
Genshin Impact: Reincarnated as Summoner

Kazuki Mifune is a programmer who finds himself in the world of Genshin Impact, summoned by a Goddess. With her power, he is able to summon characters from games and anime to join his mercenary band, "The Peaceful Tree." As they traverse Inazuma City, they come across challenges that require them to use their wit and strength. Together, they experience every moment of this new life while helping others along the way. Join Kazuki's journey and discover the Summoning System as you explore the depths of Genshin Impact.

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14 Chs

Knight of Favonius

"Interesting name," the guard remarked before letting Kazuki and Gray pass. The name was just the meaning of Kazuki's name. He was just lazy to think of another name.

As they walked away, Gray complained, "Why did you have to kick my ass like that? I was just trying to cool off."

Kazuki rolled his eyes, "You were causing a scene, and we need to maintain a good reputation. We can't afford the city guards to watch our every move."

Kazuki continued, "We need to be professional if we want to attract high-paying contracts. Acting like a child and causing trouble isn't going to help us in the long run."

Gray sighed, "I know, I know. I get a bit carried away sometimes. But you're right; we need to be more careful from now on."

Kazuki nodded, "Good. Let's focus on completing our current contract and continue to build up our reputation. We can't afford any more slip-ups like this."

Kazuki continued, "Let's go to the Knight Headquarters to pick Artoria up. I also need some business with Lisa."

Mondstadt was a city alive with energy and activity. As Kazuki and Gray walked through the busy streets, they were surrounded by the clamour of merchants advertising their products, young ones enjoying themselves, and a bard reciting stories about a heroic figure.

The city was built on a hill, with the towering spires of the Grand Cathedral at its centre, and from almost any vantage point, one could see the glittering expanse of Lake Mondstadt and the lush forests that surrounded the city.

The sky was a clear blue, with a few fluffy white clouds floating lazily overhead. The sun beat down on the bustling streets, casting sharp shadows and causing people to seek shade wherever they could find it.

Despite the heat, the people of Mondstadt went about their business with determination and energy, their faces lit up with excitement and anticipation. The city was indeed a sight to behold, with its colourful buildings, bustling streets, and vibrant energy.

As they walked towards the Knight Headquarters, Kazuki couldn't help but think about their difficulties in the past five months. The mercenary band was slowly gaining a reputation, but it was still far from achieving their goal of becoming the best mercenary band in Teyvat.

As they entered the Knight Headquarters, Kazuki spotted Jean, the Knights of Favonius acting leader, talking with Artoria. He approached her and greeted her with a bow. "Greetings, Acting Grand Master Jean. I hope you are well."

Jean smiled at Kazuki's greeting and returned the bow. "Greetings, Kazuki. I'm doing well, thank you. Artoria has been a great help in identifying some internal issues we've been facing. Her insight has been invaluable to us."

Artoria nodded in agreement, "I've just been doing what I can to help. The Knights of Favonius is an important institution in Mondstadt, and we must keep them functioning smoothly."

Kazuki smiled, "I'm glad to hear that our mercenary band can be of assistance to the Knights of Favonius."

Jean turned her attention to Kazuki and asked, "Kazuki, I have a proposition for you. As you know, Artoria has been an invaluable asset to the Knights in solving some of our internal problems. We would be honoured to have her as an honorary knight of the Knights of Favonius. What do you think?"

Kazuki thought about it for a moment before responding, "I think it would be a great opportunity for Artoria and a way for our mercenary band to establish a closer relationship with the Knights. I see no reason why not."

Jean smiled, "Wonderful! I will prepare the necessary paperwork and make Artoria's induction official. Thank you, Kazuki."

Kazuki nodded, "It's my pleasure, Jean. We are happy to contribute in any way we can."

Jean noticed Gray standing behind Kazuki and gave him a tired look. "Gray, please try not to cause too much trouble while you're here," she said with a hint of exasperation in her voice. "Many of our members are complaining about your behaviour."

Kazuki rolled his eyes and sighed, knowing Gray's behaviour would always be a source of trouble for their group. "Gray may be a bit of a troublemaker, but he's a valuable member of our mercenary band. Of course, I agree with you, Jean. We need to maintain a professional image if we want to be taken seriously."

Gray rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement. "Fine, fine. I'll try to behave," he said begrudgingly.

Kazuki and Gray left Jean's office, leaving Artoria to finish her business with Jean. As they walked through the streets of Mondstadt, Kazuki noticed that Gray seemed deep in thought.

"Hey, what's on your mind?" He asked.

Gray was silent for a moment before responding. "I'm just wondering why Jean is so strict regarding behaviour around the Knights," he said. "It's like she expects everyone to be perfect."

Kazuki shrugged. "I guess it makes sense that she would want the Knights to maintain a certain respectability," he said. "After all, they are representing an entire city."

Gray nodded thoughtfully, saying, "Well, I know I should try my best not to cause trouble then." He sighed and continued, "It's just hard for me sometimes because I'm used to doing things my own way."

Kazuki patted him on the shoulder in an attempt to reassure him. "I understand how you feel," he said. "But remember, you are part of this group now, and we need everyone working together to succeed."

As Kazuki and Gray entered the Library, they ran into Lisa, the librarian of the Knights of Favonius. Lisa couldn't resist teasing Gray about his argument with the guards earlier.

Gray scowled at the thought of Lisa teasing, clearly not in the mood for jokes.

"So, Gray, I heard you caused quite a scene with the guards earlier. Trying to show off your muscles again?" she said with a smirk. "I'm surprised they didn't arrest you this time."

Gray rolled his eyes and retorted, "It was hot, and I needed to cool off. Is that such a crime?"

Lisa chuckled, "Well, technically, public indecency is a crime. But I won't tell if you won't."

Kazuki took the opportunity to change the subject, "So, Lisa, do you have books that tell the story of the Stormterror? I'm curious about his history and how he became such a threat to Mondstadt."

Lisa's eyes sparkled with excitement at the mention of books. "Oh, I have plenty of books about the Stormterror," she replied. "In fact, I have a whole section dedicated to the history of Mondstadt. I'm sure we can find something that will pique your interest."

She led Kazuki to a nearby bookshelf and began browsing through the titles. "Here we go," she said, pulling out a thick tome. "This one is called 'The Rise and Fall of the Stormterror.' It's a comprehensive history of the dragon and his influence on Mondstadt."

Kazuki took the book from her and flipped through the pages, scanning the text and illustrations. "This looks like exactly what I was looking for," he said with a smile. "Thank you, Lisa."

"So, how about a date then?" Lisa's voice is light and airy, her words a sweet melody that fades into a giggle at the end. It's clear she's toying with Kazuki, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Kazuki chuckled at Lisa's playful remark. "I appreciate the offer, Lisa, but I'm afraid I have to decline. I have a lot of responsibilities as the leader of my mercenary group, and I don't have much free time."

"Your response is as cold as usual" Lisa's face falls slightly, her lips pursing into a thin line and her eyebrows furrowing in slight disappointment. Her eyes glimmer with a hint of sadness, but her words are light and teasing.

Kazuki smiled wryly. "I'm sorry if I come across as cold. It's just that I have to be focused on our mission, and I don't want any distractions."

Lisa smiled back at him. "I understand, Kazuki. Your dedication to your work is admirable. But don't forget to take some time for yourself occasionally. It's important to have a balance."

Kazuki smiled softly and gave a slight nod in appreciation for Lisa's advice. "Thank you, Lisa. I'll keep that in mind."

As Kazuki and Lisa continued their conversation, they suddenly heard the sound of the library doors opening. They turned to see Artoria entering the room with a small smile as she took in the rows of books.

"Ah, Artoria, how did your meeting with Jean go?" Kazuki asked, approaching her.

"It went well," Artoria replied. "Jean was pleased with my insights into the issues facing the Knights of Favonius. She has asked me to stay longer to help them with some of their tasks."

"Then stay longer for a while." Said Kazuki to Artoria


"No buts. Gray will escort me for the rest of the day. Just get back home after you finish your business." Kazuki then faced Lisa and said, "Lisa, I will take this book with me."

"Sure, just return it on time."

As they left the building, someone else joined them and greeted Kazuki, "Captain."

Kazuki raised an eyebrow in surprise at Souei's sudden appearance. "Souei, any updates?" he asked.

Gray, who hadn't expected Souei to appear out of nowhere, was taken aback. "Holy—! I can never get used to you suddenly appearing like that, dude!"

Souei ignored Gray's comment and reported to Kazuki. "I found 'them'. The one you were looking for."

Kazuki nodded slowly. "Which one?" he asked cautiously.

"The girl one," Souei replied.

Kazuki let out a sigh of relief and nodded again in acknowledgement. "Lumine," he breathed softly. He knew that finding her would be difficult, but now they had a lead—it was time to take action and find her. "Where is she?"