
Get out of the Game

When all you knew becomes a game. You must over come it all with your friends and family. Matthew was a friend to all and a co-designer to a major gaming company. He and his friend created a full VR suit for a popular zombie company test run. When it all went wrong one day.

Intentcentaur79 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

2.8 Postponing the AI and Another World

Glad to be here and sorry if I knew nuking the map would defeat the monster map and

unleash killer monsters.

It was you that defeated the clone of the AI.

Yes, it was.

OOOoo… I like him, I don't believe him. I want proof of his defeat.

Proof I have some here.

I pulled out the rod, and the ground below me smashed, and I returned the rod to my


What was to prove a heavy object is not something we are not used to?

This weapon is only at one-sixteenth of its weight and size.

What that can't be.

This is more than likely your first earthquake when I used it in a fight.

Wow, you must have the power we seek but what is this you can't stay.

Monster in pairs or even greater strength than me.

What there are.

Yes at least four of them.

Four I thought there were three of them.

Yes, I did until I added the AI the original one that is.

Ok, so what is it that you say the reason they will attack a level two hundred fifty players

like yourself.

I'm not level two hundred it's more like two hundred fifty-thousand with the admin.

What you emporium, please scan his level he's sure is jesting that he is that level.

Access denied.

Can not scan admin.

He does have admin access, but I couldn't access his level.

What that is impossible not even his best friends here have that how do you have it.

Because I am the game or something like that or at least the only one that can defeat it.

Who said this?

Your great friend Clayton and the owner of this game were defeated by the AI.

Wow, that's amazing so what can you do?

A lot of things you wouldn't think were ever possible.

Enough of this I want to see solid proof that you are all the mighty person you say you


Okay, I would like you all to go outside, for one thing, please if that is ok.

As long as you show some proof, I will be fine.

Matthew, what are you going to do?

Just watch and don't pee yourselves when I reveal what I got.

Sound the alarm a herd of monsters is coming this way and there are tanks, and as well as

supers we need everybody that can…

What are you doing here Empire this is the wrong time to come for a wall walk!

Just watch him go out.

He is why!

It's his test.

A test all of us together couldn't even beat super, and you think he can defeat twenty of

them plus the herd.

Yes, but I want him to prove he can defeat this game… cough… cough…

Sir are you alright!

Yes yes, it seems even in a game cancer really can put a toll on your body.

Cancer, you have…


Keep it a secret between us ok.

But sir.

But nothing I am alright now so behave and watch this epic fight.

So he has cancer I could tell something was wrong with him.

So I have to put on a big show but what will I still have to try?

Yuion expands to max size.

BOOOMM… vosh…

The giant rod made a wall taller than the two twin towers on top of each other on their

sides blocking the army from continuing to the base.

Everybody holds on to something.

OOOSSShhh… the wind from the rod hitting the earth quickly reached them.

All he has done is stopped them.

No, I don't think that is it at all.

What do you mean Axe?

What I mean is that it is a wall to keep what is about to happen from reaching us.

Get the wall mages up here now we need a barrier up now and as indestructible as


What why.

If we don't, we could get wiped off the map.

Sir if something like that happens that close even if we had prepared a wall that strong it

would take longer than we have been here.

Well, get one up and as strong as possible quickly.

Yes, sir!

Axe, that is what your friend said so far right.

From the short time, I got to talk to Clayton yes and his level he only said a fraction of

what it is.

What are you saying?

He could survive and maybe defeat the AI now or at least two hundred times that nuke

Clayton dropped. But the scary part is that he with one straight enraged punch could destroy the

server and not just this one.

May God protect us from this short but massive fight.

I don't think it's going to be too bad.

Axe it's me, Matthew, I'm using telepathy I am going to release a massive amount of

energy to tell them to hurry, and I will help with the wall. Please also mention the old man not to

die of a heart attack.

What Matthew doesn't.



Umm, Matthew is going all out, and I don't know why but the only reason is because of

one thing.

What is it?

A strong enemy is coming to our way or fact.

Empire even worse news several armies are surrounding the base, and there is an energy

of three coming this way as strong as the AI.

What sounds the alarm now?

No don't Matthew got this but we need to get everybody out of here now.

What no what about this place.

Hey, old man listen to Axe I got this, and the base is excellent plus you guys got nothing

that is going to hurt those three trust me the giant rod out here didn't even stop them.

What you faced before, how did you stop them?

I didn't think that's why they're here now.


Yes, now leave this place and take everything with you. I unlocked everything with

admins so please hurry. I can go all out because if I have to sacrifice the base, I can't do it with

you all in it.

Excellent, we have a way out.

I know to go and fast I will slow them down for now and my friends as well.

What we can't do anything as you can.

You guys are family. I got some people that I know will help me. Now go please, I mean

it. I will see you guys, and you will end up at a garage. It's safe there. It was where you found me

going southeast for three hundred miles and there should be a hole in the ground and go down

there. I will be there shortly after.

Ok now to figure out if I can summon all of you at once.

Summon all allies from the monster dimension ready for battle.

Boom… Zap… Pop…

What where are…

Those three are here and people, and one more… MASTER.

Yes, you Tempest.

Master, you were able to summon us to a good job but a little warning next time please I

was going to do my nails.

Maybe next time Tempest but we have more matters at hand now.

I can see that you want us to take care of them.

Hold on for a second.

Copy Yuion to circle camp.

Crash, Crash, boom, and now shield camp.

All things holy he made eleven more and those monsters came from nowhere and there

on our side those are all the monster bosses out there right now and the hero. We must hurry now

even his barrier will not hold once the real fighting comes.

Now expand the walkway and barrier as well.

All that magic wasted on those peasants you should let us kill them that way you don't

have to prevent the inevitable.

No, I will not…

You are not one of the bosses…

O so you could tell just by the way I talked, did you?

Yes, I am the AI well not for long that is soon. I will be my very own person, and you

will not be able to stop me. Now that you have a filling for my power I shall leave you be this
