
Unconditional Love

This answer horrified Jack. That any creature such as this could be so thankful for so little was shocking. How were people, or Genies, treated in her day that she should be so appreciative? He mulled over this for a few moments, stroking her hair, and then finally said softly, "Ok, listen to me. I am having a hard time believing all this is happening. I still expect to wake from this wonderful dream at any moment. But here's the deal: I'm not sure how women, either human or Genie, were treated in the day you were... born, but it's different now, or at least I'm different. If what you say is true, that you are mine for life, and that you have been created to my 'specifications', then I think you are going to be much more than a slave. What, I don't know yet." He snorted. "Hell, I have only known you for a few hours, and all of that has been sex. I don't even know your name! What is it by the way?"

"I don't have one yet, master. It is up to you to give me one."

"Uh, wow, ok. Um, I'll have to think about that later." He paused a moment to get back on his train of thought. "In any event, I couldn't stand myself if I treated you the way you say some might have in your day. If we are going to be together for as long as you say we will, then I think our... 'relationship' will have to be much more than me giving you orders. As I say, I don't know what exactly that relationship will be, but I think we will be much more companions than 'Master and Slave.' Understand?"

"Yes, master." He could tell by the hitch in her voice that she was crying again.

"You ok?"

"Yes, master, quite ok."

And another thing; to be perfectly honest, even after everything I just said, I do kinda like being called Master by a sexy, beautiful woman. However, that could get a bit of a problem in public. Why don't you call me Jack? We'll save 'Master' for special occasions."

"Yes, Jack."

The idea of taking her in public brought him back to just what kind of relationship they would share. "So, can you be like a girlfriend or wife or...?"

"Yes, I can be anything you wish. I will always be at your command, however."

"Ok, but is it real? I mean would you be a 'real' wife or whatever? I guess what I am trying to say is do you feel real affection. Can you feel love?"

She turned her head to look up into his eyes, revealing a tantalizing view of her right nipple in the process. "I can and do, Jack. I love you now and always. Its part of what I am."

"How can you say that?! You have only known me for a few hours!"

"Part of my creation binds me to you, to love you completely and unconditionally."

"Even if I was as cruel as you say some... 'masters' might be?"


Jack contemplated this for a few minutes, uncomfortable with the idea of instant, complete and unconditional love. He at last decided that he would just have to see how this thing went. He definitely couldn't say he returned all her feelings yet. But he could see himself falling very, very hard for her, which scared and excited him, and made him want to be a bit cautious. He decided to change the subject for now.