
Getting hunted in the Naruto World (getting rewritten)

An ordinary man dies and gets reincarnated by the gods and finds himself in some type of society but there's a twist. The gods, creatures, and people of the society seek entertainment so they send down an entity who is to start hunting the man down. Will the entity be able to hunt down its target? Or will the human live to tell the tale? Place your bets!

LazyBeast · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Naruto world?!?

Oh shit. could it be I've been reincarnated into the naruto world? The stone faces are probably enough to confirm this and also the fact that they said it's a universe I'm familiar with. I wonder where the entity is? If he's in the same village as me that's dangerous. But at the same time, we're the same age so it's also a newborn. I should try to check the map but I don't know how to. It looks like a button so maybe I tap it? Nothing happened. Weird, I wonder how I use it? I sigh, I wonder where this person is.

[(Calculating distance.....)]

[( Target estimated distance found)]

[( Direction North, 2970-3800 Km)]

[(Travel time: 3-4 days)]

[(Area not discovered on map)]

{(Location will update in 2 hours)}

I tried to wrap my head around where that would be... THE SAND VILLAGE. I remember Temrai saying that it would take 4 days but 3 days if there are constantly going at a fast pace. This is huge, the hunter aka the entity is around or in the Sand Village if I'm correct. Then this should give time to get stronger. The most logical place I'm gonna see them is around when the Chunin exams get announced. I have time to train and get powerful but if I know where they are the chances of them knowing where I am are also high.

"Toji! can you please go check on the baby we have to get ready!" A feminine voice yelled out from another room.

A while later a tall guy with a gray jacket with navy blue pants came into my room.

"Hey little guy, awake now?" he said coming up to my crib with a smile on his face. "Well, you're probably gonna have to go to sleep for a while for this to work peacefully." after he said that he picked me up and left my room. This guy and that girl are probably my parents. After a while of waiting inside the living room, my mom finally came out of the room she was in. Black long hair in a ponytail, with her wearing a black jacket with gray pants. I noticed that the clothes my parents wore covered most of their bodies exposing almost little to no skin.

"Ok, we're ready to go, honey." My dad said to my mom while walking through the door with me. My mom just followed.

While going outside with my parents I take in the scenery. The nice green trees, the nice stone paths, the sun shining bright, and the nice air. While looking around I see different houses and also banners but I can't make out what they seem to be. A couple of seconds later we walk out of a gate on our way somewhere at this point I'm quite tired so I decided to take a little nap.


*One day later*

It's the next day and I wake up to my body feeling like crap. I don't know what happened after I took a nap yesterday something happened inside my body. I thought it would be something happening to my chakra so I decided to try and control my chakra to possibly see what was happening. I know it probably wouldn't reveal much since I'm like 3-4 months old but it's worth a try I figured. After meditating and breathing steadily I think about feeling and controlling my chakra. After a couple of seconds, I feel it and energy inside of me flowing but I feel it getting eaten away but not at a fast rate just little bits of it that probably won't do harm considering the fact I replenish my chakra faster than it can get taken away.

I tried to find the culprit or culprits feasting away on my chakra and turns out I did. Bugs. Bugs inside my chakra paths eat away since all living things have chakra, bugs do too that's how I've been able to sense them. With this It makes sense. I couldn't recognize the clan banners but I found it weird how my parents were wearing clothes covering their entire bodies. I'm part of the Aburame Clan, also I probably went yesterday to the doctor to get bugs infested inside my body.

. The concept of having bugs colonize your body and chew away from your chakra in exchange for their support and abilities sounds gross on paper but In a world like this, it's a very dangerous thing to come upon on. I'll need to find out which of the bugs the Aburame Clan uses that is inside of me. But it's most likely that beetle-looking bug that Shino used in the Chunin Exams since It's the most common. But in due time the idea of having all of them sounds good so I can track my opponent and attack from the inside of their bodies and the idea of breeding the bugs are possible.

After discovering my heritage and my future ability, I wanted to focus on chakra controlling at a young age, this way it'll be easier to do it in the future and the entity is probably already doing this so I have to be prepared.


*3 month time skip*

A lot has happened in the last 3 months. I'm now 6 months old and my chakra control has been going great and I can start walking and crawling around the place, I can probably already walk due to the chakra inside of me. I've also visited a lot of the other houses in the clan and discovered most of them and it's been marked on my map. I landmarked it. In the process, I also met Shino. An important person and future alley later on who I can spare, learn and use some of his techniques. In the meantime, I have also found out what bug was infused with me because I heard my parents talking bout it to Shino's parents my guess was correct, it was the Kikaichu the beetle-looking bugs.

I have also been checking on the hunter. He didn't really move much I still think he's around the sand village. it probably is training or something, I didn't really worry too much about it considering the fact it could do nothing to me at the moment.




(AN:/ well that's all for this chapter, kinda short and delayed because I was working on school work and stuff. Hopefully, the chapters will come out earlier than planned. Well that's all, for now, see yall later.)