
Get out of the Game

When all you knew becomes a game. You must over come it all with your friends and family. Matthew was a friend to all and a co-designer to a major gaming company. He and his friend created a full VR suit for a popular zombie company test run. When it all went wrong one day.

Intentcentaur79 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

2.2 Let the Game Begin


What is this place?

The place that has all your inventory in it although some of the weapons have been

placed under something.

Wow, I had all this on me.

Well yes, you did but how some of these things were barely able to fit in the room which

was meant to hold even the largest of maps. Ops when I was reading your inventory weight I

missed a couple of zeros you were carrying around three hundred twenty thousand tons.

How is that even possible and just knowing that I wonder what they would be if they're

that big?

Well, let's see what we got here as weapons.

Here, sir, I took the liberty of choosing ten weapons from my memories of yours that you

would like.

Thanks, Tempest how old are you?

Well, my total memories of being a monster go back three thousand years so I would

have to guess somewhere around nine thousand.

I think I'll take all ten of them just in case plus this one rock staff.

Why is it just a staff, my master?

No, it is not because I didn't have this weapon.

What then how did it get here?

Well, I read a comic once, and I thought it would be cool to have and I can't believe it's

here and I believe this is one of the strongest ones here.

What that is impossible as it was just a stone rod.

Yes, now let's find some good armor for me.

Tempest, you may also find yourself a good weapon and some armor.

Hank these rows, what is it?

I think its items are buffs or things that give you multipliers or so.

Wow, there are so many of them.

What kind should I get that best fits me?

Well, some clothing pieces give you some good ones.

Wow, that's great.

This thorn, some combat boots, titanium phantom blue, and red rose combat pants are the

same for the vest and helm. The claw gloves with a flame element while all the others so far are

earth for strength. This arm brace here increases your speed, this one your power. Not that you

need it, but you are putting on a lot of weight.

No, it is ok every little thing helps.

Ok, then this bandana and glasses make you unaffected by all gas attacks. Anything else

you would like to have Matthew.

Um, I don't know yet what else is there.

Well, there are psychic attacks that you could have.

Well, then the fire of course then water and well just give me them all if you would.

Ok, all magic given this will make you feel a little light-headed because the knowledge of

it will take a massive toll on your mind.

Done what's next.

What well I shouldn't be surprised, you did take three thousand years in about three days.

Give me this ring, please.

Ok, that sounds good but what for it's just a ring it couldn't do too much plus where did

come from.

In my mind, I do have a master craftsman's memories so with the materials that I have

been given I can create anything that I have seen before.

That is a power I do believe not anyone or anything can have but yet here it is one

surprise after another.

Well, I guess I'm just full of them.

Tempest are you ready to go now.

Yes, Matthew, I am how about you it seems that you are done.

I am ready so let's hurry up and get started.

Loading map of New York Apocalypse.

Good luck you two. I hope you can make it.

Thanks, Hank I too hope that we make it as well.

Map loaded three… two… one… start.

So this is what you call New York in your world. It is far more significant than any castle

I have ever been to.

Trust me this city isn't even the largest we have in the world.

What there are places bigger than this.

Don't get me wrong this is one of the larger ones, but there are other ones bigger.

Wow and these are cars yes.

Yes, and there are many other things, but we aren't here for a fun look around we are here

to fight.

Sorry I will focus on the fight from now on.

Ok, do you see anything?

No, nor do I sense any other persons but yours.

How come.

Well, you do stick out like a sore thumb as you would say.

My power is that easy to sense Hank are you there.

Yes, Matthew what do you need me now for.

I need a suppressing thing for power.

Easy enough to get a necklace with a paladin's heart on it should work.

Wow ok, now Tempest does it work.

Yes, I don't sense you at all now, but I do them.

Ok, get ready for a fight.

That's the thing they're not just in front of us something changed over time while getting

ready and loading this thing up.

I am the boss, so I know all the other ones, as well as all the monsters in the game as the

data of it, ran through me right before I was brought here.

So what about it well I don't think it was lying when it said it was going to be hard.

After I saw what was down there, I even believe we would most likely win.

But now that we are here there are things I can not identify.

So your saying is more things like you out there.

No, there are things out there that are even stronger than I am with my new name and


What then you a god.

Yes and a couple of times over.

What could they be? I wonder if they are from my world then?

What that can't be your world has no magic powers.

Well yes, they don't, but they have overcome that as well with movies, games like this,

and anime.

What are you saying even though you have no magic?

People can use our technology to create a monster or imagine them even know to destroy

everything with a single breath from their lungs. Yes so you can see these are nothing compared

to so I have seen in them, but they are a significant threat nonetheless.

Hold on a sec and give me some time but if we get found out tell me.


I sat down to try and use a magical power called scan to scan the whole map, but the

problem is that all these monsters are more like us than monsters they more than likely will find


Scan successfully there …. One billion and twelve entities.




Follow me and fast.


I know where we should be ok for a short time.


Because we are way over our heads in this.

Ok sorry for prolonging that.

Make it up in speed because we're going to go fast because I think something is very

wrong but also something good is going to happen. Because there is one thing, I know that will

happen because if I know Clayton he's not out of the game yet.

How can you be sure that he is?

I know why we were given this map.

What do you mean?

This isn't only the twin towers, we also have the empire state tower.

What about it?

Hank, I need a walkie-talkie.

What why that's not a weapon.

Yes, I know that.

Ok, but we only got one for some reason.

Yes I know I will explain later when we get back to the armory.

They now hurry up and defeat those twenty-five million.

That's the thing we don't have just that much.

Well, a few million won't make much of a difference.

Try one billion-plus ten bosses stronger than Tempest.

How did that happen, Matthew, plus what about Clayton. He was defeated by that AI. I

saw it myself.

You did you sure it was him not half of him.

What do you mean?

He can take half of his strength and put it into a clone.

What he can, he never told me how to do that.

Well, a master has to keep some of his secrets from his students.

Ok up to the wall to the tower.

Ok, now what?

We go up.


Like this.

I took a few steps back then took up the wall.

I had unlocked the wall run during the first and second maps.

Wow, that's amazing, but I don't think I can.

You can now get up here soon.

How can you tell?

Other than the whole map is shaking, and the flying ones are faster.

Ok now what, you keep going up to the top I'm going to enter the building we won't have

enough time plus I think I have too much weight to reach the top of it.

Ok, I will.

Good now that this is out of the way I can get to work.

I teleported back down leaving him to get in contact with Clayton.

The building was surrounded by the rest of them.

So you are smart, fast, and reliable.

We will not let you leave alive.

I would like to see you try.

We took off even if they were the undead they were keeping up with me, but I did have

all that weight.

I took out two guns with explosive rounds open firing in the air and the enemy on the


Hello anybody there.


Anybody at all Matthew I hope you know what you are doing.

After a few hundred thousand shells were shot off.

It only killed three hundred; they are a lot tougher too.

Nine weapons remaining let's try the double-sided synths.




That hurts a lot.

The tanks are here now and just in time.

Hold on that's no standard tank he looks a lot more human with a massive ax and then

there are tanks with them even ones with mutant abilities.

It seems to me you all are evolving to defeat me; this is just getting better and better. I am

glad that I sent Axe up to the tower to try and get Clayton.

Clone powers one hundred clones. I can also do that too. I'm not even warmed up yet.

Go and defeat the enemy, we don't have much time so we must overcome as many as we

can before then.


Hello, who is this?
