
Genshin Impact: The Crit Archon

After travelling to many different worlds and many different place, me and my sister lumine, arrived in the world of Tayvat, we were ready to live but we were attacked by an unknown gods, and here I am know walking up with a system, a flying companion names Paimon, and now I am on quests to find my sister and also Make harem because why not ------- The Idea just came to me to so enjoy this, yes this R18, yes probably large harem, anyway if you couldn't tell MC is Aether and yes he will be getting a Harem, no his sister will not be there, also R18 only doesn't mean sex you guys, but yes there will be lemon's MC: Aether Aether X Harem System: 1 Million times crit system

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Wind Temple part 3

They arrived to the room were the magical egg was, as Aether looked at it

Lisa was going to destroy but Aether stopped her. "Oh why may you be stoping me".

Aether just looked at her. "Your a mage, why don't you just cancel the spell, I wanna keep the eggh for the future".

Lisa raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued by Aether's unusual request. "You want to keep the egg? How... intriguing," she mused, lowering her hand that crackled with lightning. "But you're right, there's no need to be so destructive when we can simply dispel the magic. Quite a clever idea, actually."

Aether nodded, stepping closer to the egg. It radiated a faint, ominous energy—a remnant of the Abyss Order's influence. "We don't know what kind of spell is protecting it, but it could be useful for later. Better to study it than destroy it outright."

Lisa's sly smile returned as she began to weave her fingers through the air, muttering an incantation under her breath. Purple arcs of electricity danced around her hands, converging into a focused point that she directed toward the egg. The air hummed with power as her spell worked to unravel the enchantment surrounding the object.

As the protective magic began to dissolve, the egg's glow dimmed, revealing its true form—a smooth, black surface with intricate, ancient symbols etched across it. Lisa's spell continued to work, neutralizing the residual energy that clung to the egg.

"Interesting," Lisa murmured, her tone more analytical now. "This isn't just any ordinary spell. It's laced with something... unusual. Abyssal, but there's more to it. I'll need to examine it further, but it could prove to be quite the find."

Aether, satisfied that the egg was no longer a threat, carefully picked it up. It was cool to the touch, and he could feel a faint pulse of energy within it, as though it still held some latent power. "We'll keep it safe for now. Maybe we can figure out its secrets later."

Lisa nodded, her eyes still fixed on the egg. "You've got quite the eye for the mystical, Aether. I'm starting to think there's more to you than meets the eye."

Aether smiled lightly, slipping the egg into his pack. "I've learned to keep an open mind on my travels. You never know what might come in handy."

Paimon, who had been watching the exchange with a mix of fascination and confusion, finally spoke up. "Paimon hopes that thing doesn't cause any trouble later! But... it is kind of cool that we're keeping it. Maybe it's like some super rare treasure!"

Aether chuckled, giving Paimon a reassuring nod. "Let's hope it's more of a treasure than a curse."

With the egg safely stored, the trio continued on their way, leaving the now neutralized temple behind. The path ahead was still full of uncertainty, but with each step, Aether felt more confident in his abilities and in the companions by his side. Whatever mysteries or dangers lay ahead, they would face them together—armed not just with swords and spells, but with a shared determination to uncover the truth and protect the world they had come to care for.

They trio arrived and Aether was left to go to Kaeya, as before he left, he kissed Lisa hand and gave her a wink, which made hee blush, as they left, Aether pace was slow as he pulled out the egg, as Aether just looked at Paimon

Paimon just looked at him. "Um Aether what was that, with Lisa".

Aether just looked at her. "I have planned to give my sister a heart attack once a find whe again and the best way to give it is".

Paimon loomer at Aether who has a Grin. "I am scared to ask, but what might that be".

Aether just looked at her spoke. "I am going to make a harem".

As then he saw the system.

[ Will host, more power to you, I don't judge so good luck ]

Paimon stared at Aether, her eyes wide with shock. "A harem? You're serious?"

Aether's grin widened. "I am. It's all part of the plan. The more allies I have, the better prepared I'll be for whatever comes next. And besides, it's not just about power—there's a certain... enjoyment in building relationships and seeing where they lead."

Paimon tilted her head, clearly confused but intrigued. "But isn't that a bit risky? I mean, what if things get complicated?"

Aether shrugged casually, though his eyes sparkled with mischief. "Everything in life has its risks. But if you don't take a chance, you never know what you might miss out on. Besides, I think it'll be fun."

As they continued their journey, Aether couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The idea of creating connections with those around him—and perhaps even forging deeper bonds—seemed both exciting and challenging. The egg in his pack was a reminder of the potential that lay ahead, and he was eager to see how his plans would unfold.

Paimon, meanwhile, seemed to be processing the news. "Well, if you say so. Just remember, Paimon's here to help with whatever you need—harem or not."

Aether chuckled. "Thanks, Paimon. I'll keep that in mind."

Paimon then looked at the egg. "So um what a about the egg what does it have to do with your plan?".

Aether just looked at her. "In my journey I have seen many of these eggs and they always leed to one thing, A Baby Dragon".

Paimon just lapped before it hit her. "Oh Paimon see a baby dragon....I am sorry what A BABY DRAGON?".

Paimon's eyes widened in disbelief. "A baby dragon? Really?"

Aether nodded with a smirk. "Yes, really. From what I've seen, these eggs typically hatch into dragons. Having a dragon as an ally could be quite beneficial."

Paimon looked at the egg with a mix of awe and concern. "But dragons are really powerful, right? Isn't that kind of risky?"

Aether shrugged. "It can be, but it also has the potential to be extremely rewarding. A baby dragon could grow into a strong ally, and having such a creature on our side might be just what we need for future challenges."

Paimon nodded slowly, still processing the idea. "Alright, Paimon gets it now. A dragon could definitely be useful. Let's just hope it's friendly."

As they continued their journey, the prospect of a baby dragon added an extra layer of excitement and anticipation to their adventure. Aether was eager to see what the future held, both in terms of allies and the mysterious potential of the egg.

After coming to the next temple he meet up with Kaeya and just went together in the temple.

As Kaeya and Aether entered the next temple, a place filled with intricate puzzles and traps that required both intellect and a bit of luck to navigate.

Kaeya began examining the first set of targets. With a flick of his wrist, he used his Cryo Vision to hit several targets with precision. "That should take care of that," he said with a smirk.

Aether, intrigued by the challenge, decided to test his new skill. He crafted an air bullet and experimented with combining it with a gander bullet. He launched the fused projectile at a target, and upon hitting it, he heard the familiar *ding* sound.

Aether glanced at the system interface that only he could see:

[ Congratulations, host. You have activated a new skill: Heaven Defying Luck. This luck is detested by gods and even fate itself. ]

He grinned, feeling the thrill of his new power. "Looks like I've unlocked a new skill. It's called Heaven Defying Luck. Apparently, it's something that even fate struggles with."

Kaeya looked over, puzzled. "What's that? I didn't see anything."

Aether shrugged, not going into detail. "Just a little something that should help us. Let's see how it works in action."

As they moved deeper into the temple, Aether's newfound luck seemed to influence their path. He effortlessly solved puzzles and avoided traps with seemingly impossible odds. Every challenge they faced seemed to resolve itself in their favor, whether through fortunate coincidences or unexpected outcomes.

Kaeya, observing Aether's progress, began to notice the ease with which they were overcoming obstacles. "You seem to have quite a knack for this," he remarked, his tone a mix of admiration and curiosity.

Aether, focused on their progress, responded with a grin. "Let's just say I'm having a good day."

The duo continued navigating the temple's maze, with Aether's luck proving instrumental in bypassing traps and solving complex puzzles. As they reached the final chamber, they found themselves facing a large mechanism that seemed nearly impossible to manipulate.

Aether approached the mechanism, confident in his new skill. With a few adjustments and a bit of luck-driven intuition, he managed to unlock the final part of the temple. The mechanism activated, revealing the path to the artifact they needed.

Kaeya looked at Aether with a mixture of respect and intrigue. "Well, that was impressive. I don't think we'd have made it through without your… unique abilities."

Aether chuckled, clearly pleased with the outcome. "Sometimes a little luck goes a long way. Let's head back and report to the others."

As they left the temple, Aether felt a surge of satisfaction. His new skill had proven to be a valuable asset, making what could have been a challenging task much more manageable. With Kaeya by his side, they made their way back, ready to continue their journey and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Aether looked at Kaeya. "You know out of the tree temple I was in, this was Defently the easiest".

Keaye looked at him. "Oh what was the other two like".

Aether just looked at him. "Yeah we will talk about it later, so bye".

Aether walker away, as he did Kaeya relaxes a bit, before his eyes moved to see something, as he heard a giggle as he saw a cryo abyss mages, he looked at and memory did play, he didn't attack it as he was going to speak to it, before a claymore went flying and destroyed thr shield as then a man cane ans slammed the Cryo mages to the ground, before fire from his pyro vision destroyer it,

The man, who had just dispatched a Cryo Abyss Mage with apparent ease, stood with a commanding presence. He had striking red eyes and hair tied into a low ponytail, his outfit a mix of black and red with a fur-lined jacket and a prominent Vision attached at his waist. The atmosphere between him and Kaeya was charged.

Diluc, the man in question, wiped his blade clean and addressed Kaeya with a hint of disdain. "It looks like the knights are getting lazier by the day."

Kaeya, remaining calm but clearly annoyed, responded, "You could say that, Diluc. But we're managing. Besides, your interference is hardly needed."

Diluc's eyes narrowed. "You know as well as I do that these Abyss Mages are getting bolder. And with what you've been up to lately, I don't think you're in a position to lecture me on vigilance."

Kaeya shrugged. "I'm doing what I can. It's not like you've been particularly helpful in recent times."

Diluc scoffed, sheathing his weapon. "Some of us have other responsibilities. Don't get too comfortable thinking you've got everything under control."

Before Kaeya could respond, Diluc turned and walked away, leaving a tense silence in his wake.

Aether approached Kaeya, who was visibly annoyed by the encounter. "Everything alright?"

Kaeya sighed, shaking his head. "Just another day with Diluc. He's always been like this—overly critical and quick to judge. But he's right about one thing: we have been dealing with more Abyss Mages than usual."

Aether nodded thoughtfully. "I can see that. It seems like there's a lot more going on than just these temples. Do you know what might be causing it?"

Kaeya shrugged. "I have my suspicions, but nothing concrete. It's been a challenging time for Mondstadt. Anyway, we've got to stay focused. There's still one more temple to handle."

With that, the two headed off, the encounter with Diluc leaving Aether with a sense of unease. It was clear that tensions ran deep in Mondstadt, and the challenges they faced were far from over. As they approapched the final temple, Aether couldn't help but wonder what other surprises lay ahead in their quest.

Aether looked at Kaeya. "So who was he".

Kaeya just looked at Aether as he remembers, simpler times. "Will he is an old friend".

Paimon just looked at him as she spoke. "Really by how Paimon saw it, you two are more like siblings".

Kaeya nodded, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "In a way, you're not wrong. Diluc and I grew up together, and we've been through a lot. Our relationship has always been... complicated."

Paimon tilted her head, curious. "Complicated how?"

Kaeya sighed, reflecting on their past. "Diluc and I were close once, but we've grown apart over the years. We have different views on how to protect Mondstadt and different ways of handling our responsibilities. It's made things tense between us."

Aether listened intently. "Sounds like there's a lot more to the story."

Kaeya smiled wistfully. "There is. But that's a story for another time. For now, we've got one more temple to deal with. Let's stay focused."

As they approached the final temple, Aether couldn't shake the feeling that the underlying tensions and the past conflicts of Mondstadt's protectors might play a larger role in the challenges they faced. He resolved to keep an eye out for any more surprises, both in the temples and in the relationships around him.

They both looked up in the sky, as they saw the sky clear, as they relsihes that jean has cleaner the Final temple.

Kaeya just looked at the sky. "Will she is the acting grand master for a reason".

Aether nodded and looked up. "Yeah it makes sense".

After awhile they arrived back to the Knight headquarters, as Jean was looking at him with a smile.

Jean looked at Aether. "Thank you for all your help, and do to this I grand you the title of a Knight of the Knight of Favonius".

Aether looked at her before he blinked. "Did I just get a job".

Amber and Lisa had to hold back they lap at stupidness if there Crush, as For Kaeya he let out a chuckle, and as for certain geo made who was studying in the library she screamed a loud fuck, not knowing why.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give power stones