
Getting Abducted by Aliens with a Gacha System

Auteur: OrbitAround
Actuel · 465 Affichage
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What is Getting Abducted by Aliens with a Gacha System

Lisez le roman Getting Abducted by Aliens with a Gacha System écrit par l'auteur OrbitAround publié sur WebNovel. Yoo Soo never expected much from life; all he ever wanted was peace and quiet. Coming from humble beginnings, he spent his days enduring his parents' occasional outbursts and taking turns guarding the...


Yoo Soo never expected much from life; all he ever wanted was peace and quiet. Coming from humble beginnings, he spent his days enduring his parents' occasional outbursts and taking turns guarding the family shop. His routine life took a bizarre turn when, on his way back from his favorite supermarket, a colossal black egg appeared in the sky. In a panic, Yoo Soo fled, his mind racing with worries about his parents and his own future as an unemployed high school graduate. But fate had other plans. Laughter turned to despair when he realized he had been abducted. "My peaceful life is ruined... Where am I?" [System active, welcome earth warriors. Press agree, and you will be given a choice for your first follower] "What!?..." [Happy playing, and have a nice day] "This is the worst day of my life," Yoo Soo thought, as he knelt in despair.

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Vivid_Shado · Fantaisie
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【女强文,1v1,HE】 据说世俗界金国户部尚书家的五姑娘是外头带回来的私生女。 因为一场错综复杂的阴谋,让这私生女阴差阳错之间成了瑜王妃,走进了众人的视线内。 瑜亲王决心与瑜王妃携手解决各种难题,但与此同时,他们的两颗心也渐渐相互靠近。 可两人接触的越多,瑜亲王越发觉得,自己的王妃身份不简单。 随着瑜王妃的身世一层层的揭开,瑜亲王发现,瑜王妃竟然是修真界的人,而且身份尊贵,瑜王妃背后的势力更是早已为瑜王妃定下了一门亲事。 一个是世俗界的权贵,一个是修真界的权贵,两人的身份悬殊,他们的感情,究竟何去何从? 片段一【面对情敌】 花知忆说:“顺便跟你提一句,这是我的人,不是什么人都能碰的。” vs 庄北城说:“本王的王妃什么时候用得着别人来讨欢心?” 片段二【惧内】 花知忆看着跪在地上的庄北城说道:“瑜亲王行此大礼,我可受不起。” vs 看着庄北城隐隐有些气恼,花知忆小心翼翼的说道:“夫君,都是误会!” 片段三【宠】 花知忆看着傻子一样的庄北城,宠溺的说道:“是是是,你开心就好。” vs 花知忆说:“瑜亲王钱挺多的呀。一套首饰就花一千两白银。” 庄北城说:“我这不是……为你撑场面嘛。”

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