
Someone Knows I've Got A Genie

[i]"Dear Miss Swift,"[/i] she read. [i]"Your recent actions have brought you to the attention of my employer, Mr Alex Brookman, of Brookman Industries. He has instructed me to invite you, and your genie, to meet with him at Brookman Industries' headquarters, which, as you are no doubt aware, is right here in your hometown.

There is no need to RSVP. Merely turn up at the office, and Mr Brookman will drop what he is doing to see you. We hope to see you soon.

-Miss April Showers"[/i]

"April Showers?" Matt said. "That's obviously made up."

"I'm more concerned that someone knows I've got a genie," Sophie said, looking worried. "Alexis, check if Matt's got a letter too at home." Alexis then vanished, before popping up a few seconds later.

"It's fine, there's not one," she said.

"That's good," Sophie said, breathing a sigh of relief. "That means they don't know you've got a genie."

"You shouldn't go," Matt said. "It's obviously a trap."

"What if it's not?" Sophie asked. "What if this guy genuinely wants to meet me? Maybe he just wants to ask for some favours?"

"How likely is that?"

"I dunno..."

Alex Brookman was the CEO of Brookman Industries, which he'd inherited from his father, who died when he was very young. The company made Pharmaceuticals, which could be found in most homes across the world. Mr Brookman, however, was a very secretive man, and very little was known about his personal life, at least, what Google could find for Matt and Sophie.

"Look at him," Sophie said, holding up a picture of him on her tablet. "How old would you say he is?"

"I dunno, 24? 25?" Matt replied.

"He's 63," Sophie said. "This guy must have a genie of his own."

"Well I guess that rules out him wanting to ask you for wishes."

"Mistress," said Alexis, a word she only ever used when she was being serious or playful. This was the former. "While I agree that this is likely a trap, it may be advantageous for us to attend. To know our enemy would be much better than to stay in the dark. He knows your address, so he's not going to just let you go. And don't forget that, even if he does have a genie, you and I will be immune to his powers."

"You're right Alexis," Sophie nodded. "We're going."

Miss Oracle is a powerful psychic, a palm reader & a professional astrologer.

Miss Oracle does not have a genie, and is certainly not a genie herself. But, she knows how to fulfill wishes. For getting your personalized readings - general predictions, solving problems, fulfilling wishes, psychic readings, dreams interpretations, etc - you can write to her at - MissOracle999@gmail.com

This is going to change your life.

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