

It's a journey of a teen girl Anne" who used to failed in her exams...probably every class has a quiet kid and no one knows about that one..later she found a door that changed her life through universe it cannot be found anywhere!- Read whole story I can say you won't regret

AMAva_Marvelpsyche · Fantaisie
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into the ramshackle house

it was cold felt like December...but it's November i am still living inside that park...last night cold winds were there i shivered but couldn't help myself so i thought to look for a house i just need a roof on top and even a small room will work for me.I was in this hope that wherever i will live i will tell the owner that i will pay the rent later...it's night and i am wandering on the streets looking at the streetlights maybe they will guide my way to my destination...like a firefly shining with a green light! looking up i saw the sky was so beautiful ...till the day the left my parents house the sky is like a roof to me and a stress reliever..for once i lost in that beautiful stars and constellation and the pleasing moon but even moon has black patches but it's dazzling appearance hides it such a deep thing right? i saw stray dogs they are also wandering

but i don't know in search of what?

i am finding lost stars of my galaxy..while i was searching for houses and i really don't know How come i reached my former house ( astonished) i had tear for once and a word came outside from my mouth by itself 'I miss you' you were a great existence...at that time i plucked a rose flower near from a garden and left at that house doorway i was tearing up..but i didn't turn to saw it once more

Next Morning-

i can't forget what happened last night ...(an idea pops !) can't i live there!? i will make it look decent ! at one part of my mind i was thinking to live there, but in the other i was feeling that i will miss slayer why to live there only!? but i was helpless since i want somewhere to live i can't take anymore frosty nights, cool winds that gives me chills The cold night was tucked under a woollen dove grey sky. i was horrified when i opened the gateway (" Anne u have to do it why u frightened girl everything is fine and will stay the same) i was walking i crushed dead leaves and went i knocked and i kicked the door -

oh no i broke it i will fix it later

and i saw Dust on every single thing cobwebs in the corners , sheets on furniture, broken tables, chairs, windows lamps, peeling wallpaper, gaps in the floorboards, holes in the walls, i tried opening lights but they were flickering .. the chandelier with broken strings of crystals, broken glass i thought it was going to disrupt on me as it was over me ripped curtains, also cockroaches.i started getting the things...( looks little bit better i first just set up everything and then cleaned the mess it's 2 hrs since i am cleaning time to take some rest Anne ! while doing all this work the same thing was echoing in my head my inner voice was saying me go to the other side and check if there's really s door!!) now it's been 4 hrs since i am here now my mind is blasting cause of my curiosity.Mind saying noo but heart saying yes ' slayer pop used to say litsen to your heart then your mind will prepare itself your soul is ready so do it Anne !!

i went on the other side cause that door which key whole was wrapped

with rusted chains and 3 locks

it's been 9 years i think they will easily smash i saw a giant stone it was heavy with all of my force i just bang it !! and guess what after trying 3 times it broke!!? i did it i slowly opened door i was nervous ..i was not sure to go or not stand for a second there but my mind said you did everything now you can't abandon like this...with neglecting all the things i opened the door with my eyes closed i saw another door ! ( is someone tricking with me ?) but i could see lil bit purple blazes! pop was'nt lying felt sorry for that moment when i didn't believe here...i was finding how to open it but at the hinge a paper was stuck i just garsp it and opened it. My hands were trembling i choked not in condition to speak... burst into tears i couldn't figure out what happened to me at that time i sat down there

was slayer really there!? is she seeing everything..she knows what happened with me...slayer why did you left me like this i need to find you out I screamed 'I WANT YOU NOW ...I REALLY WANT SOMEONE TO TALK ..I WILL FIND YOU I WILL CROSS THIS DOOR OR YOU WILL COME OUTSIDE!?

i was in traumatic condition i faint there cause i couldn't understand anything is slayer still alive? or she is in the heaven?

author thought-

does she really want Anne to cross the word is she asking for help!? or she just want to bring Anne in a new world?

the note i found-

When I'm hating all of me

Wanting nothing but to fade away

A door was left ajar I saw you in my heart

And if you cross the small divide

I'll be waiting on the other side Believe and feel alive together in this magic world