
Chapter Sixteen

After Su Xia returned, she saw Xia Tian standing there with bags, waiting.

She quickly walked up and said, "Give them to me! You haven't fully recovered yet. Give them to me." Xia Tian shook his head, but Su Xia snatched the bags from him.

"Wait until you're completely better before you talk. Let's go! Back home," Su Xia walked ahead and turned back, seeing Xia Tian still holding the untouched bread. She asked, puzzled, "Why aren't you eating? Aren't you hungry?"

Xia Tian was about to shake his head when Su Xia continued, "Forget it! Let's eat at home."

Xia Tian quickly nodded. As they reached the door of the ward, he suddenly stopped, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the young man as if to say, "See that? My girlfriend is here to pick me up. She wants me!"

"In the morning, I originally..." Xia Tian listened to Su Xia speaking and followed her a few steps, smiling and listening to her ramble.

Su Xia put all the things Xia Tian had used in the hospital into the trunk of the car.

Standing next to the car, Xia Tian seemed to remember something and frowned. This scene seemed familiar to him.

Su Xia opened the car door, sat in, started the engine, and waited for a while. When Xia Tian didn't come up, she got out of the car. She saw Xia Tian standing blankly next to the car. Su Xia walked over, opened the passenger's door, and said, "Get in!" After Xia Tian sat in and closed the door, Su Xia sat in the car, pulled the seatbelt over, and fastened it. She glanced at Xia Tian and said, "Fasten your seatbelt! What's wrong with you? You have amnesia, not become stupid! Hurry up and fasten it! I'm going to drive!"

Su Xia took Xia Tian not home, but to the police station. After parking the car, Su Xia opened the seatbelt and said, "Get out of the car!"

Seeing that it was the police station, Xia Tian was a little scared. He held onto the seatbelt tightly and kept shaking his head.

Su Xia walked over and opened the car door. Seeing Xia Tian's frightened look, she comforted him, "Get out of the car! Let's finish this quickly so we can go home. You haven't eaten anything all day, aren't you hungry? Hurry up!"

However, Xia Tian still held onto the seatbelt tightly, refusing to move or get out of the car.

Su Xia looked helpless, leaning on the car. She could only say, "Don't be afraid. I'm not leaving you here. I just want you to go in and make a record with the police uncle. It will make it easier for your family to find you in the future." She finished speaking and looked at Xia Tian's expression.

"Come on, let's go. I'll go with you," she said, undoing Xia Tian's seatbelt and leading him into the police station.

The police quickly made a record for Xia Tian.

Xia Tian ran back to Su Xia's car and sat in the passenger seat with a relieved expression.

Su Xia, who was walking behind, smiled and thought to herself, "So he was afraid of being left here, that's why he kept refusing to get out of the car. It's like dealing with a child."

When they arrived home, it was already evening. Su Xia opened the door and said, "Come in, take off your shoes."

After Xia Tian changed his shoes, he looked around the clean and tidy house, feeling a special warmth.

Su Xia said to Xia Tian again, "Go to the bathroom and take a shower. You smell like the hospital. Wash up, or I won't let you eat."

Xia Tian's face turned slightly red, and he turned and ran into the bathroom like a gust of wind.

While Su Xia was washing her hands and preparing to cook, she opened the fridge and found that there was nothing inside. Recently, she had been running between the company, hospital, and home. She didn't have time to go to the supermarket.

Fortunately, there was still a bunch of vegetables and a few eggs in the fridge. Su Xia said to herself, "This will do. I'll make my best instant noodles." At this time, the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

When she brought two bowls of noodles to the table, Xia Tian also came out of the bathroom. His body was damp, his face was red from the steam, and there was a faint scent of gardenia on him. He was wearing clean and neat clothes, wrapping his tall and slender body. He looked shyly at Su Xia.

Su Xia raised her chin and said, "Don't just stand there silly. The noodles will get cold. Today's meal is simple. We're eating whatever we have since we came back late and I didn't prepare anything."

Xia Tian quickly nodded and sat down opposite her, eating slowly and methodically. His table manners were impeccable, which made Su Xia curious about him.

Feeling Su Xia's gaze, Xia Tian immediately put down his chopsticks, placed his hands on his legs, sat up straight, and waited for Su Xia to ask questions.

"What's wrong? You don't have to be so formal. Relax and eat. It'll get cold."

After Su Xia finished eating, she went to her bedroom, then came out with a set of bedding and went into another bedroom.

After making the bed, she walked out and said, "You can leave the dishes after eating. I'm going to bed now, I'm tired." Then she pointed to the other bedroom and said, "This is your room. Rest early." With a yawn, she walked back to her bedroom.

Xia Tian finished cleaning up the bowls and chopsticks before heading to his bedroom.