
Genshin Impact: The Template System

In Mondstadt, the Knights of Favonius are actively searching for a wanted criminal who stole the Holy Lyre der Himmel. "No matter what, bring me the man named Ezio at all costs!" Jean said to her knights. However, deep in her mind, there was another reason she wants him. * * * Finding himself Transmigrated as the infamous stalker in the game he loves and obtaining a template system, Albert started his path of chaos. Steal the Holy Lyre to gain Fame Points? Done. Be present in Rex Lapis' death and take on all the blame to gain even more points? Count it done. Actually touching Guuji Yae's ears?! He will do it for the fame points. Assassinating the Grand Sage out of spite for locking up Nahida? He doesn't even need fame points, he'll do it anyway. "It doesn't matter what I do." Albert grinned. "Because in the end, they won't even be able to find out my real identity." ...Or will they?

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39 Chs

Assassination [1/2]

"Thanks for helping out, Albert." Lenny, the owner of Good Hunter, said to Albert.

"It's fine, it's just a couple more minutes of work." Albert replied as he rubbed the windows

It was currently nighttime in Mondstadt and most shops are already closing. This includes Good Hunter.

It has already been a few days since the Assassination quest was issued to him. And during this time, he had done nothing but hone his skills.

This was the very first time he would infiltrate the Knights of Favonius.

It always has knights guarding the perimeter, thus, the security is very tight.

Not only honing his skills but also studying Eroch's movements.

He would accept delivery requests from the Knights of Favonius to get a chance to enter. Not just this, but also subtly observe it from afar.

By doing that, he was able to determine Eroch's movement.

He would arrive at the Knights of Favonius headquarters in between 6:30 and 7:00 AM.

The only time that he would leave is in the afternoon and at midnight.

However, there are always two guards protecting him.

As an Inspector, he implemented this to protect himself.

It wasn't going to be an easy mission.

But Albert has a trump card. And that trump card is his experience— more precisely, the Assassination skills that Ezio passed down to him.

Albert planned this mission quite thoroughly and finally, after days of observing and planning, it was time to carry out the plan.

But... There is one thing bugging Albert.

While cleaning the windows with cloth, a certain nun appeared inside Albert's mind.

'Rosaria.' He thought. 'Whenever I practice my acrobatics at night, I most of the time see her wandering around in the darkness.'

'As if trying to find something or someone.' He internally sighed as he already knew who she was after.

Unfortunately for her, Albert's stealth is nothing to be underestimated.

After a few more minutes of cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor, Albert knew it was time.

Placing the broom back into the storage closet, he bid farewell to the owner. "I'll be going now. See you tomorrow, Miss!"

"Alright, be careful on your way home!" Lenny said, completely unaware that her employee is about to cause a ruckus among the knights.

Walking away, Albert calmly walked under the full moon of the night.

He then abruptly stopped his walk and his eyes turned sharp. He then quietly entered a dark alleyway.

A few moments later, a hooded figure emerged from the darkness and climbed a wall of a house towards the roof.

Skillfully jumping and holding onto objects, the hooded figure took no less than a few seconds to arrive at the top of the house.

The night breeze swayed his clothing. The moon's moonlight shined down upon him as if watching and guiding him.

This, of course, is none other than Albert.

'Remember.' Albert reminded himself. 'Only Stealth Assassinate Eroch then leave.'

'Do not kill randomly and be discreet.' Albert nodded at this thought before moving.

Using the shadows to his advantage, he moved from house to house without being noticed by any patrolling knights.

Arriving at the wall separating the lower part of Mondstadt from the higher part, Albert expertly climbed.

He grabbed onto the walk and skillfully climbed it despite having a semi-flat surface.

Arriving at the top, he looked around to see if any knights were around.

Seeing no one, he continued. He did not stop moving in the shadows until he finally reached the Favonius Headquarters.

Hiding inside a bush covered in the shadows at the side of the building, Albert looked around.

'Now this is the part where things get harder.' He thought. 'Varka... The Grand Master... The so-called Living Legend...'

'He never leaves the Favonius Headquarters.'

During the time he had surveyed the knights, he noticed something off.

The Grand Master never leaves.

And if he does, it's either because he has a mission or visits Wolvendom where no one knows what he does.

Of course, Albert knows that he is teaching Razor to wield a sword. The child left in the forest and was raised by Wolves.

Just then, Albert saw someone leave the headquarters.

It was a beautiful tall woman. She has grey-blue eyes and medium-length gold-blonde hair tied back into a ponytail with a black bow.

Seeing her, although she looked a little young compared to the game, Albert still recognized her.

'Well, well, well, if it isn't the Dandelion Knight, Jean.'

Truth to be told, he hasn't seen Jean as a threat yet. Mainly due to the fact that she still hasn't gotten her vision.

Although, yes, her bladework is excellent to the point that she surpasses most knights— but to Albert, if she has her back wide open, then he could strike a critical blow on her quite easily.

'She should be around the age of seventeen if I'm correct...' He thought as he adjusted his hidden blade. 'The same age as me...'

Shaking these thoughts off, he eavesdropped on her talking to someone who looked like her, but more mature. Likely her mother.

"I couldn't understand." Jean said. "I already gave the Grand Master evidence of Eroch's false deed."

"He claimed to have slain Ursa the Drake but I uncovered many witnesses and evidence that it was not him."

"Moreover, Senior Diluc's fa—"

"Calm yourself, child." The woman beside her interrupted. "Varka already knows."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I know how Varka works. And I know that he already knows of Eroch's deeds." The woman said. "He just needed someone else to bring it up so that he can act."

"You don't mean..." Jean understood her mother's words.

Her mother, the Alder Knight, Frederica Gunnhildr, nodded. "Precisely. He would enact his own justice. We should wait."

"I see..." Jean muttered.

Hearing their conversation, a small scoff escaped Albert's mouth. 'According to the game, Varka did intend to purge Eroch's position.'

'But they found out that he wasn't that easily swayed.' He thought. 'It later took them a few more pieces of evidence before Varka gave Jean the authority to, quote, 'Punish him as she see fit'.'

At this point, Albert retracted his hidden blade a few times to test it. 'But with me here, things are gonna be different.'

Taking a deep breath, he decided to climb to the top of the Favonius headquarters.

Arriving at the top, he took a peak to see two knights patrolling.

"Say, do you think Eroch is gonna get his position purged?" One of the knights said

"I don't know." The other one said with a sigh. "But if he does, we'll get less freedom if disappears from the ranks..."

"That is true..." The other one replied. "Working under him and doing shady business is not that bad if you don't actually hurt people..."

"True." The man shrugged. "We shoul—"

However, before he could finish, a blade was sent flying toward his neck. "A-AGH!!"

"W-WHA—" The other one, who saw his friend get injured, quickly reacted to see the attacker.

Unfortunately for him, the person that did it has already arrived behind him.

Covering his mouth, Albert unleashed the hidden blade and quickly stabbed the man in the back.

The man tried to struggle and scream but he quickly succumbed to death.

Swiftly moving by him, Albert quickly took care of the other one and quickly killed him.

His movements were very fluid. From retracting the blade from one person to another.

Silence soon descended.

"Huff... Huff..." Albert heavily panted.

Looking at his hand which was covered in blood, his mental state underwent a state of turmoil.

"Calm yourself... Calm yourself..." Albert gripped his arm.

Heavily exhaling and inhaling, he calmed his chaotic mind.

'They were associated with him... There is no need for guilt.' He once again tried to self-justify his actions.

After a few more seconds, he finally calmed down. "Huff... I better finish this as quickly as possible."

Mumbling this, he quickly hid the dead bodies in a corner and took their keys. He then entered the headquarters by unlocking one of the doors.

'Now that I'm inside, things will just get a lot more harder.' He thought.