can be replaced.

Tightening the booklet in his hand, Li Xiuxian thought to himself: "Liu Xiaorou, Liu Xiaorou, I will repay you when I have a chance in the future."

Soon, he fixed his gaze firmly and walked towards Liangzhou City. After returning this time, he washed up at will, and then walked out of the great wasteland.

Sky Blue star, Li Xiuxian breathes a different air from the Great Wilderness, this is the place to make him feel at ease.

In the great desolation, he saw the power of demigods. This is just a demigod who has just broken through the realm. What if it is a more powerful demigod, or even a true god?I am nothing now.

Li Xiuxian quickly adjusted and drove back to the villa. For the first time, he picked up his mobile phone and took a look. Sure enough, there were a lot of calls on it.

These calls were made by two people, and the one who made the most calls was his younger brother Li Xiuyuan, but he might know that he might be in retreat, and he didn't worry too much.

The other was played by Zhao Qingya. Zhao Qingya was Li Xiuxian's original neighbor. He took great care of the Li Xiuxian brothers. They were also beautiful, in good shape, and of the same age, but Li Xiuxian didn't have this heart for the time being.

The most important thing is that Zhao Qingya and Li Xiuxian are in the same class. They were also admitted to Tianfang University in Shenzhou. Although they are not Martial arts University, they are the university that specializes in scientific research and focuses on the research of martial arts medicine and weapons.

Li Xiuxian called Li Xiuyuan back, and the phone was quickly connected, and his brother's voice came from inside.

"Brother, how's it going?Has it broken through?Let me tell you, I have now reached the third-rank martial artist, and I am about to follow to the ruins of Lingyin Mountain to explore the treasures. I hope I can get something, Hehe."

Li Xiuyuan was not worried this time. He thought his brother was retreating and breaking through his cultivation base, but later, after Li Xiuxian's record of destroying demigods with nine products passed into Li Xiuyuan's ears, he was directly stunned.

Li Xiuxian smiled and said, "You kid is really good!It's only been less than three months, and you have reached the third-rank warrior, so if you are there, are you there?It's a good thing to explore treasures at the ruins, but there are many dangers in it, so be careful."

To be honest, Li Xiuxian was a little envious. Ruins are rare. At least Northwest Wuda does not have its own excavated ruins. Maybe there are, but he doesn't know, but after staying at Northwest Wuda for so long, he has never heard of any ruins.

Li Xiuyuan nodded and said, "I followed the teacher down once. It's very dangerous there. If you go, pay attention to safety. As for the adventure, the danger in it has almost been emptied. Let's go find out if there is any missing baby. There will be no danger, Hehe."

Li Xiuxian nodded and said, "Have you seen your Sister Qingya at Shenzhou Wuda?How is she?"

Li Xiuyuan hesitated and said, "Brother, Sister Qingya is very good. She also stayed in the Chinese Academy of Sciences after graduation. I have seen her a few times. She also takes good care of me, but she has someone she likes, and she is about to get married soon."

Li Xiuxian was stunned when he heard the words, but then he smiled bitterly and shook his head. To be honest, when he heard the news, he still had a lot of reluctance in his heart. After all, who doesn't like such a beautiful girl.

It's a pity that the road is different. Even if we get together, we will get together more and get together less. If we die in the great desolation one day, would it be difficult to let others be widowed?

Li Xiuxian smiled and said, "That's really congratulations to her. When will he get married?"I hope I can catch up with the wedding wine in the past."

Li Xiuyuan said: "It will be about a month later, and I will just come back from the expedition. I can participate. Brother, are you going to go?"

Li Xiuxian said, "I must go. Your Sister Qingya is getting married. How could I not go?"At the same time, you have to give her a check, don't you?She is not a warrior, and she is not a fellow traveler with us."

Zhao Qingya and they are not fellow travelers. After all, for martial artists, they are often free between life and death. Being with them will make them often worry.

Li Xiuyuan nodded and said, "Brother, you are right, you must come to see me in a month."

Li Xiuxian said: "Don't worry, you are my stupid brother, how can you not go to see you, maybe I will surprise you then."

Li Xiuyuan said: "Well, brother, I'm waiting, I'm about to gather soon, I'll hang up first."

Li Xiuxian said: "You must pay attention to safety, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiuxian's heart couldn't calm down. To be honest, he couldn't even tell how Zhao Qingya felt in his heart. After hearing the news that someone was getting married, he always felt as if he had lost something. Something.

"Oh, I don't want to. Since it's a month later, it's better to quickly recuperate the injury and then break through the realm of the master."

Casually messing up something to eat, lying directly on the bed, closing his eyes, Mr. has already devoted himself to koi.

The body of Koi opened his eyes in the cave, looked around, directly turned into a half-human form, and headed outside. This time, he was looking for a hidden formation, otherwise the breath of Dragon Blood fruit would be discovered by the dragon King and the water snake General.

After all, the breath of that thing has a very special attraction for aquariums with dragon blood, so it's better to take it just in case.

In the trading square City, Li Xiuxian found the human immortal cultivator, took out two medium-grade spirit stones, and traded with them two sets of formations, both of which were formations that isolated the divine consciousness and concealed the breath.

After returning to the cave, he was a little distressed to arrange the formation at the entrance of the cave and the place where he practiced.

King Yingyue Dragon will not explore his cave at will, and the same is true of other Huandan Realms, but he must prevent the breath of Dragon Blood Fruit from being exposed. In this world, Dragon Blood Fruit is a very precious treasure.

For the dragon clan, even an ordinary dragon blood fruit can sell a medium-grade spirit stone. The most important thing is that there is no market for it. If it is really auctioned, it is definitely possible to double it a hundred times.

Dragon blood fruit is too important to the dragon clan. Perhaps only one is needed to awaken the owner of the dragon clan bloodline or increase the bloodline once. Although the chance is very small, it still has a fatal attraction to the dragon clan. .

Li Xiuxian didn't hesitate either. After arranging the formation, he returned to his body, took out a dragon blood fruit and fed it into his mouth, and then his consciousness appeared on Koi's body.

In this way, the dragon blood fruit will appear directly in the mouth of the koi, what if it is seen by others?Can you still see his mouth?

Time passed quickly, and almost five dragon blood fruits were refined at the speed of five a day. The dragon blood energy provided by Dragon Blood Fruit continued to improve his cultivation level, although his dragon bloodline did not awaken.

But as time passed, the dragon bloodline in Koi's body was constantly strengthening, and his cultivation level was constantly increasing, which made him very happy.

Li Xiuxian's body is also constantly recovering because of taking spiritual things, and the development on both sides is very good.

Twenty-two days later, 1,010 dragon blood fruits were eaten by Li Xiuxian, and his cultivation level also rose to a high level, reaching the late stage of Qi refining, and it was the peak state.

At the same time, his dragon bloodline has also reached a peak, and it is possible to awaken at any time, but it is a pity that his desire to break through the peak of qi refining and then awaken cannot be achieved.

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Chapter 65 Awakening Bloodline

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Yingyuetan, Aotian Cave Mansion, Aotian has just finished practicing, and he is going out to check on the army to see how the aquarium army is practicing?Before he could go far, his gaze suddenly turned towards Li Xiuxian's cave mansion.

He quickly appeared at the door of Li Xiuxian's cave mansion, facing outside, the magic weapon in his hand appeared, and he was protecting Li Xiuxian.

Ao Tian frowned and said, "This little guy is really a good opportunity!It turned out to be so simple to awaken the dragon bloodline, it seems that the time to leave here is getting shorter and shorter."

Just as Ao Tian finished sighing, four powerful men in the realm of Huandan appeared in front of him, namely the Dragon King, the Prime Minister of the Turtle, the squid, and the Black fish General.

Ao Tian didn't expect that General Heiyu would appear here, but General Heiyu was not an enemy. He gave the little koi to King Yingyue Dragon, and King Yingyue Dragon owed him a favor.

Ao Feng asked, "Ao Tian, what the hell is going on?"

Ao Tian said with a wry smile: "I was about to check the cultivation situation of the army. I didn't expect that as soon as I came out, I found that the energy fluctuations coming from his cave mansion were probably about to awaken."

General Heiyu frowned and asked, "Didn't this little guy just achieve the Qi refining state not long ago?"How could it break through the awakening?"

Yingyue Dragon King shook his head. He could sense that Li Xiuxian's dragon bloodline was not strong. It was already very good to be able to awaken the dragon bloodline in the Huandan Realm, but this guy had just broken through the Qi refining realm for more than two months. Ah.

Prime Minister Turtle's eyes moved, and he asked hesitantly: "Could it be that his blood belongs to a hidden type?"We can only see a little bit on the surface, you know, the carp jumping dragon gate can directly transform into a dragon."

The carp can transform into a dragon by leaping the dragon gate, and it is also the lowest dragon clan, but that is also the dragon clan. The dragon clan can achieve immortality as soon as it is born. In other words, the ancestors of this koi carp may be real dragons.

Hearing Prime Minister Turtle's words, everyone was silent. In this way, this little guy has great potential and his future achievements are limitless.

General Heiyu's eyes turned a few times. Originally, he was going to follow King Yingyue Dragon to leave. Although he was the general of Qingshuihe, the territory he took care of was very poor, and the resources he could get were also very poor, so he is still only a strong man at the peak of the Dan Realm, and breaking through the refining realm is far away.

This time, Li Xiuxian was given to Yingyue Dragon Palace in order to allow Yingyue Dragon King to cultivate a next dragon King who awakens the blood of the dragon Clan. Then he can leave here. It should be okay to follow Yingyue Dragon King, right?

But now he has changed his mind. He is going to wait until Li Xiuxian grows up. At that time, he will follow Li Xiuxian and leave together. After all, it is better to follow a promising dragon clan bloodline than to follow a dragon clan that may not be able to break through and return to the virtual realm, right?

The Dragon King Yingyue didn't know what General Heiyu was thinking. At this time, he was more happy, because Li Xiuxian had awakened the dragon bloodline, he could get the resources he wanted, refine the realm, and have his place in Ao Feng.

Several other people in Yingyue Dragon Palace have the same idea. They don't want to stay here anymore. When Li Xiuxian grows up, they don't know how long it will take, and they don't know when there will be another aquarium that awakens the blood of the dragon Clan. They can't afford to wait.


Li Xiuxian didn't know the situation outside, and he didn't expect that it was just the awakening of the dragon bloodline that would cause such a big movement, which made him a little caught off guard.

Just as he was about to break through, he directly took ninety dragon blood fruits. Under the impact of such huge energy, Li Xiuxian's dragon bloodline instantly awakened.

A giant dragon hovered above his head, lowered his head and looked down at him, staring at him for a long time, before it fell directly into his body.

Li Xiuxian's koi body began to change. First, the body lengthened and directly became a three-meter dragon body, and then the dragon claws appeared, but it was a pity that the head and tail were still against the head and tail of the fish.

But although this look is weird, it feels a lot more majestic. Compared to the cuteness of koi, this strange look really has the appearance of a dragon race.

Next, if the bloodline breaks through again, he can turn into a dragon. Although he is not as good as a real dragon, if he evolves again, he can become a real dragon.

With the changes in his body, a lot of memories appeared in his mind, most of which were about cultivating exercises and natal supernatural powers.

More than that, there is also a lot of knowledge about alchemy. Most of the dragons live in the water. There are many elixir resources here. Most of them eat directly. Anyway, there is no shortage of that stuff.

The cultivation technique is the Xuanyuan water control technique, but it is not all, only the last one, but even so, this technique can be directly cultivated to the wonderland, which is quite powerful.

The natal supernatural powers are the two natal supernatural powers of calling the wind and rain, and Tengyun driving the fog. Calling the wind and rain can accumulate merit for the surrounding rain, and it can also produce poisonous rain to kill the enemy. Tengyun driving the fog is the magical power of rushing or fleeing for your life, and it is extremely fast.

The inheritance of refining weapons is amazing. He divides magic weapons into two or three levels, namely magic weapons, immortal weapons and spirit weapons.

Magic weapons are divided into four levels, the lower grade, the middle grade, the upper grade, the best grade, and the immortal weapon. The same is true for the last spiritual treasure, which is also divided into four levels. It is a pity that there is only a general introduction in the inheritance memory, and there is no refining method.

However, he believed that when his dragon bloodline awakened again, he would definitely be able to get the refining method of Lingbao.

For him now, the magic weapon is enough, and the immortal weapon cannot be used even if he has it when he has not reached the realm of refining the gods.

In addition, it is a powerful set of fighting methods. This fighting method is the halberd method. If he wants to practice, he must have his own Fang Tian painting halberd magic weapon.

Li Xiuxian took a deep breath and began to check his cultivation base. First of all, his physical body. The awakening of the dragon bloodline made his physical body much stronger. To what extent, he didn't know.

The most important thing is that his cultivation base has reached the peak of the Qi refining realm, and it is possible to break through the Huandan Realm at any time. It is not that he cannot break through, but that he does not want to break through, because he is ready to get some more treasures from the Dragon King.

Li Xiuxian turned into a human form, performed a water mirror technique in front of him, and looked at his appearance, exactly the same as in his previous life, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Being able to fully transform into a human form is also thanks to his achievement of the body of Arowana, otherwise, if you are afraid of achieving the body of an ichthyosaurus, you don't want to fully transform into it.

Walking out of the cave mansion, he looked at the five strong men who were still in the Dan Realm surrounded by them, and quickly saluted: "Meet the king, meet General Heiyu, and meet the prime minister and the two generals."

Ao Feng smiled and said, "Get up quickly."

He looked at Li Xiuxian and looked at him for a while before saying, "Very good, very good, can be completely transformed. It seems that you have awakened the body of Arowana, okay, it's a pity that the cultivation base has not broken through to the realm of Huandan."

General Heiyu smiled and said, "Yingyue Longjun, you are in a hurry. How long has this little brother been practicing?"Although he has the energy in his bloodline, he has been cultivating for too short a time. If he wants to break through the Huandan Realm, it seems that you still have a lot of blood."

King Yingyue Dragon didn't care. Although he didn't have a lot of resources for upgrading to the Huandan Realm, he was not bad for the few that Li Xiuxian broke through.

However, he smiled and looked at General Heiyu and said, "Little Brother Ao Jin has awakened the dragon bloodline. Do you have to express it?"

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Chapter 66: The Emperor's Trick of Breaking the Sky

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General Heiyu laughed and said, "Brother Ao Jin was recommended to you by me. He awakened the blood of the dragon clan. I must express it. These are ten Peiyuan fruits. After breaking through the Huandan realm, they will be used to stabilize the cultivation base. I will give it to you."

Peiyuan Fruit Li Xiuxian knew that this was the spiritual fruit used to solidify Peiyuan, no matter which realm it was useful to, but taking it before returning to the Dan Realm would cause waste.

Unexpectedly, General Heiyu shot ten pieces. It can be seen that he awakened his bloodline and achieved the status of Arowana behind him, and the status of these people in front of him has also improved a lot.

Li Xiuxian hurriedly said, "General, I can't accept such a precious treasure."

General Heiyu smiled and said, "This thing is not expensive, and I can't use it either. Just take it with peace of mind."

In fact, this Peiyuanguo is useful even if it breaks through to the realm of refining gods, but in order to make friends with Li Xiuxian, he had to endure the pain and take out ten pieces, and he had to pretend to be generous, which made her a little uncomfortable.

When King Yingyue Dragon saw General Heiyu's generous action, he knew he couldn't fall. He smiled and took out three fruits and said, "This is the fruit of Ascension. It can help you break through the realm of Huandan. It's not that I'm not good at it. It's that there are too few things. I can only take out so many."

No way, he spent a lot of effort to get this thing, and he didn't have much in his hands, and he had to improve his cultivation level for his descendants. Now it's very good to take out three of them.

As soon as this thing came out, even General Heiyu said with some envy: "I didn't expect you old boy to have such a good thing, but this thing is good for Ao Jin."

King Yingyue Dragon said a little arrogantly: "That's not true, it took me a lot of effort to get it, Boy Ao Jin, you must break through the Huandan Realm as soon as possible."

Li Xiuxian didn't pretend to shirk this time, and hurriedly put away these three ascended spirit fruits. This is a baby. Although he can break through the Huandan Realm by himself, these three ascended spirit fruits plus the Dragon Blood Fruit can definitely allow him to break through from the early stage of the Huandan Realm to the mid-stage, and it doesn't take long.

"Thank you, King, thank you, General."

King Yingyue Dragon and General Heiyu waved their hands and said, "It's okay, it's okay, you can break through quickly."

At this time, Prime Minister Turtle took out a storage bag and handed it to Li Xiuxian and said, "The old turtle has no other treasures, only some spirit stones. Just keep it. Just don't dislike it."

Li Xiuxian hurriedly said, "Thank you, Prime Minister, how can the juniors dislike it?Thank you to the Prime Minister for taking care of me during this time."

Prime Minister Turtle nodded in satisfaction, patted him on the shoulder, and walked away.

Ao Tian took a storage bag and threw it to Li Xiuxian and said, "I don't have anything else here, but there are still some refining materials, and there are enough in it. You can refine a magic weapon for yourself."

Li Xiuxian quickly thanked him. He didn't expect that he would get so many benefits just by awakening the blood of the dragon clan.

Finally, there is the squid. What the squid took out was a spiritual thing. Although it was not as good as other people, it was important to have a large number. This was what Li Xiuxian wanted most.

These spiritual objects are all useful for the Qi refining realm. It is just right for him. His body can immediately break through to the realm of the master. The innate master needs spirit stones and demigods to enhance the true element. The resources of the body.

In the great desolation, spirit stones are unattainable. Close to the edge of the human race, there are not a large number of spirit stone veins, only sporadic spirit stones, and they have to be picked by luck.

However, there are many precious medicinal materials in the great wasteland, as well as demigods and pure-blooded beasts. They are all good resources, but these things are not easy to get, so Li Xiuxian's goal can only be spiritual things.

After thanking General Squid, listening to these guys say something about hard work and cultivation, they sent them away.

After returning to the cave, he opened a few storage bags. Needless to say, Sheng Lingguo and Peiyuanguo were all good things, but the contents of the remaining three storage bags also surprised him.

Prime Minister Gu, there are one hundred and eight spirit stones in the storage bag. Although it has reached the realm of Huandan, the effect of the lower-grade spirit stones is almost gone, but Li Xiuxian needs it. Twenty pieces are converted to one kilogram, and the eight hundred spirit stones are forty kilograms.

According to his deal with the school, these 800 spirit stones can be traded for 40,000 dragon blood fruits. Although it may not be possible for him to be directly transformed, it is still possible to upgrade to the level of a dragon.

There are a lot of refining materials in the storage bag that Ao Tian gave him. He can see that although these materials are not very advanced, it is still possible to refine a medium-grade magic weapon. Coupled with the thousand-year-old mysterious iron he once obtained, it is not a problem to create a high-grade magic weapon.

It's not that Ao Tian is stingy. Ao Tian has used a medium-grade magic weapon until now. As for Yingyue Dragon King, the Dragon King who has been a dragon King for so long has only one high-grade magic weapon.

Not to mention the Prime minister Turtle and the squid, they both use the lowest-grade medium-grade magic weapons in their hands.

It's General Heiyu, because he belongs to the jurisdiction of Qingshuihe, where the resources are richer, and he has the best magic weapon.

Li Xiuxian was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the pieces of iron he got casually at the beginning were all thousand-year-old mysterious iron.

"Is it possible, just because I am the protagonist?"

Li Xiuxian was a little narcissistic. Why didn't he want to think about the kind of things like Danshu iron coupons in the Yangliu River, and a sharp dagger. The dagger had been in the water for so long and hadn't rusted. I'm afraid it's not that simple. Something.

These were all ignored by him in the past, and finally there were spiritual objects. There were about 30 spiritual objects in them. For Li Xiuxian, this was completely enough for his innate master realm cultivation. No matter what, he still has a lot of spiritual stones on his body.

After tidying up the treasures on his body, Li Xiuxian turned into arowana and lay on the stone bed. There were more than two hundred spirit stones on the stone bed, which were specially used for him to improve his cultivation level.

Closing his eyes, consciousness returned to the body.


In the villa, Li Xiuxian opened his eyes and stood up. His body is completely healed now. In the remaining eight days, he will attack the realm of the master.

It was originally planned that after he came back, he would go to Shenzhou. He didn't expect his younger brother to go to the ruins to explore. The ruins are a good place, but it's a pity that he hasn't been there.

Eight days is enough, but before that, he wants to take a look at the inheritance in the Danshu Iron Coupon. He has read the domineering sword technique. The more domineering the cultivation technique, the greater the harm to the human body.

However, Li Xiuxian possessed the technique of killing demons in the great wilderness, his body was extremely powerful, and his meridians were also full of flexibility, and he was not afraid of the sword element power and even the sword gang of the domineering sword technique.

This is the difference between him and others, but for Li Xiuxian, he still has to look at the Danshu Iron coupon. After all, no matter how powerful the domineering sword technique is, it can only be cultivated to the peak of the great master, and there are no subsequent exercises.

Li Xiuxian took out the piece of iron from the safe. The piece of iron looked ordinary, but it was absolutely incredible to be able to stay in the water for so long without rusting.

Strands of sword qi were entered into the iron coupons of the Danshu, and dense text appeared on the iron sheets, and the text quickly formed a set of exercises.

Li Xiuxian was a little puzzled. Although the exercises on the Danshu Iron Coupon were very powerful, they could only be cultivated to the level of a master.

The name of the technique is the emperor's sky-breaking technique, and the cultivation is also sword qi, but in addition to overbearing, there is also kingship in this set of sword techniques. There is a sword technique in the technique, the technique of slashing the sky and drawing the sword.

The Emperor's heaven-breaking technique, he had heard of it in the history of the human race in Tianhe World, was cultivated by the ancient emperor of the human race, the Emperor of the human race, and the emperor of the human race was the second emperor of the human race.

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