
Gerald watched Elaine across the table as she carefully picked up her

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4 Chs

Unexpected love

High school romances aren't forever!" he had heard enough people say. He never knew what to think about it, though. He had never been romantically involved with anyone.

Alexa walked into the class with their teacher one day. "Students, She is your new classmate, Alexa," the teacher announced.

As luck would have it, he had an empty seat beside him, and that was where Alexa sat. However, after the first formal greetings and introductions, she didn't seem inclined to speak to him at all.

He got immersed in his studies again and quietened his aching heart by looking at Alexa whenever she wasn't looking.

The year came to an end. On the last day before the holidays, he mustered courage and walked up to Alexa. She was surprised to see him there. He cleared his throat and said, "Alexa, there has been something I have been meaning to tell you for some time."

Alexa waited.

He said, "I like you. I didn't know how to convey it to you as I was scared you would reject me. But now that we might never meet again, I want you to know this."

Alexa's eyes filled up with tears. She said, "I liked you from the first day I saw you! When I came to sit next to you, I was so overwhelmed that I had to purposely keep an aloof face because I thought you didn't like me at all!"

They laughed and held hands for the first time.'

The grandchildren clapped as their grandmother, Alexa, told them the story of how she met their grandfather.