
Genshin Impact: The Eight Archon

Li Luo an ordinary man spends his time reading novel but there's something that separates him from the rest he's an flat earther believer. One day he was walking on the street when suddenly he heard the sound of a truck before he could even react the truck was already in front of him, hitting him hard. Li Luo wakes up and find himself in the world of Teyvat and finds that he is transported 7,000 years before canon with him having unique powers. ------time passed After Li Luo participated in the Archon War and win with the help of Morax he become the Eight Archon. He's the only Archon who had no land to rule so he traveled to the seven nations meeting all kinds of people. Since he had no land to govern the Heavenly Principle lock him up in Celestia for thousands of years. After time passed he is finally free, will he guide the traveler or bring destruction to all? (This is a translation guys but i change a lot of premises so it will not be the same as the original i changed things such as place, characters and the plot so i guess you can say this is not totally a translation and instead i created a book different from the original) (I just posted this book because of the author badge) Schedule: 1 chapter a day

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Chapter 12: Hu Tao and Xiangling's talk


Guoba next to him became a little unhappy when he saw that Hutao was scaring Xiangling again.

"I know, Guoba, I didn't want to scare Xiangling, hehe~"

Seeing that Guoba was going to stand up for Xiangling, Hu Tao's dexterous figure flashed and came to the other side of Li Luo.

"What~ Hu Tao, you're scaring me again."

Xiangling put her hands on her hips angrily.

As childhood friends, Hu Tao and Xiang Ling have a very good relationship.

That is, Hu Tao likes to scare Xiangling every time. Seeing Xiangling being frightened, Hu Tao will laugh out loud.

"Hey~ Don't get me wrong, didn't I see Li Luo greet me?"

Seeing Xiangling's appearance, Hu Tao showed a smug smile.

"Li Luo? Do you know Li Luo?"

Xiangling was surprised.

Li Luo was not in Liyue Port before, but only recently returned to Liyue, how did Hu Tao know Li Luo?

"Of course, Li Luo is a senior member of my Funeral Parlor, and any funeral service is only half price. How about it, Xiangling, are you also tempted?"

Hu Tao looked familiar, and wanted to hang Li Luo's shoulders, but he was not tall enough.

"Bah, bah, bah~ I don't want it."

Xiangling was only fifteen years old, how could she think about dying in the future.

"Oh~ you people, why do you always regard life and death as so unlucky, it's normal for people to be born, grow old, get sick and die."

Hu Tao is very mature.

As the seventy-seventh head of the Hall of Rebirth, she has long been indifferent to life and death.

When she went to the Realm of Life and Death and didn't see the souls of the hall masters of the past, she understood that being the hall master of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is definitely not something she will regret.

Because the hall masters of all dynasties have left without regret.

"Although... Although this is the case, it feels weird to say this sentence from your mouth."

Xiang Ling said.

"What's so strange? I really can't figure it out."

Hu Tao shook her head, she felt that she was normal, nothing strange.

To say it was strange, she felt that people in the world were strange, why were they so taboo about life and death.

"By the way, Hu Tao, do you have breakfast? I just happen to have one here."

Li Luo handed the other uneaten bun to Hu Tao.

"Eh?! Is this for me? That's great~ Thanks!"

Hu Tao was not polite at all, took Li Luo's buns and started eating.

"Hu Tao, do you usually get up so early?"

Xiangling asked curiously.

This was the first time she had seen Hu Tao who woke up so early.

"Get up? It seems that you don't understand the work of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor at all. I just woke up, or I just finished my work."

Hu Tao shrugged.

"Then the work of your Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is really troublesome."

XiangLing said.

"Troublesome? It's really troublesome. The most regrettable thing is that other people can't understand it at all. When they see me working at night, they will always back away, so afraid of what we will do."

While speaking, Hu Tao ate up the buns in his hand.

"It's normal."

Xiangling could imagine going out at night and meeting a group of people carrying the coffin, so it's no wonder she wasn't afraid.

"Is it normal?"

Hu Tao couldn't figure it out.

"Thank you for the bun."

Hu Tao patted Li Luo next to him: "From today on, you are my good friend. From now on, I will give you a 10% discount on all clients you introduce."


Li Luo said.

Is the client waiting for him to introduce the rest of the Seven Archons?

Not surprisingly, even if it is a hundred generations later in the Xiangshengtang, the gods will not die.

Even the oldest Morax, worn by time.

Li Luo was a few years younger than Morax.

These thousands of years are more or less wear and tear on him.

But compared to the rest of the Seven Gods, his wear and tear is negligible.

Speaking of which, he didn't know why.

The gods must perform their duties in order to condense powerful divine power, but Li Luo didn't need it at all.

It is estimated that this is also the point that Heavenly Principle can't help Liluo, this guy has no rules at all.

"Okay, not much to say, I should go, um~ the sun is out~ I should also rest."

Hu Tao, who has been working all night, is a little tired at the moment.

Fortunately, there are such big clients every time, otherwise it would be even more difficult to support Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, not to mention Zhongli.

That guy Zhongli didn't know at all to help Wangsheng Funeral Parlor share the pressure and promote business.

Every time I buy something, I don't even know how to bargain. I pay as much as others say, and I don't care that the price has exceeded the original value of the item.

"Go and rest quickly, if you don't go to rest, there will be no successors in your Funeral Parlor."

Seeing Hu tao like this, Xiangling couldn't help but make a joke.

"Ah? That's not necessary, otherwise I will probably become the first hall master to wander in the realm of life and death."

Hu Tao doesn't want to be the first one like this.

She is not afraid of death, but afraid of losing face.

If she died like this, she would definitely have regrets.

It is impossible to pass through the realm of life and death with regrets.

In a short time, Hu Tao had disappeared in front of the two of them.

"What a quickie."

Li Luo laughed.

Back when he was in Earth, Hall Master Hu was also his third five-star character.

Apart from the master himself and Keqing, the one who is guaranteed is Hall Master Hu.

Xiang Ling shook her hand.

"Then why are you still scared by her?"

Li Luo Leng asked indifferently.


Xiang Ling paused in embarrassment, she was afraid.

Why was Hu Tao always telling herself about those weird events when she was a child, which left an indelible shadow on her.

"Haha~ Alright, let's go."

Li Luo stopped teasing Xiang Ling and walked forward.

"Wait for me!"

Xiangling came back to her senses, and hurriedly caught up with the rice cake.


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