
Genshin Impact: The Shogun's Blade

"Adventures across the lands, killing great monsters, having a big harem... nope. I am reincarnated, but I also have a job and responsibilities. Just how the hell can I gain a vision...

Albusmanc · Jeux vidéo
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The way to the Heart

(3rd POV)

Today in the Hanamizaka a group of people is reunited.

"And so my dear guests! It's time to shine!"

" " "YEAHHHHHHH!" " "

"Boss, don't you think that maybe we could choose some... other forms of gambling that are more... how to say, better than this?"

"Nonsense, my dear follower Kuki, I'm sure that gambling on onikabuto battles would be really beneficial towards our savings!"


"No buts! Can't you see how many are already here to gamble?"

True to his words, a group of people was already gathering to bet on the winning onikabuto. A group of more than a dozen of children was shouting towards two males with mora in hands, ready to take the bets, followed by another two men with their hands clasping around an onikabuto each, waiting for the bets to be placed.

Kuki was sighing another time. While she decides to follow Araki for his charisma and to pave her way, not walking the one already crafted by her family as a shrine maiden, there are times when she doesn't know what to do.

It was also a bit frustrating to continuously bail him out of jail and reimburse damages for the gang, but most of the time Araki's, has done.

" " "Yeah, number one, go!" " "

" " "Don't lose, number two!" " "

But then her gaze fall towards the excited crowd of little children shouting left and right, encouraging their chosen onikabuto, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Well then, I expect that we will do something else after eleven o'clock. We can't stay all the time here with the same game!"

And that was true, only children came here, and while they sure have a lot of energy, in one way or another they will go to bed before midnight, cause they are spent of their parents came to pick them up.

"Of course! The great Araki Gang can't stay in the same place after all!"

Most of the time was because the tenryuou commission was not happy with what is he doing, but telling him that won't change anything, so she stayed silent for the evening.

It was a few minutes before she decided to close the 'gambling den' that a group of elder people came down from Tenryuou, happily talking about a dancer that is the actual center of attention up there.

This picked up the curiosity of almost everyone and Itto decided to close up to see what is going on, even if he was clearly a bit jealous of the attention he obtained while he was there with the group of not too many people.

And so, they arrived at the textiles shop that was closing off, and they noticed that many were also closing off, or returning home, as tomorrow was another day.

Then, before they could ask Ogura if the dancer was continuing his exhibition, their gaze went to the street near her shop, where they could see the one that put so many smiles on the people.

The crowd that was around him was more or less gone, with only a few couples sitting around to admire him, and a few elderly people admiring him.

Everyone was silently watching him and listening to the sound of the chimes he had on his body produced.

Kuki found this scene peaceful... being in a gang was not a decision that would make her rich for sure, but she was happy, going around the city, doing odd jobs here and there, and playing with children. Her days weren't boring, the best way she could arrive was that her days were full.

And then, this relaxing sight made her remember the time before with her family, playing dodgeball with her sister and the other children, and during the cold winter, her mother telling a story around the fireplace.

Heartwarming. Yes, for her, watching this unknown man dancing around with a strange-looking stick was heartwarming.

Then, her leader entered her vision, and she was surprised. Longer was gone his haughty attitude from his face, and now a gentle smile was there.

The aura of tranquility he express now was like a grandparent watching their grandchildren and recalling how much they resembled their sons and daughters when they grew up... No, maybe it was like hers... he was immersed in nostalgia as he was recalling a moment...

She knew that as an oni, he hadn't lived a life filled with roses and flowers, and he also told them a few times that his parents died from illness before he became an adult. He didn't talk about it to no one, but everyone in their gang knew that he was remembering them.

Then, as time passed the members got up from the spot they unconsciously took.

"Hey boss, we are going to accompany the children to their homes before going to sleep"

Without moving his head and in a calm way, new to everyone, he answered.

"Yes, please do so. I will stay there for a bit"

The children were spent and ready to return so no one made a fuss. And then when every kid was at home they decided to take a break to visit their families or friends. Then when they returned, they will do a lavender melon roast for their leader.

And while the group was deciding on the next Arataki Gang festivity, the innocent oni was calmly gazing at the dancer lost in the memories of his family...

Just so you know, I only made this story because I was under quarantine for COVID, so there won't be any scheduling or anything like that. There would be a chapter when I make one, simple as that. I just wrote for the fun.

Advises will be appreciated, but could be also not listened to.

Albusmanccreators' thoughts