
Get out of the Game

When all you knew becomes a game. You must over come it all with your friends and family. Matthew was a friend to all and a co-designer to a major gaming company. He and his friend created a full VR suit for a popular zombie company test run. When it all went wrong one day.

Intentcentaur79 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

3 Postponing the AI and Another World

He is way stronger than me, and I'm now over one million what he is doing and how

strong he could be.

Next to deal with the current problem.

He stops for a second wondering what he is doing and what is behind him…

No, don't tell me the AI came here himself there's no way.

How many left.

Just us five sirs.

Ok, let's get out of here now. Something big is going to happen soon, and I don't want to

be here when it does.

Yes, sir.


Where are we?

It looks like he made a teleporter down here before we all entered.

Good, now that they're gone I can finally nuke it all.

Clones twelve.

Master are you sure last time you used one of those you were unconscious for several


It's ok that was when I had just reached level one hundred thousand I'm ten times

stronger now.

That impossible AI set a limit of eight hundred.

No, I think he changed it again.

Why do you say that?.

I just met him a second ago.

What really where is he? I want to defeat him.

Trust me you wouldn't have stood a chance against him.

Oh man, I guess so.

Now let's do this thing.

Are you sure what happens if something happens?

Well, that's what I am hoping for.

Fire all your most potent long-ranged attacks at the rock rods and then leave.

What it will just explode on the impacted master.

No, don't talk back just do it.

… Master.

Yes, Tempest.

Behind you.

I know.


So you three decided to stop waiting now did you, something was different this time it

was like these three shadows were far different than they were when we first met.

What do you want?

To fight you of course, not to have you join me of course, I do not care either way I will

defeat you, an imposter.

Well, it seems one option is clear that I will face you all at once in the future and you all

will have a tough fight, but you must know one thing if you don't already. You all are somebody

else pawn at the moment not under your control so do you still feel the same.

You are talking about AI, are you?

That I am talking about and so it seems you do know.

Yes, we do but thanks to him we are stronger than ever before.

I can tell so this conversation will end here for now.

I didn't say to them that I was going to use the nukes, it was just to get them to go use


Another thing is to tell your AI friend that I am not scared of him or her. I was just not

expecting him here at all.

Now it's time to finish this with one punch.

What do you mean by that?

I was hoping to hold back to try and protect the base, but I guess I have no choice

because you all came here.

"Base is now indestructible!"

Ok, good and even better reason.

What you are saying about your level was even higher than one million is what you are


Yes, that is what I am saying.

What is his level now?

Two no three, four, five, six and a half million that's insane it's more than all three of ours

put together at this very moment.

So you plan on killing everybody and destroying the base all at the same time.

That is the plan.

Too bad, stop him now.

Armageddon splitter punch.

What is this nothing is happening at all?

Teleport into the base.

Master what are you doing now.

I told you I will be ok this one I know what I am doing this time.

Let go of us now.

Master what are you doing.


Where did the sun go?

Nowhere it's still where it was something is just blocking it.

What is it I can't tell?

I don't know either.

It's the moon.

What the moon it can't be.

Yeah, it would be a lot larger than that.

Then it's a meteor.

How did Matthew summon that here when he got so strong?

I don't think it should be a when, but more of all of the above we don't know much about

him and Clayton gave him Admin so.

I see.

Crack, boom… BOOM… Error immortal objects in the way.

What there's more than one I thought the base was the only one.

Something is wrong.

Now you might get ready and be in your human forms.

Why Matthew.

Just do it.

Creak, vosh… ROAR…

What was that?

It was them.


Three dominant bad guys there stopping the meteor.

Now all of you hit this rod here with everything you got now.

Yes, master.

Roar, Zap, Pop, Vosh…

I need to give it everything you got and this time I mean it doesn't worry about hurting

me, and it can be anything from physical power or magic. It can even be curses or something that

would kill everything I need from all of you.

But master your weakness after that.

No just do it.

Yes, Matthew.

New York destroyer, One trillion-ton punch of the fire Emperor, Black Hole, vanishing

slice, black death beam, and infinite palm smake.

Now, Tempest, it's your turn to do it now hurry, please.

Master, I am sorry but I can't do it, I don't want to hurt you.

Tempest, it's mine or theirs so please just do it.

Okay, I will, but I won't be happy about it.

Supernova explosion with infinite gravity.



Absorb all magic.

Shhhhh… Pop….

All magic has been concealed in the Yuion.

What he was able to absorb all your magic let alone stop it before it hit it well until

Tempest that was but still what is he going to do with that.

Now go back to the armory and then have Clayton put on the last barrier up over this and

the people please we will need it.

Yes, Matthew.

Tempest I know this wasn't your strongest and I can tell all of you have a lot to say to me

but this once it is going to have to wait some more time so please take care. I will be back and

tell the people if you would please go on to the hole and I will be there.

Ok please be safe Matthew.

I will now please all of you but Tempest, please wait a second before going.

Now you there stop what you are doing Vosh…


Why did it get twice as… crk...rk…

Matthew everybody else is gone.

Voosh… BOOM!

Now everybody is gone for now.

What do you…

Then there was a kiss and a love had started between Tempest and Matthew, one that

would lead to Tempest short-lived but it was only to get the real attack that Matthew was looking


Master what was that for.


Matthew… MASTER...

Who did that?

I did the AI.

YOU… You… did this you have ruined everything now you must pay the price for

killing my love.

Multiverse Destroying…

What you can have that kind of power he was only one million.

Of the dark and endless suffering plain….

Stop it this could be bad, but I can stop it from being connected to the body so if she dies

it will still go off. I must cancel it out, but I am not good at it.

With Neptune's moon and the blazing sun, I at this moment sentence the AI to death with

my life as a sacrifice.

Absorb all magic.


It worked. I did it, but the man did it take a toll on me.

Revive fallen comrades.

Ug that hurt where am I at now and where did my clothes go.

Master don't look at me.

Here Tempest.

Wait, Matthew how are you alive I thought the AI killed you how are you ok.

Well that was just a very weak clone Tempest I am the real Matthew

How I killed you, how did you know I would come back here if they failed to defeat you

and your friends?

I didn't. I just wanted to make sure you didn't follow, and the only way to do that is to

defeat you.

You were shaking in your boots last time we talked.

What is this power is it coming from you it can't be.

You aren't one million are you, but you can't be past my set limit of one hundred million,

can you?

I just left the millions not too long ago.

What do you mean?

I mean I am one billion or one hundred times your level.

This can't be you can't be that high of a level.

Error… Error… Hackers should take action, Clayton.

Teleport Matthew don't…

Oh,world-destroyer hey guys what's up.

What's going on out there.

The AI showed up again.

What about Matthew.

Well, I think I am in love, and the first one we saw was not him, but the one I did just see
