
Genshin: The Serenity System

One day, a bard entered his café. "One Mondstadt Dandelion Wine Plea—" "No. This is a café." He quickly retorted. On the next day, a refined gentleman came in. "One Osmanthus Wi—" "This is a café." He reminded. On the other day, a cold purple beauty entered. "One Dango Mi—" "Café." He just said one word. On another other day, a child with white hair came in. "Can I have umm..." "Here, you can have this decaffeinated tea." He gave her something that wouldn't upset her stomach. Then, on the day he was supposed to have a day off, someone barged into his café without giving any warnings. "Haha! I, Focalors, invite you to—" "...Lady Furina, if you do this again, I'll seriously call Monsieur Neuvillette." He threatened her. "..." She silently went to one of the tables and sat down. 'I can't take a break...' Isaac could only sigh with the Archons' shenanigans. * * * A/N: A lighthearted story about a man and his café, trying to soothe out the stressed people of Teyvat.

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"Serenity" and Plan

She had seen a fair number of people who had a façade for a face— Masks if you will.

Those masks range from confident ones that try to hide their guilt and nervousness to fear and anxiety trying to hide their true intentions.

As someone who wears one and pulls one from other people's faces, she had decent experiences in sensing them.

After all, in the courtroom where she enjoys the show, this was one of the skills she would naturally pick up.

And when she met that man that night, he was no exception to this skill of hers.

It was just that she saw a different mask from him.

She didn't know why, but the obvious fake smile he had was different from the others. It was as if he could hide all his true intentions in that one smile of his.

Not to mention his eyes. Those deep amber eyes left a particular impression on Furina.

The eyes are the windows to the soul, after all. And for Furina, there was only one impression that she got when she stared at his eyes back then— nothing.

There was nothing in his deep amber eyes. It was as if the cold abyss was looking directly at her with no emotion in them at all. It was nothing but pure apathy. It was as if— no, she was certain that he had full control of his mask.

Just remembering those eyes made her want to investigate more about the man.

But of course, that isn't part of her act. If she were to suddenly start investigating someone, it would ruin her acting. Which is why she hasn't formed any investigation parties to find out more about that man.

She couldn't use the Marechaussee Phantom— an investigative organization made up of Melusines— to spy on the man as they were directly under Neuvillette.

Which is why—

'I must investigate him personally and privately.' Looking through the window, Furina quietly observed the man departing with a child.

'Who knows? He might bring a new performance onto the stage...'

Of course, she would have never thought that he really would bring something interesting for her— because right now, she still wasn't aware of what Isaac was planning for his first S-Rank quest.

...and the cat-and-mouse chase between them that would stem from it.




Isaac and Klee continued to explore Fontaine for a few more hours. After stopping by a few shops and letting Klee play a bit more on the way back to the cafe, both Isaac and Klee finally decided to go back.

Once they entered, Isaac turned around and tapped the door. And soon, the same vibrant color started illuminating around the door.

[Portal linked.]

"Alright, Klee, the door's ready now." Isaac turned around and spoke. However, he had other thoughts at the moment. 'I can finally have a TV! Alright!'

However, it seems like Klee had a different thought. "You lied to me, Mister Isaac! You said you didn't know how I got here!"

Hearing this, Isaac was momentarily stunned before he let out a light laugh. "Haha, yes, forgive me. It wouldn't be a fun first adventure for you without a bit of mystery in it, no?"

Of course, Isaac had different reasons— Acting! Isaac loved acting like a charlatan! 'As a Fool once said, It's all about the acting.'

Klee thought for a moment before also laughing. "Hehe, well, you're right! I had lots of fun today!"

Isaac calmly nodded before opening the door, and soon, the same room where Klee was confined was shown. "It's been fun, Demoiselle."

"Wait..." As if sensing something, Klee, who was about to enter the door, suddenly looked at Isaac. "Will I be able to come back again, Mister Isaac?"

Truth be told, she loved exploring Fontaine. Add the fact that she can't leave Mondstadt right now due to Stormterror, she found Isaac's cafe a new sanctuary.

Isaac looked at her before secretly asking the system inside his mind. 'Is it possible?'

[The invited person can return, but there is one condition.]

'And what condition is that?' Shortly after asking this, the system quickly told him the conditions.

Isaac quietly read them before widening his eyes. 'What the? This is...'

He then looked at the system silently for a moment before curling up a wry smile. 'Does the System love me?'

[The host's comfort and preferences are part of the Serenity System's domain, and such, is prioritized.]

...a cold answer.

However, Isaac paid it no heed and soon looked at Klee with a smile. He then opened his mouth as he lifted his left hand. "You can come back, but you have to pay. It's only fair, no?"

Yes. The condition was an entrance fee.

"Really?!" However, to a child like Klee, she found this not a problem. "I can come back as long as I have money?"

"Of course." Isaac nodded with languid movements— He was still tired from all the walking around earlier. "With a small price of 100 Mora, you can visit Fontaine whenever you want!"

The Serenity System— as the name states— is a system that focuses on Serenity. From the word itself, it provides a sense of peace and comfort not only to others, but to Isaac as well.

And under Serenity are three aspects— calm, comfort, and untroubled.

It first fulfills its first aspect of calmness by providing Isaac with a calm environment like a cafe.

The second was comfort. The system covers this by giving Isaac things that would ultimately lead to his sense of comfort. Such things are the items that the system sells.

Last, untroubled. This one is a bit different as it follows Isaac's heart and desires. To be untroubled, you must first eliminate all that troubles you. This is why features like quests exist— because Isaac wants to do a lot of things in this new world.

Regarding the quests that are given, to be honest, they were all quests the system made based on the things Isaac wanted to do.

Because although Isaac might not look, notice, or acknowledge it, he has a hidden side to him. A tendency to cause trouble.

He was like a double-sided coin. A hypocrite. A clown, if you will.

It was just that his laziness and desire for peace and quietness overridden his other personality. But just because it was overridden doesn't mean it's completely gone— that's why there are some peaceful quests and quests that require him to do thrilling things.

As for why the system picked Mora as the condition for Klee to return? That's because Isaac loved money.

"Yay!" Klee jumped with happiness when she found out she could come back. She then looked at Isaac with a smile. "I'll be sure to come back, Mister Isaac! Just wait!"

'...I hope not every day.' Although Isaac liked Klee, he couldn't possibly handle a child every day, could he? Just thinking of a child running around his cafe every morning made Isaac feel exhausted! 'Please limit her allowance, Jean!'

"Farewell, Demoiselle." Soon, the two of them waved goodbye and Klee walked through the door, leaving Isaac all alone in his cafe.

"What an exhausting day... Yeah, I'm not gonna babysit anymore. This just ain't for me." Isaac, who was now alone, started ranting as he sat down on one of the nearby couches.

He then suddenly remembered something. "Oh right! The TV!"

He then quickly opened his inventory and searched for the reward he got for completing the quest. 'Finally! I can watch something and not read all day!'

'There it is!' After finding the TV, Isaac quickly clicked it, and soon, a system notification appeared in front of him.

[Install Flat-screen TV?]

'... it's even a flat-screen?' Isaac was not a choosy man. He didn't ask any questions and just agreed with the system. 'It is what it is.'


Isaac waited for a few minutes before he finally found the TV. 'Ah! Is that it?' It was hanging behind the counter where he works. Looking at the position, Isaac couldn't help but nod his head. 'This is a great place to put it. It's so that whoever drinks at the counter can watch what I'm watching with me.'

[Installation complete.]

'Hun?' Suddenly, a remote materialized in his hand. 'Oooh!'

Without hesitating, Isaac quickly turned on the TV. He didn't have to worry about the electricity as the system already covers it.

After opening it, he was surprised to see that it was a smart TV. It had apps like YouTube and Google.

Isaac tapped the remote and clicked YouTube— this is what he had been waiting for! He then noticed something and his eyes widened. 'Oh sweet lord system! Thank you for your blessings! It even has an in-built internet!'

He felt like this TV was something made by the Gods of Celestia. It was just too good to be real.

Just then, while Isaac was in the middle of his praise, the first video that popped up started playing on its own.

Soon, a melancholic song started playing.

[The way I go through with red roses burns my eyes.]

[Cold rain starts pouring hard, I'm being called upon.]

[Never let you go, it's why I did them all.]

[For a chance at least, to live in your way.]

"..." Isaac vacantly looked at what was playing and he tried his best not to get emotional. 'I feel emotionally violated...'

Isaac then mustered his will and stopped any tears from escaping his eye sockets. He looked out the sky before looking at the clock in the cafe. 'Three in the afternoon... How time flies.'

"Hmm..." Isaac stood still for a moment as he entered a state of contemplation. He then opened his quest tab and looked at the main quest.

[S-Rank Quest]

[Objectives: Make a mystery case that even 'Furina' cannot solve.]

"..." Isaac tapped his shoe a few times on the tiled floor as he continued pondering. Just then, Isaac opened the system inventory and took something out.

It was a vial.

'Invisibility potion... Paired with the system.' Isaac's mind then started concocting a plan.

Truth be told, although the Serenity System does indeed cover three aspects, there is one more aspect it covers.

The aspect of 'Serenity'— a state of all three aspects combined.

And it just happens to be a feature of the system that Isaac can use— and his most important trump card right now.

When Isaac uses this feature, it would mean he would enter a state where everything is quiet, calm, and peaceful. A completely silent state, undetected by anyone.

He tested it before, and it really did conceal his presence. The people he interacted with while in this state didn't even notice him until he spoke or touched them.

So... If he paired a potion that turns him invincible for fifteen minutes and a system feature that conceals his presence, what would you get?

Sitting down on a chair and leaning back, Isaac's deep amber eyes started glistening as he looked at the TV.

Soon, an enigmatic smirk appeared on his lips. 'Yeah... This could work.'

'I'll try it tonight.'

And so starts the attempt to finish the first Main Quest.